
A look of triumph flickered across his features, his fingers softly caress my face as though he thought this was a dream that would fade away if he held me any tighter. 

"Tell me again." He demanded, his voice was thick, his gaze burning into mine, devouring all of me, leaving me no option but to give in to his demand. 

"I love you...It's only you Lucian, you don't need to doubt that." My voice was no more than a whisper, each word was torn from out of my very soul. I was consumed by the power of his stare which turned several shades darker as his pupils dilated, his grip on me tighter, much more confident as his lips met mine hard, making me whimper from the fierceness of his ownership. 

He only kissed me deeper, tongue and all. The fire started in my chest, slowly spreading the warmth all over my body until a muffled moan escaped my mouth.