Chapter 96 Part 2: Back At The Imperial Palace(2)

Marcus opened up his eyes. His body which had been aching the past few weeks felt like it was back to full health.

He hadn't slept enough these past few months since he and the rest of the Great Nobles had to be on alert 24/7.

"…." Marcus looked to his right.

That side of the bed was tidied up and Joanne's pajamas were neatly folded on the pillows.

'She must be visiting the Consorts in the inner palace.'

Joanne had become close with the emperor's other wives. Well, she was held up in this palace for months so he couldn't blame her for making friends. Still, he was worried that one or two of them had ulterior motives for becoming so close to her.

The inner palace was a battleground for women.

He heard stories about the previous Emperors' wives and mistresses.

Some poisoned others or found other ways to hurt them because of jealousy, envy or just plain hatred for one another.

But no one would be stupid enough to hurt the concubine of a duke. Not only did he hold a title second only to the Emperor in terms of political and military power, he was also a close family friend of the imperial family.

Marcus was reassured once more.

He stood up and headed over to the mirror to check his complexion.


I still look five years older than my actual age, he thought while chuckling to himself.

He had a few grey hairs due to the extreme stress he had been going through but he didn't feel any different physically. In fact, he was certain that he could best any imperial knight in combat without even using his aura right now as well.

Marcus looked down.

There it was.

A large gash extending from his left shoulder until his right hip.

The memory from that battle flooded like a dam.

"I was a really cocky bastard, wasn't I?"

He was a young lad with too much power. Of course the power would go to his head. In fact, he wasn't any different from Arnold; he always flaunted his strength whenever he had a chance to. He would also do this because he wanted to impress a lot of women.

Well, he didn't even have to try since they all came flocking at his call. Although Marcus didn't attend the academy, he had relationships with a lot of the female students there in his youth.

Adrianna wasn't his first wife. She was far younger than him at that time, after all.

Marcus had a lot of marriage interviews that his father personally planned after sending out marriage proposals. Marcus didn't like any of the women he met.

He was the kind of person who had a certain taste in woman. Be it face, length of hair, body shape or personality: all of this mattered when it came to what kind of woman he wants.

He never even met a woman like that when it was his father who chose his partners.

One day he went to the Academy out of boredom, where he was hoping to duel some young aspiring knights. He decided to go to a lecture first in one of the seventh year classrooms.

Then he met her.


She was a girl who had no family name since she threw away her family who didn't allow her to pursue magic.

She was from a family of swordsmen. Although now they were a forgotten household that fell from grace.

Marcus tried to woo Adrianna with everything he could: his family name, his wealth and his power.

Women loved these things about men, right? Well as it turned out she wasn't interested in any of those things, much less in an old guy who was many years older than herself.

She was only 20 years old when she graduated from the Academy but had no money to study further. Her family cut her off after all.

Marcus decided to support her. He wasn't thinking of using her poverty as an opportunity, rather because he was impressed by her feats so far.

She was the only one of two of her entire class able to use magic past 4th rank. This was uncommon for young mages since only the older mages had more time to learn magic and harness their power, thus becoming able to ascend to a higher realm of magic.

Marcus' father was the patriarch at the time so he had to ask his father for permission to sponsor Adrianna. No, they didn't sponsor her, it was more like an agreement which his father made.

She would have to marry Marcus if she wanted to pursue her dream. Marcus didn't even think of using his family's wealth this way. He only flaunted his money at her at first.

Strangely enough Adrianna accepted and the two became married. It wasn't until their first child—Anna—was born that she started to fall for him.

But that's a story for another day.

Marcus was busy looking through a report from the border. He was a former general so many of the commanders and even heirs would seek assistance from him.

It consumed a lot of his time but Marcus was more than happy to read about how well the battles people are fighting for the empire are going. He missed leading armies against their enemies but knew that he would never lead a unit of his own in war again since his duty was to guard the Emperor.

Drawing out plans and strategies for other generals was as close to a battlefield that he could get right now.

A knock suddenly came from the door, stopping his train of thought.

Marcus thought he had a day off today. Well, Jurnick didn't actually say that but it was heavily implied. The four of them had been working for months without rest.


"You're still not dressed yet even though it's already the afternoon?" Vance was standing there, wearing a suit as usual.

There hadn't been one day in Marcus' life that he saw Vance wearing anything other than formal clothing.

Vance came into the room and looked around with a wry smile, "Your poor wife is out while you're lazing in your room."

"It's my day off so what else am I supposed to do? Plus, I have work."

"Work? What kind of work?"

"Requests from our empire's generals."

"You're still giving out free advice to those guys," Vance sighed as he shook his head.

"Hahaha. Some of them are vassals of my House so I need to strengthen our bonds by helping them."

"From which frontline exactly?"

"Near the Intermid border."

A frown appeared on Vance's face, "Don't tell me…"

"No, no. Nothing is major is wrong. Just some issues with terrain and the outposts where they're stationed. Things like that."

Vance sighed in relief, "I guess I got ahead of myself. My wife is fighting in my place so I'm really worried."

Vance was given an imperial order to protect the Palace so his wife, Rarya had to go fight. She was also an experienced knight who graduated from the Order.

"Don't worry about anything. I'll let Jurnick know if something major happens. Let's sit."

The two of them went towards the table next to the window. Marcus took off the bag of letters that he was going through.

"What brings you here, friend?"

He brought out a bottle of whiskey he had been saving after he came to the capital.

"I'd like to go over some things with you, my friend." Vance brought the glass up to his nose and sniffed the aroma of the whiskey. He poured some into his mouth and moved his mouth to have a taste.

"Things such as?"

He gulped the whiskey and exhaled in satisfaction, "That marriage contract we conducted in secret for our children. I'd like to know the full details. How will this marriage influence our households' current relationship?"

That was a very good question.

This was a common question whenever two households joined hands with one another. Which side would hold the most power if one had a higher status in the aristocracy than the other?

The Berkley and Penston Houses were basically two of the oldest households in the empire. They were here even before an emperor came and built an empire, swearing fealty to that emperor in the end.

Back then, one House sold crops from their own backyards while the other was specialized in mining.

Today they were two of the greatest households of the hundreds of noble houses on the empire's list of nobles.

Because of their great wealth and prestige, there was no reason for them to join other houses to combine powers.

It wasn't even necessary for the Berkley heir to marry an imperial princess. In the end it was just the selfish desires of two fathers wanting to benefit from each other.

This current situation was the same.

"Arnold would be the one ruling your household while Luke will rule in my stead. I'm not sure what else there is to say?"

Marcus casually responded.

"I thought at first that Celeste should've become Luke's concubine since things would've been the same. But who would rule my household when I'm gone? Luke? He already has to rule the Berkley House, adding another household would complicate things."


"Then I began looking into other Houses with capable second or third sons. No matter where I looked, no one was more suited to rule than your son. There is also nothing to worry about concerning any enemies of the household since no one would want to cause trouble for us once we're united."

Vance smiled, "I'll get to the point. I suggest we combine both our territories and armies and not just in name."

"Are you crazy? I rule the west while you rule the north. How will that work?"

A wide smile appeared on Vance's face.

Marcus frowned, "You're not thinking of taking over the territories between our regions, are you? Internal conflict—especially wars in a nation between fellow nobles—will damage how the other nobles view you."

There were over a dozen smaller households that ruled the regions between their two territories. Some of which were affiliated knighthood Houses of the Berkleys.

"Whatever you're thinking, it's not that. I mean we should negotiate. By getting more land we can expand our two houses and make both greater than they were before."

"…If I were to say yes then how will we ensure the nobles and gentries ruling the territories between us will give up?"

"Force would be our last choice. Our first choice would be negotiation, like I just said. You recently took control of all of James Caervil's lands, right?"

"That was Arnold's doing. I merely placed my name on all the documents."

But it does belong to them now. The widow of James was currently looking after everything there while the land had no ruler. Marcus was sending supplies to that land's people to avoid any conflicts with the common people.

"Those lands are worthless as it stands now. All activities that made money there has ceased. Why not give all that land to the nobles plus some extra money? Let the family of that thieving bastard move somewhere else."

"And what will we do with the land they give to us in exchange for Caervil's land? Arnold and Luke will have their hands full."

"Simply let one of the branch families rule in your place. You have a duty to fulfil to the crown just like I do. Why not let that boy from House Tivurgian rule the land?"

Tivurgian was a branch family of the Berkley Household. One of Marcus' great-grandfathers ruled that family when the eldest brother ruled the Berkleys. He changed his surname but swore allegiance to his brother's household afterwards.

Arthur was a boy Marcus picked up years ago. One of the villages in his territory was destroyed by bandits with the boy and another girl being the only two left.

Since he was talentless and was a commoner, Marcus decided to let his great-uncle take in the kid and his sister.

Arthur and Arnold were also childhood friends at one time but drifted apart down the line just like all the others have.

"I heard the boy has become quite the swordsman despite having no talent for aura or Ki. Why not reward him when he comes back from the dungeon expedition?"

"…." Marcus rubbed his beard in thought.

Arthur had proved himself countless times as being worthy of his acknowledgment. At first he took in Arthur as a spare if all of his own sons were to die early before inheriting.

Being a spare wasn't an honor to any boy in this day and age. You were basically the second choice and overlooked completely once the first son or daughter rules.

Luckily, Luke caught Marcus' eyes so there was no problem with inheritance. Still, Arthur deserved some respect since he was able to survive seven years of hell in the academy. He overcame countless hurdles and bumps.

Besides, his great-uncle wouldn't let Arthur rule the Tivurgian household.

Marcus made up his mind, "Very well. Arthur will become the lord of those territories. But considering the scale, isn't it better to get a second lord or maybe even a third as well?"

"Hm… You may be right. I'll let some of my cousins become lords to help Arthur. Of course, I won't choose unwisely. Some of them might act cocky knowing that I don't have a male heir. I swear, it's like they are underestimating my only child just because she's female."

That would be a big mistake. Marcus knew that Celeste could've become a capable matriarch of her Household if she was interested. She wasn't just smart but diligent, respectful and hardworking as well. These were the best qualities a heir should have in order to succeed their parent.

Celeste had all these qualities yet she didn't have the desire to become the Lady of House Penston. The next best thing was to find a suitable male heir who she could marry.

Noticing Marcus' unreadable expression, Vance spoke again:

"Celeste will always be there for him to fill in the gaps so there's no need for him to be perfect. He's well-educated in ruling a household since he finished all his training as a heir before even reaching 15 years old."

Vance then continued, "I know education isn't the same as experience as a noble heir but I think it's better to give him a chance. Even if he stumbles and it affects my household then we can still recover. I didn't get this far as a noble without making mistakes of my own, either."

"You make a good point but why are you still trying to convince me when I already accepted?"

"I'm just making sure your mind is made up and you'll stick to your decision. My little girl would be heartbroken if she can't marry him."

A dry chuckle came out of Marcus' mouth.

His son was quite the Casanova. Well that was obvious but to think he made an imperial princess and a highborn noble girl fall for him even before everyone called him a prodigy, even Marcus couldn't do that back in the day.

Vance stood up, "I should head back to my room. Celeste sent me a letter a few days ago that I hadn't read yet. I was too busy, after all so I wanted to read it before I left the palace."

Vance had to go to the Imperial Court to hand in some legal paperwork. He had to make the Court aware that he desires to give an outsider his family name.

Arnold would throw away his name as a Berkley, thus becoming a Penston and the next Marquis.

"Let's meet again but please make sure to be ready to go out. I can't go out with someone too lazy to change their clothes."

"Yes, yes, I understand. I'll see you then."


Vance arrived in his own room after ten minutes of walking.

He was planning on going out for breakfast after this. He was tired of the cooking of the palace chefs so he wanted to go to Lumourge. Maybe he'd stay there all day and read a book.

He hadn't gotten a break like this in many years. Even back home the only time he can truly rest and relax is when he's sleeping.

"Let's see." Vance rummaged in the bundle of letters tied together by a small rope.

He was looking for the letter his daughter sent.

He opened it up after finding it. He was impatient to get everything done so he needed to see what Arnold's answer was. The next step in his plan would be set into motion.


Arnold says he cannot give me an answer now, Father.

There was only one line written in the letter.

Vance flipped it around but saw nothing at the back either.

"That's it? Why? Why can't he give an answer?"

Was Arnold out of his mind for not accepting what was being served to him on a silver platter?

All he had to do was sign the marriage papers.

"Don't tell me he found a way to restore the city and benefit from it?"

The whole point of the marriage was the use the fact that he was a lord of a dying city to their advantage. This would make Vance's offer very tempting.

Surely Arnold couldn't have found ways to restore his city this early? It was estimated that it would take decades before the city was operational again. That was under normal circumstances.

He could just go to the academy and ask her straightforwardly what was going on but that wasn't an option right now. She must feel devastated by the fact that Arnold didn't accept her proposal. The two of them being childhood friends was also a card that Vance dealt with.

If Arnold didn't become a Penston then Vance wouldn't be able to take over the Berkley House. Though Luke and Arnold would rule the two Houses, that was only a few years in the future since neither of them would get either Houses immediately.

It wasn't because of competence or anything like that. Rather, legal matters restrict nobles from immediately having their heirs succeed them. An attorney, sent directly from the Imperial Court- would help in this task.

Vance would hand over his Household to Arnold once his attorney gave the go-ahead, thus becoming Luke's advisor and then ruling the Berkley House in secret

There had never been an advisor to any of the Berkley heirs before since that was never necessary but Vance could use the pretext that Luke was a commoner nobody to his advantage.

Marcus would obviously think that it would be best to leave Luke's guidance in the hands of someone capable, someone like the Sword Master of the Empire. A man who fought in hundreds of battles, both large and small and ruled a great House at the same time.

Friends? Uniting their Houses due to the fact that their children were close?

Neither of these things were why he risked his entire House to be given to Arnold. He wanted to rule a more powerful household. Although the Berkley and Penston Houses were equal when it came to prestige and history, Vance didn't have the same influence over the empire as a Duke.

He had tried countless times to prove himself worthy of a Duke status but Jurnick had never given him that. The Berkley Household had been a ducal family for three generations now while Vance's father was the first Marquis.

Any man with great ambition would aim for the bigger fish even if it meant sacrificing what he already had. The trust and experience he built throughout the years made giving up on that Household worth it.

Though he wouldn't rule the House on his own, he would hold most of the power while Luke was still learning. It would take years before Luke could actually become fitting for the job.

He even used his daughter to make this dream come true.

"The best thing I can do now is wait. Getting angry over something like this would bring shame upon the years of planning I've put into my decision." Vance said with a calm voice as he wrote a letter addressed to his daughter.

The Berkley Family will be under his rule.