Chapter 110: Night Of The Terrors(1)

Being born a female in this world meant having to endure a lot of hardships. Being born a female with no talent to be a warrior, scholar or any field geniuses are part of only meant that you had bad luck when you were born in this world.

But some people liked a simplified life while others dreamt of greatness and getting the full benefits of being alive.

Others have jobs just to get by while there are those who do these average jobs because they like to help people.

The apprentice nun was one of those people.

Her name was Bethany and she became a nun because she wanted to help children in need.

This was why she joined the working force of the orphanage down the street where she lived.

"Morning, Bethany!" an old woman called out to the girl walking down the street.

"Ah, morning ma'am!" Bethany greeted back cheerfully, her long green hair dancing in the air.

The young boys and men walking past her were caught in a daze at her profound beauty.

Bethany was known as the most beautiful girl in this entire city. With reason of course. She was unlike the girls who were born here.

Most of the girls had black or brown hair but she was born with silver hair. Her mother had the same hair which was only longer than hers. The people thought that her mother was a princess from far away who chose to live a simple life in this city.

"You look as lively as ever. Is that a freshly baked bread I smell?"

"Yup!" Bethany lifted the red cloth draped over the basket. A delicious aroma drifted out.

"Would you like some, ma'am?"

"No, thank you dear. You baked this bread for the orphanage children. I actually called out to you because I want to know how your mother is doing."

"O-Oh…" Bethany's expression changed into a solemn one as she spoke, "…My mother refuses to eat. She told me that I had to use my money to buy yeast and flour so that I could make this bread. I made her a sandwich to take with her to work but she left it at home saying I can eat it later."

Her mother did this quite a lot. The two of them lived alone so there was no man going to work every morning and making money for his family. Because of this, her mother had to get up before sunrise every morning and walk to the capital on her own to go to work.

It wasn't a very sustainable way to ensure there's income in the family since she earns the minimum wage every week. There was never enough food on the table before Bethany decided to become a nun of a church.

They still live a difficult life but at least they aren't living paycheck to paycheck like before.

"I have to find a husband who will be willing to help my mother as well. I hate seeing her like this. There are times when she doesn't even come home."

Bethany was still youthful at 16 years old so she could get any of the knights to become her husband. Most of them were old men but she was certain that they wouldn't hurt her in any way since she knew them personally.

However, the hard part was getting a man who would work for both her and her mother. Bethany knew she was being too selfish but her mother was everything to her.

She was a single mother who raised Bethany alone and continued doing so until now.

"Poor child," the old woman patted her shoulder, "Bring your mother to our house tonight when she returns. My son is returning home from the frontlines."

"He is? I thought it would be a few months longer?"

The old woman shook her head, "The Imperial Army regularly change their soldiers every few months. My son worked his own shift for three months so he was paid quite a lot. He sent a letter saying that he will bring back enough food to make a feast. I want you and your mother to be there."

Bethany's eyes watered, "T-Thank you, miss Margaret. I'll be there!"

"Fufufu. Good." She winked mysteriously, "Maybe he'll take you as a bride."

"A-Ah, no… I-I don't deserve a man like him…."

'Really… he is even recognized for his strength by the nobles.'

Bethany suddenly heard someone call out her name. It was coming from the orphanage.

"I have to go, miss Margaret."

"Okay. I'll make sure to get some ingredients to make bread tonight so that we can bake one together."

"Got it!" Bethany yelled while waving at the old woman.


Bethany was very fond of children. This was the reason why she wanted to work in the orphanage instead of becoming a street vendor. Although the salary was a measly two big copper per day, she still liked working with children.

One of her best friends recommended her to work there so she took the opportunity.

"You're early today, Beth. Your shift starts tonight, doesn't it? Why not just use that time to sleep?" A girl, wearing the same nun uniform, appeared in front of the church's gate.

The church was connected to the orphanage building so some of the nuns slept here. Bethany had her own house so she didn't need to sleep in a church that was overcrowded every night.

"Hello, Sylar. I wanted to come early to my shift since I spent all morning baking bread," Bethany lifted the cloth, "It's better to bring it while it's hot."

"Wow, how come you make bread better than the Head Nun?" Sylar sniffed the aroma, "You're putting her baking skills to shame."


The two of them walked around the church building. Their destination was the two-story building behind the church. There were a few nuns already gathered there. They were the senior nuns so they had to be up earlier than the apprentices.

"Uhm, Sylar, why are you walking so funny?" Bethany noticed that her best friend was walking very slowly with her legs only slightly opened with each stride.

People would only walk this way when they were on the verge of relieving their bowls. Surely Sylar—a daughter of a baron—wouldn't make a fool out of herself by walking like that due to being unable to hold it in.

Her entire face turned red, "I-I had my first time with Jasol last night… He was a little rough even though I asked him to be gentle."

"Really!? You two finally did it!?"

"K-Keep your voice down!" Sylar put her hand on Bethany's mouth.

For as long as she could remember, Sylar was a very shy and timid girl who never really tried to get together with someone even though she wanted to. Much like Bethany, Sylar wanted to be with someone who had a good job, could take care of his family and who was a gentle person altogether.

The man she was in love with was a knight who regularly does patrols in the area. The two of them began seeing each other more often lately. Bethany knew that things would escalate but never would've thought that it would happen this soon.

Her best friend, who she grew up with, was now a woman.

Bethany sighed.

"What's wrong, Beth?"

The two of them began walking towards the orphanage building again. Having heard her sigh, Sylar asked in concern.

"I wonder if I'll ever find a man as dashing and charming as your partner."

"Why does it have to be a man? It can be a woman too, you know? Most of the men who are into you only want your mother in the package. The lot of them are scumbags so you shouldn't choose poorly, my friend."


Sylar was right. Many of the men who she confessed to or gave a chance always asked if their mother would be willing to be in a three-way relationship.

Bethany couldn't help but lose motivation to find love after all of that. It was also disgusting. How could they want her mother and her as well?

"There is an adventurer party coming later to listen to the troubles we've been experiencing. I'm positive that someone amongst them can become your partner."

"W-What? Are you insane!?"

"Hahaha! C'mon, you can use low-tier divine magic so you can be useful if any of them need healing. Use that excuse to get closer to one of them."

"T-They're a party of veterans. I'm sure they have enough healing potions or even a healer in their party."

"Nope. Healers are very valuable people. It's rare to find them in parties below A-rank. The party coming here is only B-rank."

"Couldn't the Guild send more adventurers? How will a single party deal with the contaminated water and find infected at the same time?"

"Truth is that they came on their own accord. The Guild didn't request their assistance."

"What? But—"

The two of them were greeted by many children who came running out of the building towards them. Sylar and Bethany were so surprised that they stopped their conversation.

All of them cheerfully exclaimed "Sister Beth is back!", "She brought her yummy bread again!" among other things.

Bethany was greeting the children before someone else called out to both her and Sylar.

"Why is Beth here so early? Never mind, come with me, both of you."

It was the head nun of the church. She was the sister of the Pastor who preached in their church.

The children hurriedly dispersed when they saw her fearsome glare on her wrinkled but elegant face. Despite having the body of an old woman, she moved around like any of the young women employed as nuns.

Her back was straight and her neck stood tall as if she had done noble etiquette even though she was a commoner.

"What are you two waiting for? Let's go inside."

Bethany and Sylar looked at each other in confusion.


Every single nun in this district was gathered inside. All of them had their faces covered with black cloths out of fear of being infected by the contamination.

The Head Nun had told them countless times that it was a parasite that caused the children fall ill and not an airborne virus.

But none of them believed her or more like they were too cautious because of their stubbornness.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I just had to gather everyone as soon as possible."

"Why is that, Sister?" one of the nuns wearing masks asked.

"A new case has been reported just last night," the people inside the room gasped, "One of the children went to the riverbanks in the backyard to wash clothes to finish the chores for the day. It was my blunder to tell everyone not to use the water in the river. I instructed them to only use the water in the wells from now on."

The Head Nun bowed apologetically.

"I fear that we may have to move the orphanage and the Church at this rate."

"What!? Move!?"

"We've been working hard all these years just to keep food on the table at this church for our believers!"

"Calm down, everyone. I know it's hard to take in but we have no choice." The Head Nun said.

"Where will we go, Sister?" Bethany asked on behalf of everyone.

"…The capital won't accept us or allow us to buy any of their land to build a new orphanage. The church also doesn't have sponsors left since all of them pulled back their money."

"Then what should we do? Starve?"


"This is our livelihood. The children won't be affected by this alone, Head Nun. You need to speak with the Pastor and come up with a better solution."

"…I already did that and this is our final solution. Either we stay here and risk dying from this plague of parasites or we seek shelter in another city. The capital isn't an option, like I just mentioned."

"Then where?"

"I… I don't know. The other cities don't have the resources or land to build on. Most of the buildings I've heard about there are old and near collapse. We need to go to a place where there's a wide area or space to build on. The place should also have farmlands where all of us can work since most of our funds are near depletion."

Bethany thought for a moment after hearing the Head Nun's words.

Most of the children were younger than 12 while a minority of them were past that age. In this empire one began working once you reach that age. The children aged 12 and older could work on the farmlands with the nuns to ensure they grow crops that they can sell.

Problem is that most of the cities with farmlands had nobles ruling them. Those nobles wouldn't accept an entire group of nobodies. Most of the nuns here didn't have homes to go back to while others didn't have families.

"Then what about the city east of the empire?" Sylar spoke this time while everyone was trying to find an answer.

There was only one city east of this empire.

Whitage city.

"The city ruled by that tyrant Arnold von Berkley? Do you realize that he is a murderer?"

The Head Nun seemed unhappy that Sylar brought that up.

"That might be the case but that man's city is the ideal place to go to, right?" Sylar looked at Bethany who nodded in agreement, "My father's cousin is a fief lord of a village there. He said that the city has a tenth population of what it had during the previous city lord's reign. Meaning that it should have enough space for us even if we have to stay in the farmlands."

The others muttered to each other.

Only the Head Nun seemed opposed to this.

"Don't tell me all of you are considering going to that demon spawn's city? Do you realize that he forces people to labor without pay?"

"Last I heard they were prisoners being punished for the actions of the patriarchs of their Houses." Sylar continued, "He only murdered James Caervil because of the things he did to the Berkley Family. Isn't it obvious that nobles kill each other if one decides to hurt the family of the other?"

"I agree with Sylar, Sister. His city doesn't even have a few hundred residents. Wouldn't us going there benefit him? We could give our crops to him to sell for tax and we can become functioning members of the city's society. The one gaining the most from this is him."

"He's still a tyrant who murders without remorse!" the Head Nun didn't back down, "No matter what you say I will not stand here and endanger our lives by going to that city. He would probably kill someone if it's convenient for him! Living in the city of a psycho is not acceptable!"

There was a sudden knock on the door. An apprentice nun opened the door and peeked inside.

"I-I apologize for interrupting, Sister. The adventurers who answered our request have arrived."