
"You are mine!" He growled, flipping me on my stomach so that I was on all fours against the bed. I could feel him positioned on my entrance and in one hard surge, he was inside of me. Stretching me to the brim. I groaned at the feel of him, a small pinch of pain, combined with a surge of pleasure drove me insane with even more need. 

I hopelessly clung onto the sheets as he set a punishing pace. 

Our flesh slapped together, making wet erotic noises that echoed in the room as he thrusts harder and faster. 

"You like that, don't you!? Who does this body belong to!" He pants, delivering two quick successive slaps to my ass cheeks when I delayed in answering.

I whimpered my complaint,  starting to reach out my hand to massage the spot when he barked out a warning.