Chapter 101

Olivia had a certain condition which concerned meeting her husband. The two would only meet during the day and it would always have to be public areas if possible. If not then her room or even the school grounds was also an option.

Since they had no classes today there was all the time in the world to discuss things related to their relationship.

Olivia had to get things straight so that Luke can know what he has to expect when he becomes her husband. Their marriage was purely for political gain so it was a platonic relationship. But that didn't mean she shouldn't look out for him.

Olivia and Luke were currently walking along the many flowerbeds of the High Garden—a vast garden where noble ladies and noblemen alike would chatter or just admire the scenery of an explosion of colors surrounding them.

Olivia crouched and was about to let go of Pluffy. The little fox jumped before she could even put him down properly.

He chased down the frog that was hopping along the riverbank.

"You didn't go and say goodbye to that man, did you?" Olivia spoke after she stood back up.

"Uhm, I'm not even sure he would've liked me doing that anyway."

"That does sound like him."

The dungeon exam had already started so a vast majority of the academy's students were gone today. Some first years volunteered to be porters too. Them going to the dungeons with their seniors would be a kind of first experience for when they also have to go through the same in their fourth year.

"How has everything been going for you? Have you made any friends?" Olivia went towards a bench and sat down. Luke remained standing while staring over the lake's surface which was shining from the afternoon sun. 

"I think so? A few of the boys invited me to a party that's happening later this week. They were really cool about it and said that I could join."

"Don't go." Olivia said sternly.

"Huh? But why not?"

"Do you not have the slightest idea of how much worth you hold, especially since everyone now knows that you have power similar to the first hero?"

"…" Luke looked at her with a clueless expression.

'This kid has no sense of danger…'

"Until proven otherwise everyone is your enemy, alright? Avoid the women most of all. Especially your seniors since the ones in your grade are pretty much naïve and harmless."

"But why is everyone so hostile when I've done nothing wrong?"

Olivia thought for a moment how to tell him.

Luke was destined to become the duke of the Berkley Household. He wielded a sacred and ancient power from the era of heroes. He was marrying into the imperial family and might become an archduke in his generation.

That was already three reasons why he would have a lot of people gunning for him.

"You've heard of Arnold assassination attempts, right?"

"I have."

"He survived those four times and came to know his responsibilities yet he didn't back out of becoming the duke. Pride is probably not why he did it. I asked him one day why he continued bearing such responsibility even after everything he went through. He told me that it was his duty to eliminate every single enemy of the household even if it means getting hurt in the process."

"R-Really…" Luke had a small smile on his face, "He's really cool…"

Olivia's stomach turned hearing him call Arnold cool.

"The household's enemies have been subtle in the past with their actions but I reckon that they might be much less subtle after the incident with James Caervil. I want you to think of everyone as enemies of your household. Even me."

"What? Why?"

"Your father is one of the wealthiest dukes on the continent. He owns most of the empire's lands and he possesses the most troops if we were to exclude the other Great Nobles. Even family friends can be your enemies. I am no exception to this. But I don't have an interest in betraying my family and committing treason just to satiate my greediness. Don't look so down. I'm only using myself as an example."

"R-Right. But how will I know if they are trustworthy?"

"Get to know them first and deduce how they would benefit from your death. Remember that the nobles would act like a flock of crows on a dead corpse if the heir dies. They'll want all that power for themselves."

"I didn't realize that it was this risky…" Luke fidgeted with the hilt of his sword, "Um, I might sound strange for asking this question but what would've happened if Lord Marcus actually decided to make big brother the duke?"

Maybe Luke already had the gist of what would've happened. But he was seeking answers from Olivia.

"First of all, every member of his family would be picked off. This included any illegitimate children as well. Melina and Jack would also be murdered. Well, that's if there aren't people willing to make them slaves. Keep in mind that there are hundreds of nobles in this empire, which means a certain percentage of them would rebel against the Berkley household. Say there's 40 of them; they would block the gates of the empire and not allow any reinforcements to be sent out. If each household had two hundred troops then that meant that a percentage of 8000 men would be attacking the household and a minority would stall the reinforcements.

The biggest threat would be the empire so more troops would be allocated here. The duchy is a single city so it's strategically more likely to be invaded easier. Especially if someone with knowledge to the entire city were to be part of the enemies. They could use anything, be it sewer systems or tunnels. As long as they get into the city."

"But wouldn't they be worried about their families who would be punished for their actions?"

"The seven capital vices blinds the consequences of one's actions even at the darkest of times." Olivia simply said. She was referring specifically to "greed".

'James was an example of that.'

What she said would've definitely happened if Marcus wasn't careful with the picking of his new heir. They saw Luke as a gullible idiot who had power he didn't know how to use.

But Olivia also saw him that way. If she hadn't warned him about making friends then he would be laying dead in a ditch somewhere in the future. Although he wasn't as strong as many of his seniors, he could protect himself with his golden aura. Perhaps the sight of his power alone—no matter how miniscule—would frighten others.

"Did big brother know that would've happened?"

"What he knew was that he would've died at some point. He acts recklessly, sure, but he didn't run away like a coward. It pains me to say this but act more like him in the future. Only the good parts, okay?"    

"Okay!" Luke answered cheerfully.

"Let's not talk about the what ifs. We should discuss that matter."

"Matter? Which one?"

"…" Olivia gripped her dress and looked down, "You know…"


Luke tilted his head in confusion.

Olivia patted her knees and heaved a sigh, "Our conversation with Arnold before we left the castle back then."

"Ah! You'll consider it!?"

Luke grabbed Olivia's shoulders with sparkling eyes.

"…." Olivia averted her gaze, "Maybe."

It wasn't like Olivia was positive that things would work out between her and Arnold again. He gave a pretty bad reaction when she refused to visit him a few months back. After that he went silent even after she was engaged to Luke.

But deep down she probably also wanted things to be how they were when they were children. Olivia and Arnold were inseparable back then. She was fond of those days but she couldn't get rid of the hate she had for Arnold because of what kinds of things he did growing up.

"That's wonderful!" Luke clapped, "Should we tell him when he comes back?"

"Luke, listen. I didn't say yes. Considering something and accepting it is entirely different."

"Oh, right."

"Have you heard of the stories from our childhood?"

"Err, I only know that Your Highness was close with miss Grace, big brother and the student council president…"

"There's a difference between who we are today to who we were then. You probably heard the rumors of how Arnold keeps pursuing me?"

"It was true?"

"Indeed it was…" Olivia said bitterly, "No matter how many times I say no he would always come back. I lost control of the situation one night. I would always be the one pulling the reins but that night was different…"

'I want to jump into a hole for what I did…' A small flush was on Olivia's face but it was so subtle that Luke didn't notice it.

"My point is that if he can convince me that he changed then I will accept your suggestion."

Olivia didn't like anyone at the moment since she has never been interested in love or dating. She had long since forgotten how it felt to love someone.

Noble girls—despite being married—would have lovers other than their husbands. Olivia didn't want to become like one of those harlots so she had to take everything into account.

There was a time when she really was in love. But as always she tries to avoid talking about that.

Maybe it's better to just be honest with him.

Although she felt nothing for him at the moment, maybe things would change once both of them came to an understanding. Olivia's only duty was to bear Luke's child. She didn't need to be like a wife to him since he would have Norn.

She could have a relationship outside marriage so long as it didn't interfere with her duties as the First Lady of House Berkley.

'I feel dirty considering this…'

They would be sharing each other because of the circumstances. But when one was a noble and royalty then you didn't have a choice in your partners in marriage. That was just how the world worked and she couldn't change that even if she wanted to.

But she could at least give Arnold a chance since marriage wasn't an option. She wasn't doing this out of pity love. It was because of the special place he had in her heart all those years ago.

Olivia decided to change the subject, "About your ascension. I heard from auntie Adrianna that it would be troublesome to hold two events, so she and her husband decided to let that happen when we marry. By the way, I've been meaning to ask something… where did that green-haired woman come from?"

"Ah, Flora? We, uh, bought her at an auction…"

Olivia tilted her head at the word "bought". Luke lowered his head.

'I've heard that she was a slave but I never heard from where. Auction slaves are usually the kind sold for sex.'

Olivia was under the impression that Flora was sold by her family because of a debt they owed to someone. That someone being Arnold since he was the one who brought her to the castle.

Slavery in general had been abolished after the civil war in the empire. That was because slaves were convenient meatshields that could be used in various strategies. This could make winning a war difficult.  

There was also the problem of how slaves would react after they were freed during warfare. They would kill their previous owners and families for revenge and probably also rebel against the nation for enslaving them.

Although some forms of slavery had been abolished, brothels still received sex workers who were basically daughters or sons that were sold to cover debt.

'I thought she was a whore slave who could fight a little…' Olivia apologized to Flora in her mind and promised to act better towards her.

"She's now in charge of your swordsmanship. I thought the two of you only sparred?" Olivia asked because she sometimes saw the two of them train during lunch at the castle.

"Yes, she is my permanent teacher until I complete my studies in swordsmanship."

"I see. That's good. A duke mustn't only have the charisma of a leader but the strength of one as well. One day you might lead armies to the battlefield."

Olivia wasn't actually being serious. She was only flattering Luke. She was already aware that he was an idiotic, naïve, and gullible child.

"Y-You think? I'm not that strong… not in comparison to big brother…"

"Why do you call him that? Why not just call him Arnold?"

"Ah, it's because we're technically brothers since I'm adopted. I also never had a brother but I always wanted one…"

"…I see. Anyway, don't compare yourself to him. A majority of the seniors can't even stand up to him in terms of power. But there are some who can," Olivia pictured the Disciplinary Committee's leader, the vice-council president, leader of the commoner faction and Stella's eldest sister.

Those were monsters even by this academy's standards.

"What happened a few days ago," Luke sat down on the bench, "Is it true that he's the first person to learn that power?"

"…Aether, I think was what they called it, right? Yes, he was the only one to have that degree of control over that power. Some are calling him the chosen hero of the future."

Olivia couldn't help but chuckle. How the heck would that guy be a hero?

"It sickens me to my stomach how everyone is cuddling up to him after that incident."


"…Forget I said anything."

'Trash of the Berkley family or not, he has a bright future ahead of him.'

If Arnold could control Aether then he would be able to stand next to the Great Nobles. Vance and Marcus couldn't use Aether at all. What if Arnold could control both Aether and Aura to its full potential?

'We might see the rise of a fifth Great Noble.'

The people knew that so they would definitely try and establish connections with him sooner or later.  

"Uhm, isn't that miss Student Council President?" Luke glanced over Olivia's shoulder.

"…." Olivia wanted to frown but she kept a straight face even as she heard the annoying humming coming from that cow.

All the students greeted her as she passed by them.

"Oh my! What a coincidence!" Celeste stopped right in front of them.

"Hello." Luke hurriedly stood up and bowed.

"Why are you so formal? Gimme a hug!" before Luke could say anything, Celeste pulled him close and pushed him into her bosom. He was about a head shorter than her so his face was plunged right into her chest.


"Ah, sorry sorry~ I always get so excited when I meet new people." She let Luke go.

Luke's entire face was red and he kept sniffing the air as if he was remembering her smell.

Olivia suddenly heard a growl under the bench.

"Oh my! Such a cute little guy! Come here!"

Pluffy growled furiously when Celeste tried to pick him up.

"Eek!" she jumped behind Luke with a frightened expression.

'Humph. I'm glad Pluffy hates you too.'

Olivia picked him up and put him in her lap, "Can I help you, Celeste?"

"Uhm, he's not going to bite her, right?" Luke asked as he stood in front of Celeste as if he was guarding her.

"No, I'll keep him from doing that. She should just keep her distance."

'I won't stop him even if he wants to bite you.'

Celeste laughed awkwardly, "I was never that good with animals so this isn't so surprising. Anyway! I wanted to tell you some good news! We're best friends after all so I just had to come tell you!"

'Coincidence my foot.'

Olivia took the paper Celeste handed to her.

She glanced at Celeste—who was smiling smugly for some reason—before flipping the page.


It was a documentation of marriage between Arnold von Berkley and Celeste Angelene von Penston.

Olivia stared at the page for an entire minute in silence. Luke seemed to be getting worried so he approached her and peeked at it.

"A marriage certificate!?" Luke turned to face Celeste, "You and big brother…"

"Yup, the two of us are going to get married. Unlike the two of you we will be getting married sooner. Maybe next year?" Celeste clapped her hands merrily, "I'm so excited! I'm going to give him lots of babies!"

"Excited…? But I thought, err, miss Celeste and big brother didn't get along?"

"I don't recall ever saying that to anyone," Celeste seemed troubled at what Luke said but Olivia knew that Celeste didn't particularly care, "I've kept my distance from him and every other male at this academy because my father ordered it. He was afraid I may end up pregnant which could destroy the Penston lineage. I'm the only child, after all."

Celeste was 19 years old this year so she could inherit the household anytime she wanted. The question was why she hadn't done so up until now.

Her father gave her permission to pick whoever she wanted to marry. Of course, there were some conditions. One of many of them being that the boy had to be from a well-off household. This would ensure that the Penston House would live on stronger in the next generation once Celeste had children.

"I don't understand…" Olivia flipped through the pages, "Why would you pick Arnold of all people? He's ruling a dying city that will most likely collapse in the next five years. He also has no status as a noble since he chose to leave the duchy."

Celeste hummed with her finger on her lips, "Father didn't tell me why he agreed when I told him that I wanted to marry Al."

"What? You suggested it?" Olivia was even more confused.  

"What does it matter now?"

Olivia gazed back down at the file in her hand.

"This clearly states that he would rule your family's household as well. What idiocy is this? This means that he'll become a Penston. The entire point of making me marry young master Luke instead of him was to avoid a potentially blood war between households."

"Why is it idiotic, though?"

"The enemies of our household will set their eyes on you, Celeste. You're smart so I'm sure you know this too."

These enemies were the people who didn't want Arnold to become the patriarch of the Berkley household. If it was revealed that Arnold would rule the Penston household then all hell would break loose.

"Unlike his father, my father would take care of everything without bloodshed. There's no need for my husband to lift a finger since my father wanted this. All he wants is for the Berkleys and Penstons to unite."

'Something seems off.' Olivia looked at Celeste with narrowing eyes, 'No, it's not her who's giving off this suspicious feeling.' Olivia looked down at the file.

Vance had called this marriage between Celeste and Arnold because he would be able to unite two very powerful families. Even if it was by name, Arnold was still part of the Berkley family and his father would be obligated to share their household's connections and power with the Penstons.

'Celeste is unaware of this. She's only seeing this as her father allowing her to marry Arnold. I'm sure Lord Vance has an ulterior motive if he made this marriage statement while knowing the risks.'

Of course, that was purely Olivia's conjecture.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Celeste tilted her head.

"It's still a risk for you to marry Arnold. Can't you see that? Most of the people who want our household to burn are from the Imperial Faction. This means that even my elder sister would get involved. Is your father willing to take such a risk?"

"…" Celeste seemed unaffected by what Olivia said.

Deep down Olivia didn't want this for Celeste since she would be caught in the crossfire. Although something on a scale of a civil war might not result from this, something much worse than some skirmish might happen. People numbering the thousands might die because of this marriage. Those people being citizens and soldiers from the territories of both the Penston and Berkley Houses.

This is what would happen if two Great Nobles were to join hands. That would give them too much power.

Who knows what he'll do with that much power at his fingertips? He would have 20000 soldiers(10% of the entire empire's military force)and counting under his command and rule multiple territories as well. Many would be threatened if he got that much power.

The problem was that no one trusted him to handle that much power.

Celeste glanced at Luke, "I could always marry Luke right here, hmm…"

"…" Luke hurriedly turned his head away when Celeste put her hand on his cheek while gazing at him with a coy smile and seductive eyes.

Olivia could tell that she was just teasing Luke.

"Please stop teasing Luke."

"But he's also a Berkley now so it doesn't really matter which one of the two I marry since the households' power would be united, regardless. But I chose to marry Al because I want to."

"You're not telling me that…" Olivia's suspicion was answered by Celeste's following words.

"Because I love him. Yes, I love Arnold von Berkley." Celeste said it loud enough that even the passing-by students could hear her, "Why do you look so gloomy, sir Luke? Did I miss something?"

Luke glanced at Olivia nervously."…But… We had a—"

Deal, was probably what Luke wanted to say. He would be in a relationship with Norn while Olivia was in a relationship with Arnold. It was the perfect strategy to get who they wanted. Well, the world of nobles and royalty wasn't such a fairytale but they could somehow make it work without making others aware.

Luke's words couldn't come out when he saw Olivia and Celeste silently looking at each other.

"I should get going," Celeste grabbed the file with a smile on her face, "I have to get ready to welcome him back in three days. In my room, of course~ Kidding~"

Olivia didn't give that much of a reaction besides sighing tiredly.

Celeste walked away after saying a final "Ciao~".

Luke looked at Olivia, "Uhm, what are we going to do about this?"


"Aren't we going to try and convince Marquis Penston to change his mind?"

"Did you not hear what I said?"


"Quiet. I'm going back to my room."

Olivia picked up Pluffy before standing up, "Meet me in front of my dorm tomorrow at the same time as we met this morning."


Olivia didn't say anything else and only continued walking away.

'I need to see my sister and find out what she'll do.'