
His eyes were like sharp daggers stabbing straight at us. My body shuddered involuntarily, I was more afraid of the murderous look in his eyes than the fact that there was a gun pressed against my throat.

"Let her go. And get off the van." He ordered calmly. 

I could see Fred and several other of his men behind him and dread pooled in the pit of my stomach. Whichever way this was going, I knew it wouldn't end well for me. It was either I got killed by Anya, or Lucian would do it himself. The dark glint in his eyes as he stared at us surely told me that dying by his hands would be a million times painful. 

"I'm not that stupid," Anya spoke, shoving the gun further into my skin, her finger tightened even more as she met Lucian's frosty stare. 

"Open the gates! And order them to leave, or I'm going to kill her!"