Chapter 23: Brynhildr Selia Bloodforth

Part 1

◇Imperial Capital of the Empire of Eulia; noble district Elkan street.◇

Duke Marcus sat quietly in the carriage as it drove down the street that led to the Imperial Palace.

The road is quiet and knights are everywhere, patrolling. Did they close off the streets because of the Emperor's order?

As his city was twenty kilometers away from the Empire, it took an entire day to arrive here by carriage. Their horses couldn't run the entire day so there was that as well. They had to set up camp outside a forest which was quite unpleasant and unsightly for a noble of ducal status.

Had the notice from the Imperial Palace came earlier then they would've set up multiple bases so the duke and his men could rest. It would serve as checkpoints.

However, since it came so abruptly, there was no choice but to bear with the circumstances.

"My dear, you haven't slept since last night." A female's voice came from next to Marcus.

She was one of his two mistresses who lived on the same property as Judith. Although, they had an annex that was built for them outside. Since he couldn't bring Sebas along, Marcus had told this woman to accompany him. Before becoming his wife, she had worked for a noble as a maid before, so she was good enough to serve him.

"Jeanne, I know you're concerned but I'm fine." Marcus said and gazed out of the window. They were now in the noble district. It would be a few minutes until they reached the Imperial Palace.

"Really? You're not thinking about that warrior again are you?"

"…." Marcus glanced at Jeanne and narrowed his eyes.


"No. There's no need to apologize. To be honest, it would be a lie if I said there wasn't that worry that I'll run into him again. I've gotten stronger after our last encounter--which was a decade ago. But, there's a possibility he has gotten stronger as well."

Marcus had battled against that warrior to almost near death. Both of them were left with scars and injuries that took a long time to heal.

Just as he had a big impact on Marcus' mentality as a fighter, perhaps it was the same for him. Maybe he too had a simple thought of being scared to meet Marcus again.

"The Theocracy are a scary bunch, aren't they…" Marcus muttered. It was to no one in particular.

"So, Jeanne, how is the boy doing?"

He was referring to his newborn son.

"He has been drinking his milk regularly which is a relief. I was worried that he'll keep rejecting me whenever I try to breastfeed him."

"I see, I see. You must look after the boy. I want him to become a strong and reliable older brother to Thomas. Who did you assign to look after him?"

"I told Rebecca to look after him. She owes me a favor, after all."

"Oh? You ladies sure get along. I was worried you'll fight every single day, which is why I had the annex have four bedrooms."

"Although we are from different backgrounds, we are connected by lord husband. Thus, there is no reason for us to fight. Plus, I quite like miss Rebecca's company."

Marcus nodded in satisfaction. Unlike the strife between Judith and Adrianna, his mistresses knew that they had to act proper, lest they face the wrath of the first and second wives.

"Do you need me to pleasure you before your meeting with His Majesty? It seems to me that you need some release." Jeanne asked since Marcus was a man with a lot of lust.

For that reason, he had courted a lot of woman in his younger years, which was why he had four wives now. One was never enough and Adrianna, as his first wife, understood that.

Although others may criticize his son for his debauchery behavior, he was no different. It had dimmed down ever since he got so old, but there was still that desire in him to make love to his women whenever the chance arises.

"There is no need. I am fine."

But that had to wait.

Marcus looked up at the Imperial Palace after climbing out of the carriage.

The skyscraper blocked the view of the sun and cast a giant shadow over a large part of the noble district.

"Duke Marcus!" A nearby Imperial Knight ran towards the carriage that stopped in front of the Imperial Palace's gate.

"Oh. You're the one who recently enlisted your son to train under my household's knights. I can remember how you came last minute when the others were about to head off to the training facility." Marcus recognized the middle-aged knight.

"It is an honor having been remembered by such an amazing person such as you!" The man bowed respectfully.

Marcus patted the man on the shoulder.

"Your son will become a fine warrior one day. I can see that. Alright now, lead the way."

"Understood!" The man walked ahead of Marcus and told the other guards to open the gate.

"Jeanne, I want you to look after my Thunder Spear for me." Marcus said.

"Is, is that truly alright? I-It is a treasure belonging to the Berkley family…For me to carry such a thing…"

"Yes. Besides, I won't need it for now." He had expected to fight immediately after arriving, however, that didn't seem to be the case. Unless the Emperor wanted him to set out immediately after explaining the details, he didn't need the spear. It would merely be for decoration.

"I will make sure to look after it, my lord!"

Marcus smiled before patting her cheek. His warm hand touched her cheek for a mere moment before he followed the Imperial Knight.

Jeanne shouted a final: Good luck!

Marcus looked straight ahead as they entered the Imperial Palace's gate. Surrounding him from all sides were magnificent gardens planted by the royals themselves.

The first princess Copria loved planting flowers so most of what Marcus was seeing was probably her doing.

'I wonder how the princes and princesses are doing. When was the last time I saw the others? Even Olivia is being distant these days.'

"Why are there so few servants around?"

"Ah, His Majesty does not want anyone within the Palace so all servants were ordered to leave. Only the knights who fend off any enemy attacks were allowed to stay."

Marcus' face hardened.

"Isn't that too foolish? He is essentially dimming down the security of the palace. Even if I am here, I cannot prevent any damage to the Palace. I can only guarantee his life."

What matter could make him order such a thing? For some reason, I'm having a bad feeling. Did I eat something weird? No, no. Jeanne wouldn't put anything weird in my food.

Marcus and the knight continued down the long hallway. Not a soul was in sight. Only the clanking of armor and boots echoed through the hallway.

They walked for a few minutes before arriving in front of a room.

"The others have already gathered in this waiting room. They came a few hours before Duke Marcus did."


The knight opened the waiting room's door.

Marcus learned what the knight meant by others when the door opened.

"It's them…?"

Gathered inside the room were the three other 9th star powerhouses of the Empire of Eulia.

All three of their gazes turned towards the door as silence descended upon the room.

The Great Nobles were known as the strongest noble houses in the Empire. Not only do they possess great wealth, connections, and lineage, but also possess the strongest powers in this Empire. They received the treasures of the Empire which had been passed down from generation to generation. An example of such a treasure would be Marcus' spear.

Vance von Penston, or known as Piercer Vance. He was a marquis who Marcus had known for thirty years. He was part of the Crown Faction that supported the Crown Prince's rise to the throne. That alone gave Julius(Crown Prince) the chance to outshine his siblings even if he wasn't the eldest by chance.

Although lower by one noble rank than Marcus, both possessed the same power ranking of 9 stars. The two were considered rivals and had always been long time friends.

Also, although Celeste was one of Arnold's childhood friends, the two had lost contact a few years ago. No, more like Celeste broke that contact. Their children didn't get along but the two of them were still going strong.

Vance was a lean, tall man who wore glasses. He had blonde hair and sharpened yellow eyes. Although he wasn't as buff as a warrior should be, his strengths lay in speed and lightning fast reflexes.

"Gyahahaha! I heard he gripped His Highness Jurius face until the prince cried!!" Vance slapped Marcus' back with a hearty laugher.

"H-How have I not heard of this…" The duke looked downcast.

'Why must Al always do these kinds of things?'

"That idiot(Jurius) always makes a fool of himself even if he tries to mock someone else! You should hear the kind of things the people are saying about him!"

"Come now. Even if he is rumored to lose his title, he is still a prince. It is inappropriate to laugh, you idiot." A feminine voice said to Vance.

She was a woman with long brown hair and green eyes. She wore special silver dress armor crafted by master craftsmanship. It provided defense which could handle attacks from even S rank monsters.

She had a breastplate on the left side of her chest and a quiver of arrows on her back.

At her side, against the wall, stood her mighty bow of the Deity Elves. It was forged by the first fallen branch of the World Tree and the string was made from silk that could not cut even by the sharpest of swords.

She was known as Ariane Marldor.

Born to a family of commoners, she started as a cadet in the knight order. She worked her way up and was handed the national treasure of the Elven race when she saved the World Tree from the demise it almost faced all those years ago.

"Come now, everyone~! We mustn't act like children. We are about to meet His Majesty." The next one who spoke was a woman who was wearing a pure white robe made from a high-class material that could defend the wearer like armor.

The woman had a friendly atmosphere around her, however, she had a glint in her eyes that made one think of her as someone who liked trouble. Her smirk contrasted her cutesy voice which was brimming with positivity.

She was known as the Fairy Millennium because she could heal a thousand people at once. Although she was a Spiritualist with a healer class, she could summon many high rank angels to aid her in battle. Her main form of offense was Light Magic spells.

Her name was Feldina Ulsian. She had long ears and bright blue hair with bits of white on the tips. Her eyes were as green and radiant as gemstones. One might mistake her long ears for the Elven race, however, she was actually a fairykin.

She's been a legal resident of the Empire for a decade by now. She came from the Fairy Province that lay near the Elven Forest. Together both races formed the World Tree Alliance. Both races were tied to the World Tree so they had been vassals even before humans came from another continent and dominated this one.

Marcus and Feldina didn't really see eye to eye so he was rather stiff whenever they met. Plus, she was still so young. Well, it looked that way to him. As with Elves, Fairies had a long lifespan.

These four were referred to as the Great Nobles.

"Why have you come here, Feldina?"

Ariane narrowed her eyes at Feldina.

"Well~ I was just in the neighborhood when I heard that His Majesty was seeking an audience with the powerhouses of the Empire~. I came by as soon as I heard~"

"So you're just here without permission then? His Majesty might discuss national class secrets with us in that meeting room. It would be unwise to allow outsiders inside. You are still not an official citizen."

"Whaat~!? But I have documents that state that I am!"

"You are still a fairykin."

"You're so mean! I might be a fairykin but I'm still one of you~"

"Then break contact with your people then we can trust you."

"I can't do that~"

"Then you are not welcomed here."

"Guys, help me out here!" Feldina pleaded to Vance and Marcus with fake tears in her eyes.

Ariane was right to refer to Feldina as an outsider. Despite being a legal citizen of this nation, she was still attached to her people in the Fairy Alliance. As with many diplomatic issues, there was a worry that she'll sell the information being discussed in the palace, to her own people.

That was why she—despite being a Great Noble—is never a part of national class meetings.

The reason she became a citizen of this Empire was because she wanted to experience being in a nation of humans. That and the Empire of Eulia was in her people's good books.

On the surface at least.

'These two are at it again.'

Maybe it was because Ariane did not like the Fairy race in general but the two of them would always argue about something. But Ariane had a point.

She was an outsider when it came to matters concerning the Empire.

In addition, Feldina is the only non-human.

"Let's see what His Majesty has to say about this. If he's fine with it then we cannot object." Marcus came between the two since it seemed like Ariane was about to fire an arrow at Feldina.

"Yes. Perhaps my insight is necessary!"

Ariane snorted mockingly.


A knock came in the room at that moment.

--His Majesty has granted the permission to head to the conference room.

The same imperial knight from before said after opening the door.

All four individuals stood up at once.

Part 2

The meeting room's was opened by the imperial knight. They could see a tired look on the Emperor's face.

He was a man in his 50s with hair that was on the verge of turning grey. His stout figure was as a result of being in wars and battling soldiers from enemy nations. He had on a high class gown which displayed his royal status. As with many of his previous family members, he had blonde hair and blue eyes which all of his sons inherited.

His two daughters had inherited their mother's beauty and silver hair.

'Where is the Empress? She is always present even if there is meetings between two countries. This is worrisome. He even excluded his wife.'

While he wanted to exchange pleasantries, Marcus and the others only silently entered.

Jurnick didn't seem to mind Feldina's presence. That meant that she was also welcomed to sit in on the meeting, despite being an outsider.


Just by saying that one word, they could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"I will not waste everyone's time. I understand that you have territories to rule and families to protect. Ah, Fairy Millennium, it is a pleasure to see you after so long."

"Yes~! Thank you for allowing me to enter the palace, Your Majesty~!"

Jurnick nodded with a tired smile and looked at everyone present.

"What is there that requires our attention?"

Vance asked as cold sweat dripped down his chin.

Marcus focused on the Emperor as he opened his mouth.

The Emperor leaned forward and looked at all of his subordinates.

"The Vampire Queen of the city north of our empire has informed us that she would like to visit this nation. Her subordinate has been sent to inform us as to why."

Jurnick looked over the heads of the Great Nobles. The room's doors opened at that moment.


Quiet footsteps echoed.

It was those of a single individual. The individual was not human.

Instantly, multiple sources of killing intent radiated in the room.

The Great Nobles were looking at the man who had arrived as if they wanted to pounce on him.

Even Feldina who was known for her positive personality had a dangerous expression on her face. Her face twisted horribly as if she chewed a bug. Lights gathered around her body which made her hair flutter magically.

Their attention shifted from the Emperor to the "demon" that entered.

That's right. He had pale grey skin and razor sharp teeth. Not just his appearance, his entire body was giving off the scent of a demon.

The person in question only walked towards them with a nonchalant smile on his handsome face.

He wore an exquisite designer suit which seemed to be of royal class quality. His black hair was slicked back and his gait was upright and confident.

The demon's eyes were closed, however, he opened them when he looked towards Jurnick. He disregarded the presences of the other four.

"Thank you for granting me an audience, Your Majesty." With an exaggerated bow, the demon introduced himself. "My name is Vetis Sili and I serve the being known as the Undead Queen. With permission from the Emperor, I have been granted an audience. And please do not group me with regular demons. I am much higher than them in our racial hierarchy."

"Your Majesty! How can you allow a demon to enter our land!?"

Vance von Penston shouted at the top of his lungs. He took a tone that no other nobles would dare take with a monarch.

In response to his question, Jurnick sighed.

"I understand your worry, however, this is only a meeting between the rulers of two nations. Nothing else. I am aware of what happened to the Luthial Royal Family as well and will not let my guard down in their presence. Do not worry."

"Indeed. Although I have not an inkling as to what Lady Selia is thinking by making contact with humans after the last one spat in our faces." The demon shrugged. "Then again, I cannot comprehend the mind of my master anyway."

The demon's voice which was that of a human's irritated the Great Nobles. Just standing next to him made it feel like they wanted to rip his head off.

They must be evaluating his strength as well, Marcus thought to himself.

Even receiving the glares of four powerful humans wasn't fazing the demon at all. Marcus knew that the other three powerhouses were also wary towards this demon.

"You wanted to discuss the matter of the Luthial Kingdom, no? Then let us hear it." Jurnick gestured for him to continue.

Vetis sat on one of the chairs which was further away from any of them.

"Indeed. I would like to correct a misunderstanding on the part of the Theocracy."

They silently listened to the demon speak.

"Even my master expressed her shock when she heard the kingdom was invaded after we gave a vassalage contract to the king. I would like to point out that neither my Master nor any other denizen of our city meant any harm."

"Yet a kingdom fell under this misunderstanding."

"I do understand your suspicions, Your Majesty. But please, take heed of my words. We did not mean any harm. We did not know the customs of this world which were that our kind were enemies of humans."

"Isn't that obvious!?" Vance hit the table.

Vetis chuckled in reply to his outburst.

"Although we are flattered by the fear the humans harbor towards us—"


The four individuals besides Jurnick tasted that word in their mouths.

How on earth could they be flattered by another's fears towards them?

"—We intend to become a friendly nation."

Vetis' words were greeted by silence. He coughed into his hand when he noticed the confused expressions on their faces.

"Let me clarify. We will not harm any nation on this continent even if we possess the power to do so. Our Queen only wants to live amongst humans. Her saying goes: I want all races to live together in harmony. Not under my rule. All of us must be equal."

"….." Even Jurnick's face hardened.

"My, it seems none of you believe me. However, I am serious. That is what she said."

"Let me get this straight…." Jurnick rubbed his temples. "Your Master truly believes such a thing is possible?"

"Well, no. Not right now."

"Then why did you make contact with the Kingdom without considering the consequences? Instead of taking such an action, shouldn't you have started taking it small steps at a time?"

To Jurnick's question, the demon shrugged.

"If those humans are so threatened by us, then why don't they attack our nation?"

The demon showed his razor sharp teeth as if he hit a bingo.


"Instead of slaughtering so many people of that Kingdom, why did they not just invade ours? Thus getting rid of the future problem directly?"

Vetis looked at all the people in the room. All of them had troubled expressions on their faces.

Marcus could tell that, like him, none of them knew the answer.

Vetis sighed and supplied the answer.

"It is because they fear our might. Lady Selia possesses power equal to the beings of legend as you know them as. That alone should tell others how powerful our Queen really is. Then there is also the fact that we possess items that could threaten them as well. It gives us an overwhelming advantage."

"Which items…?"

Marcus already guessed as to what Vetis meant, but he asked to make sure.

"Star-class artifacts."

Silence again. The air in the room froze at Vetis' words. Jurnick's eyes widened.

"H-How is that…"

"Hahaha. Well, why would I tell anyone that?"

Vetis said mockingly.

"Although I cannot reveal as to how or where we found said artifacts, know that if we wanted to, we can launch a continental invasion. The only reason as to why we do not is as I said before: We merely want to become friends."


Jurnick looked into demon's eyes. Vetis didn't look away or change his expression.

It seemed sincere. Then again, he might've been very good at controlling his emotions so that they wouldn't show.

"I see…."

"I am only a messenger so, if Your Majesty would like to speak with my master in person, that can be arranged. All we need is your permission."


Marcus looked at Jurnick. The Emperor's facial expressions kept changing as if he were waging something.

'We can't trust them.'

Though he wanted to say that, he couldn't tell the Emperor what to do. It was extremely unbecoming of someone of his status. Plus, there might be benefits to gain from siding with the Vampire Lord.

The difference between this Empire and the Kingdom was that the former had the Great Nobles as their last line of defense.

Even if the Theocracy fearlessly charged with their armies, many casualties would ensue. On both sides.

The Great Nobles were beings comparable in strength to the [Warriors of the Word of God], after all.

Plus ,Feldina could use 7th-rank magic which could revive anyone, so long as their bodies were intact. There were no magic casters capable of doing the same in the Theocracy.

Even if one of the Great Nobles were to die, Feldina could just revive them. Although, that meant that she would also have to be protected. The healer would always be attacked first, after all.

'Wait a second…Did he also consider this possibility?' Marcus' eyes narrowed as he looked at the Greater Demon. Then, they widened.

'If so, then this is no ordinary demon. He weighed the merits and demerits of making contact with us. He knows that the Theocracy would think twice about attacking this Empire even if they were to find out about this meeting.'

Marcus' entire body was covered by goosebumps.

'He's just sitting there, yet I'm quivering in fear. I believe the last time I felt that was when I met that warrior?'

Marcus held back a sigh.

Jurnick grunted at that moment. That was a sign that he had finally gained an answer.

He looked back at Vetis, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Considering the fact that a monarch of a nation is visiting another nation, this will be a big deal. Even if it is a small city she rules, she still holds a title similar to mine."

"Ahhh…Do not worry about that, Your Majesty."

Vetis said coolly.

"What do you mean?"

"If need be, she can come right now. All I must do is inform her that you have given permission."

"That's possible!?" Feldina spoke for the first time.

"Yes. With a certain magic called "Dimensional Gate". It is a creation of the person she admires the most. That person is no longer with us but his magic is a memento of his might." Vetis lifted his hand and above it, a small portal formed.

Another one formed on the table. He pushed one finger through. His finger came out of the portal from the table.

"So…almost like teleportation. However, there is a limit to how far that spell could be utilized." Marcus said as he remembered the explanation Adrianna taught him way back then.

She was also capable of teleportation magic, after all.

"Yes. And with this spell, even if one were to be on the other side of the world, you can safely pass through. Though there is a delay. It was created so the Laws of Logic must still apply to it."

Vetis cancelled out the magic.

"May I hear your answer?"


All four of the Empire's strongest looked towards Jurnick.

The Emperor closed his eyes for a second. A few seconds later, he opened them.

"….Very well. However my subordinates will be present in case of danger."

"Yes, yes. While word of mouth is important, it can be broken at any given time by the side which holds more might. It is only natural to be cautious."

Vetis pressed his ear for a minute and closed his eyes.

'Is he messaging her?'

He had heard of such magic before, although it had its own limits as well. Well, given the fact that these beings could create space bending magic, Marcus wasn't surprised if there were no limits at all.

When a minute passed, a black gate, far bigger than what Vetis had produced, formed in the corner of the room.

"—My loyal subordinate, you have done well."

A female's voice came from within the gate. A second later, the person emerged.

White hair, black dress and red eyes. She looked like a young woman in her late teens.

However, the pressure she gave off was even more than the Greater Demon from before. No, it was terrifyingly more.

She smiled, showing her razor sharp teeth.

"Hello, humans of this Empire. My name is Brynhildr Selia Bloodforth. I am the Queen of the Undead Nation."