Volume 3 Epilogue(2/2)

Chapter 125 - Class B, Year 7(2)

Shirley and her companions followed the disciples who Arthur chased after.

They were heading in the direction of the second floor. Of course, this being a world inside a dungeon, it didn't mean that the entrance to the second floor would be so close by.

The disciples seemed to know their way around the floor.

'Wait, is the scenery changing?' Shirley noticed that they weren't in that damp, smelly tomb chambers anymore. The hallway seemed to fade away up ahead and the cave came to an end. Replacing it was a bridge which led across a gigantic lake.

Shirley and her companions stood there silently. Their mouths gaped and their eyes widened like saucers.

They looked up and saw countless castles floating in the sky and mountain ranges which had towers built on top. It was like they were in a completely different location.

They smelled fresh air which they hadn't inhaled for weeks. Although there were forests and jungles where they came from, none of those places had clean air like this. Even the water was muddy and unsuitable to drink unless it was boiled.

A few of her companions drank the water when it wasn't readily drinkable and suffered from the viruses inside the water. They learned from their mistakes and always double checked everything from then on.

"Wow, the lake is so clear." One of her classmates said as she put her hand in the water and moved it.

Shirley's entire body trembled when she looked down into the lake.

Two big beady eyes were staring directly at their group. Its eyes seemed to be tens of meters apart from each other which meant that the monster whichever those eyes belonged was gigantic. Even larger than wyrms and wyverns.

The other scary part was how the entire lake was clear and they could see all the monsters swimming inside of it.

There was a tortoise the size of an average house that was coming up for air. Deformed fish out of nightmares were swimming near the surface, watching and following the group's movements.

The human disciple stopped and faced the group as the others crossed the bridge.

"Inhabitants… of.. this place… The big ones all herbivores… do not be afraid… small creatures... omnivores... Carnivores not here..."

'What the hell!? Those giant things are herbivores!?'

"Lake… is filled… with enough food for all of them… So no competition or fighting."

"And that giant thing under the other smaller monsters…? Is that a herbivore too?" Shirley and her companions began following the human disciple over the bridge.

"No. That is a guardian of the first floor and second floor… It is… a Water Dragon… it does not eat anything other than fish."

"D-Dragon? In this place where there aren't any clear skies?"

Dragons naturally preferred to stay in areas where they could fly freely. There were so many towers and castles flying around this yellow world that it wouldn't be a surprise of no dragons lived here. So why was there one here at all?

"It cannot fly, only swim… That is why it rests at the bottom…"

"How strong is that thing…" Shirley shivered remembering the goosebumps she got when she made eye-contact with it.

Was it close to the level of a dragon lord? She felt the same feeling whenever she looked into her father's eyes as well. He had battled against a dragon lord twice before and their battles came to a draw on both occasions. Well, maybe comparing it to a dragon lord was jumping to conclusions a little.

"It is one of the weakest monsters here…" The human disciple said.

"…Eh…?" Shirley and her companions had blank expressions on their faces.

How could that thing be considered weak? Dragons were the apex predators in their world.

Wild dragons—like the one Arnold fought—were amongst the weaker variants since they were a subspecies of dragons. Subspecies in this context referred to a lesser species.

Pure dragons were direct descendants of the Dragon God which was the father of all the dragon lords.

Dragons were at the top of the food-chain. Yet, they were referred to as weak here?

"If… you met the knight of the hundredth floor world then you would understand why I am saying this. She is the guardian of the final world. Serving as both a protector of the dungeon and a slayer of evil. Her sword has never been stained twice by her enemy's blood."

'What… What kind of boss is on the final floor?'

The last part of the human disciple's words must've meant: "All challengers who have gone to the top died in one strike".

It was a rather poetic but eerie phrase.

They reached the end of the bridge. Shirley could finally calm down. Her instincts as a demihuman were screaming at her to run away but she was able to hold it in.

She looked at Fecius and the tigerkin. The latter was sweating bullets while the former seemed even calmer than her. Her hands were still shaking.

Fecius was from the same tribe as her so his instincts should've reacted the same way as hers did. Maybe he was just very good at controlling himself mentally? Shirley admired the skills of the royal guard her father chose for her.

"Where are we going?" Anais was the one to ask that question.

"To the Flying Palace of the Sky God," the human disciple answered without turning towards them. It seemed that they were in a hurry judging by their walking speed.

"Why? Does it have something to do with my brother?"

"…Candidate… blessing…"

Anais sighed in defeat. The disciple was being vague on purpose so she couldn't do anything over the matter.

Shirley walked up to Arthur and whispered to him, "A blessing… It must be one from a god, right? From what they're saying, it's from the late Sky God…"

"I think so too…" Arthur whispered back, "But we should follow them. Maybe it'll help us win against that fetus monster."

"You understand what candidate means, right? You'll have to bear whatever happens. What if it could kill you?"

"I doubt a blessing can kill someone. Besides, our luck and strength as a team might increase if we receive a blessing from a real god."

'This idiot isn't getting it.'

The weight of the word "blessing" didn't seem to be understood as the same by both parties. Arthur saw it as something that could increase their luck and combat strength by a little but the disciples probably had a different opinion of it.

They approached a palace which was floating in mid-air. It suddenly moved in their direction and planted itself on the edge of the cliff.

Below them was a void, unlike the clear blue sky above.

The disciples stopped and all of them lifted their arms. A thundering noise of chains clattering and bricks hitting each other echoed. A stairway was suddenly built in just a few seconds.

Their magic didn't require chants or magic circles. Shirley, and most of all, Anais were shocked by this. The latter was one of the most talented mages in the entire academy. She had multiple recommendations to all seven Magic Towers because of her genius talents.

But not even she could use earth magic without chants.

No, was it actually magic? There wasn't any mana being discharged at all.

Shirley wouldn't be able to tell even if there was since she couldn't sense mana.

The giants doors of the castle opened. The disciples turned around for the first time. They had been walking ahead most of the time ever since they left the hallway.

They looked at Arthur who was scratching his cheek.

"It's a little embarrassing being the centre of attention…"

Shirley pushed him forward after rolling her eyes.

The disciples got onto their knees.

"We cannot enter with you," the human disciple spoke, "Please proceed alone and enter the castle. Through divine trials He shalt testeth thy competence."

Arthur didn't seem against the idea at all. Did he have no sense of danger?

But Shirley remembered something he had said to her when they were about to leave on the expedition. She had asked him what he would do in the case of a life-or-death situation.

"I would lay down even my life if it meant saving someone else. If god has given me a chance to live yet put someone else in danger then it means that she is expecting me to help that person in danger."

She thought he was a complete buffoon but she couldn't really say that it was wrong to help others.

The current situation they were facing had killed many. Perhaps he felt that it was his duty to help by any means necessary?

"W-Wait!" Anais grabbed Arthur's arm.

Arthur looked at her gently, "I'll be back. If these trials the disciple speaks of needs to be cleared to give us a chance to clear this dungeon and find a way outside... Then I'll take it."

"Big brother…"

"Sir Arthur…"

"He's so brave…"

The three other girls in their group looked at Arthur with affectionate gazes.

Shirley sighed loudly which ruined their moment of affection.

Arthur smiled wryly as he stepped towards the castle. He looked at Shirley, "I would like to tell you something if we make it out, miss Shirley… It's a bit personal so... I'd like it if we are alone by then."

"…." Shirley looked at him with a deadpan face.

She didn't respond which made him clear his throat forcibly. He faced the disciples.

"I'll be going then… Probably meeting your god?"

"No, you will be meeting the remnants of his memories. But you can still interact with it. We hope you shall grant us this wish so we may also fulfil our goal which is to die with these beliefs of ours."

Arthur nodded before he walked up the stairs, clutching the hilt of his sword.

Shirley tapped her feet impatiently as she kept glancing towards the palace. There was no dramatic sound effects or lights. The only sound they heard was that big door closing. It was sealed shut by some layered spell barrier.

They could only hear the emotionless wind and the moving castles cutting through the air at a steady pace.

Fecius suddenly approached Shirley, "May I ask something personal, lady Shirley?"

"What is it?"

Fecius lowered the tone of his voice, "I noticed that your scent has been getting stronger ever since a week ago. I haven't had the chance to ask you if you brought enough scented towels. I made some from torn cloths by soaking it in flower essence. If you'd like—"

"…." Shirley's entire face reddened, "Why the hell are you smelling me!?" she pulled him by his ear.

"T-The scent is just too strong since it is that time of the month! P-Please take these." Fecius took out a bundle of cloths from his bag.

"Tch." She quickly grabbed it before anyone could see, "Did you like it, huh? The scent of my blood, you pervert?" She pulled down her skirt uncomfortably with an uncomfortable smirk on her face.

"I admit that it is peculiar but please take care of yourself properly," Fecius was unfazed by her teasing, "I have watched over you ever since I chose to become a eunuch to guard you. I would never dare act upon my instincts… well, I can't really act on them at all…"

Shirley noticed Fecius glancing at a certain someone.

The tigerkin, Hofir.

"He isn't a royal guard or eunuch but he chose to serve you. I find that odd."

Shirley also glanced at Hofir. She could see drool fall from the sides of his mouth and that there was a bulge in his pants.

"…That bastard must be thinking of raping me right now."

"I have a feeling that you wanted to explore up ahead after our leader's suggestion. I cannot follow since only three people at most must go. But I would like you to tell sir Arthur to decide who will go by a vote."

Shirley could understand why Fecius was telling her this. Hofir might decided to be part of the three as well. He will probably kill the third member and rape Shirley in some dark cave.

"The catkins have been known for their excessive breeding rituals. Even the most aromatic scent from a person can cause them to lose control. This is especially so for males. Females are a little more reserved. They pick strong men over the smells they like the most. This ensures that their children become great warriors and that they are protected until adulthood. Even us wolfkin are no exception."

"Are you implying something, Fecius?" Shirley narrowed her eyes at him.

Fecius shrugged, "I'm only saying that if sir Arthur meant that he would ask for your hand in marriage then I suggest you take it. The two of you are near the end of your academic career so there are no distractions. He can also protect you and your future children from people like Hofir."

"I'm really going to punch you beyond recovery."

"Ahaha, it was a joke. You may marry who you wish, My Lady. You don't need to choose based on strength or scent. You lineage itself can protect you."

"I already know that, genius."

Fecius excused himself.

Shirley walked towards the disciples who were silently looking up at the castle Arthur entered earlier.

"Excuse me?" she called out to them but they didn't respond.

Only the human-sized female looked at Shirley, "Not yet time. Do not proceed further."

"Eh, no I don't want to go in. I just want to ask some questions."

The woman looked back at the castle before walking over to Shirley.


She silently stared at Shirley.

'Where should I begin…' she looked around at the floating castles and the yellow sky that differed from their own.

This was a world within a dungeon. There were multiple worlds inside this dungeon. The first floor was also different than the outside. The second one was no exception.

"We know from ancient texts that the Sky God was buried here but how did he die? And why make this place of all places his tomb?"

"He needed a stronghold because he was suspected of a rebellion against the gods…."


"Huh? How did he rebel?"

"He sought to make peace with the Demon King because he believed we can live amongst demons. All the gods banished Him to spend his last days as a mortal surviving here each day."

"And this place was here even before he was banished here?"

"No… It was beneath the sea for centuries before the Demon War. This tomb reacted to the vast amounts of mana being released into the air due to portals forming each day."

'Hmm… If I remember correctly, the humans took the chance to attack first. They found a way to cross the Intermid border using ancient arcane magic.'

Shirley associated "vast amounts of mana" with teleportation spells such as Dimensional Portal and World Teleportation. These spells released the greatest amounts of mana among every single spell that existed.

The Demon War lasted for two centuries which was long enough for two Archmages to appear in different time periods.

"But how does mana fit into this?"

"The teleportation magic released a lot of mana into the atmosphere. Imagine if a person with a nigh-bottomless mana pool casting big portals every day. Mana, though miniscule, is released from a person's body whenever they cast a spell. In this case, spells were cast nearly every day. Because of this, the entire world was filled with pure mana that caused unnatural phenomena. The Great Ridge in the middle of the continent was also a result from this."

"What? Wait, so you were there when it all happened?"

"Yes. I was a slave in the great war though I am now a humble priest tasked with teaching the religion of the Sky God."

'A slave… Did the demons take human slaves? But why is she hiding her face with that stone mask then?'

Shirley didn't have the right to ask such personal questions so she didn't ask the woman.

"If the dungeon reacted to the mana released back then, does that mean that the reason the mountain is capable of staying in the air is also due to that?"

There was a strong force pushing from down the seabed up to the cloud that the mountain was on. That was how the seventh years were able to enter the dungeon.

There was a big hole to where the force leads and that was how they reached the first floor. It felt like they were levitating the first time they got here.


"I see. Aren't all of you upset that we came to this sanctuary of yours?"

She shook her head, "We have long since accepted outsiders. This area of the world is safe so we cannot be attacked or die here. The inhabitants can't enter without our permission either. It is a sacred ground that grants immortality to anything living here. Many of the outsiders come here when searching for a sanctuary. Naturally, we only give them permission if we sense no hostility."

"So we're not the first ones to come here?"

"Yes. The Old One came here first with permission from our God."

"Old One?"

"It has no name. It is everywhere. It has existed since time became a concept."

"Uhm…" confused with all the gibberish, Shirley only frowned.

"We refer to it as the old one because it has been on this world ever since the world's first organism evolved. It spread its seed to nearly all the monsters that live here. Some have succeeded but others failed."

"Spread its seed? And what monsters do you mean?"

"Why are outsiders so ignorant about everything about divine sentient life… Did you not encounter one of its children when you came here? I can sense it on you. It impregnated a Bilko when it came here the first time."

"What's a Bilko?"

Shirley was probably annoying the woman with all these questions but she was too curious and just had to know.

The disciple pointed somewhere in the sky.

"Those are Bilkos. They are found in every world inside this place."

Shirley could see a flying octopus hovering through the air with its many limbs. The most bizarre thing was how its entire body was covered in fur from head to limbs. But it definitely resembled an octopus since it had eight limbs.

"What the hell!?"

This was the first time she had seen that thing.

Was this entire dungeon just a labyrinth of worlds with bizarre creatures?

"Although the Old One spread its seed, it hadn't succeeded in breeding successfully with many of these creatures. Most of its young ones could not mature and are forced to remain fetuses for all eternity," the disciple suddenly went quiet.

"Why did you stop talking?" Shirley was impatient and wanted to know more about this "Old One" that she's talking about.

The human disciple looked towards the castle.

She began walking towards it.

The giants suddenly took off their stone masks and screeched towards the castle. Shirley was appalled by their disfigured faces that were barely identical to humans even though their bodies were identical in some ways.

The human disciple didn't take off her mask. She was only silently staring up at the castle.

Noticing the commotion, the other students came towards Shirley.

Anais spoke, "Is it over?"

"It can't be, right? It's only been 20 minutes since he went inside." Fecius said.

"The concepts of time does not flow linear down here," said the human disciple, "he has seen everything that has ever happened in history through the eyes of our God."

'Through the eyes of their god?'

The castle doors opened up with a bang.

A bright light was emanating from within and a powerful energy made Shirley's hair stand on end.

Even Fecius—the person she thought had no emotion to speak of—was widening his eyes in disbelief.

Was he also dumbfounded by the immense power they felt coming from the castle?

The source of that power was obvious.

"—He has succeeded in the requirements to receive a blessing." The human disciple said.

All of them looked up as the giants were screeching and jumping around.

A tall young man with the same blonde hair stood atop the stairs, looking down at them.

His entire body was covered in white energy.

White Aura.

Shirley had never seen white aura before in her life. She associated it with Sword Intent but the density of the power was too light.

"The first wielder of White Aura has been born!" all the disciples, including the human disciple bent down on one knee with their heads lowered.

Arthur began descending the stairs. Each step made the ground rumble.

Shirley noticed that all the castles had stopped moving.

Arthur reached the bottom staircase.

He opened his mouth to speak.

"Let's go kill that monster," he pointed somewhere in the distance, "But first I'll go get the holy sword that is now rightfully mine."

A Hero had been born.