
I couldn't believe I said that. 

I didn't know if I would have gone ahead with it, but I knew that I would not be able to live with myself after this if Derek died from this incident. 

I tightened my hand around the gun, my heart pounding faster and harder until it threatened to break out. All the while, I heard Lucian's stare and knew the exact moment he gave in. He was bloody furious at me but I also saw the anxiety he had not been able to hide, he didn't want to guess if I would actually do it or not and it worked to my advantage. 

"Fine!" He spoke in between gritted teeth, shoving Derek away roughly but not before giving him a cheap knee to the gut. 

I did not rejoice on my victory, it was still far from over, the danger was still looming and currently striding towards me in heavy steps. 

"Don't come closer!" I yelled, taking a step backward.