Chapter 95 Part 2: Meeting

"I'm confused why your soul isn't being engulfed by its power. Oh, don't be surprised," Freya smiled mysteriously, "I could tell from the moment I infused my mana into your body to check for any abnormalities. There was this thick cluster of energy resting at the bottom of your soul. I thought at first that it was a kind of miasma poisoning given the black colour but it was demonic aura after all. I wonder why you can have two different variants of auras inside your body without suffering any side-effects."

"…Why haven't you told anyone yet?"

"Who's to say I haven't?"

'Well, that's…'

"The reason your head is still on your body is because you pose no threat to this empire. Do you get why I mentioned that kid? He knows that powerful people would apprehend him. I already ordered one of my spies to follow him everywhere. Unlike him, you're smart enough to keep your powers under control. It was easy for us to identify him and the other one since they're so careless."

Freya stopped and looked over the empire. They were standing among the flowers of the High Gardens where young ladies usually come to chat.

Arnold couldn't enjoy this beautiful scenery of flowers.


Arnold noticed that her gaze held boredom and aloofness.

She was probably frustrated deep down. All that power but she still felt empty.

'Which is why she killed herself… Maybe things will be different? Well, let's not get on her bad side.'

"Confused? I guess it is rather unexpected of me—someone who has to protect the people—to allow a potential demon lord to roam this empire. Especially given the fact that the seed inside you has all the time in the world to grow."

"But why…?"

"I have two reasons. I just told you the first one, didn't I?"

"Because I'm not a threat?"

"Yes, that one. But would you like to know about the second one?" Freya approached him and lifted her head to look up at him.

From an outside perspective it seemed like she wanted to kiss him but she only came closer to whisper to him.

"Please tell me, lady Freya."

Arnold bowed his head. When he looked at her he saw a smug smile on her face.

"Sorry~ You'll have to wait~."

'Ugh… What was all that suspense about then!?'  

"I'll tell you in due time. You're not ready for the truth yet and I'm not either. Hold out your arm. The one that's injured." Freya spoke.

"Ah, yes…" Arnold did as she said. 

A massive amounts of mana suddenly filled the surroundings. It was all coming from Freya.

"14th rank magic—[Heal All]."

Arnold's arm healed itself before his very own eyes.

'As expected…' he looked into her bored blue eyes, 'This woman is definitely the real Freya York.'

"You're very handsome, you know," Freya suddenly poked Arnold's cheek, "Why not become my love slave? I haven't had a partner in forever~ I'm worried that I might die alone."


"Come on~ if I were to tell any of the senior mages to pledge themselves to me then they would worship me. What do you think they would do if they were given a chance to become my lover?"

"Surely you jest…"

He could tell that she was only joking. Freya was never intending on settling down with anyone at all. She lived by magic and her goal is to discover its truth. 

"But if you are intending on settling down then I would not be the best choice. I'm just a noble's son after all."

"You could've just said no… Oh well," she shrugged, "Your loss, pretty boy."

The two of them walked towards the pond at the end of the High Gardens. They gazed over the horizon that was highlighted by the orange hue of the setting sun.

"Back to serious matters, I would like to know what you plan on doing now that you know you can control a power that's taboo among swordsmen."

Freya's playful nature vanished. She looked at Arnold seriously.

He thought about it for a moment. She continued talking:

"We need people like you. Talented individuals. A rumour has been going around in the Holy Kingdom that a new hero had been born. That person—no, both of you—can become great assets to the continent. You could even receive official statuses as Great Nobles."

"But… to give such a title to a demon lord factor? I'm basically the seed of a demon lord from the past. What if that seed grows and overwhelms the real me?"

"Fight it. I'm not saying you should pledge yourself to anyone. All I'm saying is that you should know that your power can be used for good. Should a day ever come that you're consumed by demon energy then I will step in."


'Wait a second…' he felt like he just heard something absurd.

"Hold on… Did you just say that a hero was born?"

"Yes, it's not like I need to keep it a secret anymore. The entire empire will know by next week anyway."

'Fuck, if the Theocracy finds out that it's Luke then they'll come to take him away to join them.'

That was what almost happened in the story. However, Olivia prevented them from sinking their claws into Luke. But this was when she was already a Supreme Commander. Who would protect Luke when they find out?

'I hope my father will do it…'

Luke was destined to become a duke—even if that won't last long.

"Justice came to visit me a few days ago. He's been going around the continent telling all the monarchs and leaders."

"Huh? Why?"

"Let's just say that it's related to why I'm keeping you alive."

"Hmm…" Arnold couldn't even tell what she meant by what she just said. He looked at her with a questioning gaze but she didn't elaborate.

Did she consider him equal in worth to a hero? Well, Arnold von Berkley was definitely a hero-level threat. No, he could far surpass any Hero if they weren't worthy of the Holy Sword of Song and Light.

Perhaps Freya was thinking of using him in some way?

'Yeah, that must be it.'

"Is it alright if I ask you a question, lady Freya?"

"As long as it isn't related to the reason I'm keeping you alive," she said with a nod.

"…Well, it's actually two questions…" Arnold thought about which one to ask first, "I heard that you have a mentor. Is this true?"

"What the… I thought you wanted to ask about my magic. Whatever. Of course I had a mentor during my childhood. How else would I have achieved the apex of magic?"

'Apex, huh.'

The apex referred to the peak of magic—17th rank. A level of demigods.

But Arnold knew that Freya wasn't capable of casting anything past 15th rank. If anyone found out then her position of Archmage would be in grave danger.

It was extremely important that an Archmage had to be able to cast 17th rank magic. This was because there existed things in this dimension that only Transcended magic can destroy.

One could even reverse time if one was determined to take the sacrifices.  

A smirk formed on Arnold's face when he realized that he had a weapon to use against the most powerful woman in this empire, no, in the entire world.

'Why do I feel like telling her that I know? I shouldn't…'

"What's your second question? It's not about if I'm a virgin or not, right? I pulled quite a lot of hunks when I was a student at this academy, y'know?"

"Uhm, no," Arnold thought for a moment how to phrase his question to not offend her, "What if someone appeared that could take your position?"

The wind suddenly disappeared and the temperature dropped drastically when Arnold asked that.

Freya's back was facing him but he could tell that the question rubbed her the wrong way.

'Oh shit!'

He didn't realize that it was taboo to ask an Archmage that question.

He was basically asking what she would do if someone appeared that could threaten her position. This was similar to how superiors feared being overtaken by their employees. The natural course of action would be to fire that person or make them get in trouble.

"Never in history has there been more than one Archmage at a time," a cold voice said, "If… If someone like that definitely existed then I would have no choice but to kill them."


Arnold gulped hard.

He thought that something terrible would happen to him but Freya only laughed a second later.

"Hahahaha! There's no way anyone can reach my level of magic! I'm the strongest magician there is!" she went 'Hohoho!' while bending backwards.

"Ah, yes…"

'Phew. Thank god she's not aware of Lauran…'

"I wouldn't wish to give this role to anyone, you know…" she suddenly stopped laughing and turned around. Her eyes and smile were dead, "The responsibilities that come with being an Archmage would break any normal person's spirit."

Arnold knew that. In fact, Lauran nearly killed herself after she succeeded in killing Arnold in a secret route. This was because her goal was to kill all her demons from her past. Once that was fulfilled there was no reason for her to live. Although, if you followed the original path of the game and stopped Lauran from killing Arnold then you save both of them.

It wasn't balanced by any means. Why did Arnold have to live so that Lauran had to live as well?

The developers were called out on this multiple times. They always responded with:

Both characters play major roles in the game. Either kill both or leave both alive. The ending depends on your choices.

It was as simple as that. Although, Arnold von Berkley played a big role in ensuring Luke becomes the destined hero, his presence in the game always complicated things.

'I've prevented Lauran from killing both me and herself. But she'll have to go through the same things that Freya went through…'

"Anyway, I made something for you."


Freya put her hand through a portal in mid-air as if she was grocery shopping. She pulled out a small object.

It was a silver ring which had three small gems around the frame.

"This will help you control your power but only in small amounts," Arnold took the ring that Freya gave him, "If you overdo it then this artifact will break and let loose all that power which will result in you getting injured again. It has another use as well but I hope that you don't end up using it."

Arnold took a look at the beautiful gems on the top of the ring.

'Wait, why are there three?' he looked at Freya for answers but she didn't seem to get his confusion.

"It's a prototype magic item but it will definitely work."

"So I can use Aether…?"

Freya nodded, "Like I said, only small amounts."

"Thank you very much, lady Freya. But why would you give this to me?"

She winked with her finger on her lip, "This is also related to that second reason."

"Oh…" Arnold looked down at the ring and tilted his head. He realized that he didn't ask about the gems, "Why are there three gems—"

He lifted his head and noticed that Freya was gone.


'I guess I'm on the Archmage's watchlist now huh…'