
The days slowly turned into weeks, I was finally allowed to leave the room and walk around by myself. My injuries were healed and I could finally move around without pain, even better was that I could finally stop taking those disgusting blood capsules. 

I tied my hair into a ponytail, it was longer now, already brushing past my shoulders. Today, I could finally do what I had been anticipating in these past days. Lucian was working at this time which was why I considered it as the best opportunity. 

I walked into the kitchen to see Geoffrey, he didn't realize my presence until I was merely some spaces away. 

"Ma'am!" He exclaimed. 

I crossed both my arms, it wasn't the first time I had told him to just call me by my name, but he always preferred to call me just that or addressing me as Mrs. Castiel. I always felt odd because he was quite elderly to me.