
He suddenly produced a wicked-looking blade and for a second, I just stare at him paralyzed by fear. Then, I started to back away slowly, keeping my eyes locked with his. 

There wasn't enough space to move inside the car and soon enough, my back was pressed against the very edge of the seat and windows. 

In the next flash of moment, stern hands suddenly gripped my shoulders and I screamed and started to struggle. 

One of his palmed cupped my face in an almost delicate manner but I wasn't fooled.

"Don't move." His voice was deceptively gentle, his face was an expressionless mask, but I could feel the rage simmering quietly underneath. 

I expected the knife to go through me but he only used it to cut off the ropes from my wrists. His face was close to mine, I could see the slight flare of his nostrils as he inhaled.