Intermission - Silver Dragon Lord, Suarif Elipus

The Culb mountains covered up to three nations' worth of land and forest. It was thousands of kilometers long and divided the continent of Diacree by a tenth of the total land it possessed.

In a particular region close to the Demihuman Kingdom, there was a certain mountain range that was dominated by a rather ferocious individual. He was at the top of the food chain in the Ylisia Mountain Range.

The mountain range was located near the Holy Kingdom and Demihuman Kingdom's border. It was north of the Great Ridge. Beyond the Great Ridge was the Demihuman Kingdom.

Suar stared at both kingdoms as he sat down on thee edge of the cliff. He could see as far as a hundred kilometers with his Dragon God's eyes, a special racial ability.

"Nimrid, have all the children returned from the hunt yet?" Suar spoke.

He was the Dragon Lord of Wrath and Silver, Suarif Elipus or Suar for short. He was the dominating dragon out of all the existing dragons in the forest and mountains. He was the highest specie so it was clear by that alone that he was powerful.

The one he addressed was one of his concubines. Compared to his huge frame, she wasn't even half his size. Well, he wasn't only the strongest dragon there was in this region but also the biggest.

The dragons from other regions would flee just after glancing at his mighty figure.

"….No, they are still busy with the hunt."

Suar harrumphed.

"Don't tell me they cannot even catch it?"

To test the abilities of his children, Suar had caught a wyvern to act as a target for their tests. If it was caught then it would be eaten.

If it escaped then he will let it keep its life. Worrying over a small creature such as that was idiotic. Although the wyvern would be left in peace, the same couldn't be said for his children if they failed a test their almighty and proud father specifically organized for them.

"The three boys are still growing, my lord…" Nimrid lowered her head as she said that.

"Hm." Suar ignored whatever she said and looked over the mist that loomed over the grand forest that he ruled. His mighty gaze swept across the dragons serving him as well. Their trembling bodies as his godly gaze landed on them gave his satisfaction that only a ruler dominating the weak could have.

"These are times of peace. Is it not?"

His words didn't need a reply so Nimrid kept quiet. If anything, he was in the midst of his own monologue.

"I have lived through six generations of monarchs and have seen many atrocities caused by humans and demihumans. Each time it is needless slaughter. Even the innocents aren't safe." His emerald green eyes had a powerful light that only a King could have. "Blood and guts…these are the things I have not seen in a very long time. Where are the tyrants and villains during these times of peace? Are they preparing out of the eyes of others? Will war be ignited now that the Undead Nation is officially a state? What of the Theocracy, the ones who believe Melis' followers are the most superior? What do they think of undead monsters and demons being their neighbors?"


"My questions will most likely be answered over time. Huhuhu. It is very disappointing that I cannot see chaos once again. My children will grow up weak if they are not ready for war. I, myself was born during a war and have faced countless near death experiences. A pity that my children will never grow up to be as mighty as I am." He turned his giant head and looked down at his youngest concubine. "Nimrid."

Noticing that he had been talking about unnecessary things, Suar changed the subject.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Where is my first wife? It has been far longer than a month. Mating season has already arrived."

"Ah…She is…" Nimrid's face twisted when she was confronted about the first wife. 

"What is the matter? Bring her to me quickly. I must make a strong boy to inherit my position. I am too disappointed in those three that I currently have. Tell her that I forgive her and will not hit her or eat her newborn children again."

It wad common for elderly dragons to eat the newborn of their mates if it was a female. This was because they needed males to take over, not waste their time raising trash. Suar had done this many times just to get three boys. Although he kept a few of the girls alive to become wives to their brothers if their brothers ever wished to keep the bloodline pure.

"She is…um…gone."

Suar, who had been speaking in a calm voice, stopped moving. The lights in his eyes vanished.

Nimrid could feel the mountain suddenly shake beneath her feet. She shakenly lowered her head.

"Why did you not stop her!?" Suar's claw strike ripped a large chunk of Nimrid's flesh. Even her iron-like scales was useless against the sharp claws of a dragon lord.

She roared in pain, "I'm sorry, my lord!" She could only cower and bow her head. Her wings spread on the ground as she kneeled.

When she looked up, she trembled.

A thick, murderous aura surrounded Suar. His nostrils flared silver flames and his green eyes glowed powerfully.

"I cannot believe this. I was finally in a good mood but that little lizard just had to ruin it. When I find her…" A burning inferno raged in his eyes. "I will punish her the traditional way our ancestors punished lowly scum who know not who is their leader. How dare she leave without my permission."

Nimrid shivered. Her wings flapped as if it was an instinct to get away from this being in front of her.

Suar dispelled his killing intent since it was useless to get angry over someone who wasn't present.

"Has the alliance called for me yet?" He didn't apologize for what he did to her. Instead, he asked another question.

"T-The Dragon Lord Alliance hasn't sent any messengers yet…"

"What…" Suar frowned, "Why can't they see the dilemma we're facing? If the nations knew that one of our own was missing or possibly dead then them turning against us would happen anytime soon."

There were only three known dragon lords in the human world but there actually existed seven in total. Well, there was seven before a certain incident. Only five were now left.

Suarif was the Dragon Lord of Wrath. He was the youngest member out of them all. Being 450 years old was considered very young if one were to compare him to the oldest dragon in the council—the Dragon Lord of Ice.

"First the white bitch goes missing after the human, who she carried to the demon world, died and now even that Darkness bastard? Why are they disappearing one after the other!? Do they have no shame!?"

"W-Will lord Suar go to the Dragon Palace?"

"Hmm… That's not a good idea." Suar contemplated, "If I go there unannounced then that ice bitch will get angry. It's better to just wait. I can't brazenly enter the palace without being called by them." He said with a hateful tone in his voice: "they are my seniors so I cannot cause trouble."

"…I see. Concerning the first lady's disappearance, should I send out a search party?"

"No." Suar looked up at the moon, "Bring her children here. They are all females, right?"

"…I… I think so?" she said with a voice questioning how he himself didn't know that, "There are six of them, I believe."

'Hm, I'm glad I kept them alive. They should be fully matured to be able to have children.'

"Good. They will make up for their mother's absence. If they don't obey me then I will make them regret not listening to me. Their mother was a whore who swung her tail at the other dragons from outside our tribe. I will not allow my children to also become like that."

"D-Does that mean you will impregnate your own daughters…?"

"What else can I mean!? Bring the youngest one at once!"

Nimrid looked like she wanted to say something but kept her mouth shut.


When Nirmid left, it was only Suar who was left on his throne of bones. He exhaled deeply, "Curse this peaceful world. I want to see the continent up in flames and hear the cry of innocents as they die without knowing why,"

There was one thing he wanted to ease his boredom of these times of peace:

To see this continent destroying itself through the flames of war.