Chapter 139: A Way Out

A moan echoed in the dark room lit by candlelight. The thick smell of body odour and human fluids drifted in the air. The single bed in the room hit the wall with incredible force.

A blanket was bobbing up and down as slapping sounds echoed in the room.

The room smelled stuffy since there wasn't a single open window. Every window was blocked by curtains.

A grunt escaped someone's mouth. It turns out there were two people underneath that blanket.

"L-Lord Arnold! Something's coming!" Marcia gripped Arnold's arm as her insides tightened. She wrapped her arms around his lower back to squeeze his butt. She also wrapped her legs around him to push him deeper.

Her mini orgasms weren't comparable to what she was about to experience right now.

Arnold grunted again. It felt like his thing was about to be chopped off by her insides. There was so much movement down there that he thought he was being tickled by small critters.

'Virgins are the best!'

Every nook and cranny of his manhood was being pleasured as he thrust in and out.

Arnold slammed his all into Marcia's honey pot. A force gripped down on him as liquid splashed out of Marcia.

"!!!!!" she screamed incoherently as she lifted her hips.

"Holy shit! I'm coming too!" Arnold felt his balls tighten up in pain. His urethra expanded to shoot hot strings of sperm into Marcia's womb.

"Ah! Ah! It's coming again!" Marcia clenched her jaw as she rubbed her vagina with incredible speed. Liquid splashed again, staining the sheets for the umpteenth time.

Arnold pulled out.

He looked at the cloudy liquid that leaked out in pride.

"...She passed out, huh. Oh well, I can call in the next one." Arnold looked to the corner of the room, "Take the princess to the next room."

"O-Okay." The maid, who was tasked with helping whenever it was needed, hurriedly stood up and came towards the bed. She gulped when she looked down at Arnold who was taking a water break.

His thing was similar to a forearm dangling down. The dark colour made it look menacing. Any woman—especially a virgin—would die being pierced by his holy sword.

The maid hurriedly picked Marcia up and left the room with a red face.

Someone came inside right after she left.

"Excuse me, Lord Arnold." A mature woman's voice came from the door.

Arnold looked around and saw one of the king's wives standing there. She was wearing a very risqué nightgown that barely hid her explosive breasts. Her stomach fat couldn't be held up by her dress so it was visible for the world to see.

Arnold didn't mind a little fat, especially if the person was a mature woman. What's a little belly fat from pregnancy?

Arnold stood up and walked towards her. 

"Oh my." She put her hand over her mouth as she glanced down. Arnold's raging erection was poking her stomach.

"A-Am I not ugly?"

'I'd say you're average but I can't really say it out loud.'

"What does it matter what I think? This guy seems to think you're the most beautiful woman in the world." He pointed at his thing, "That's enough, isn't it?"

Its veins bulged with each second as if it couldn't wait.

"Princess Marcia made quite a mess so you should clean it up first."

"Okay." She timidly wrapped her fingers around his raging boner.

"Ugh." Arnold groaned feeling her expert movements, "…How often have you done it with your husband?"

"Hmm, we've done it two times. That was to conceive two children."

"Oh? He must have some pretty strong swimmers if he can get you pregnant by doing it once. Have you done it with anyone else?"

She shook her head.


She obeyed and knelt in front of him. His thing was right in front of her eyes.


She nodded obediently.

Arnold drew in his breath when he felt her warm mouth wrapping around him. Her small tongue sent tingles up his spine.

"Are you sure you haven't done it with anyone other than your husband?"

A pop sounded when she removed his thing from her mouth.

"I always relief myself… Uhm, I practice on occasion as well."  

"Is that so…"

She put it into her mouth again and sucked it until the root. It was crazy how she could do that without choking. She definitely taught herself well.

"Ugh! I'm going to come!" Arnold grabbed her small head and thrust with extreme force. Her eyes only widened. She wasn't choking at all.

She closed her eyes as her mouth was turned into a second love hole.

Arnold's thing expanded, which bulged in her throat. He shot his strings of hot sperm down her throat.

She gulped gently.

'Holy shit…'

Arnold's juices were staining the inside of her mouth in white. The murky liquid dripped onto her sagging breasts. She accidentally blew bubbles out of her nose which made her giggle.

She gulped for the last time, then she breathed loudly and showed her mouth.

"M-Men like this, right?" she blushed while asking that, "Kyaaah!?"

Arnold picked her up and threw her onto the bed.

"Not even my maid back home wants to swallow! That was fucking hot!" He spread her legs.

He was greeted by a rainforest of the unknown. It was like he was looking into the same void he jumped through on the second world.

Her womanly scent assaulted his nostrils which reenergised his little brother.

Her floorgates came down which caused her love juices to fall on the bed.

"!" The woman gasped loudly as she grabbed the bedsheets, "W-What are you… doing!? Hngh!"

Her hips raised instinctively.

Arnold's head was buried in her rainforest so he couldn't see the expression on her face. All he heard were her moans.

'It's kind of sour but not that bad.' He slurped her liquid which made her moan even louder.

"S-Stop! I haven't shaven it yet! Ah! Ah!"

Arnold stuck his finger inside and searched for a bump. He found it near the entrance and squished it.

A gushing sound resounded as his face was drenched. Her legs wrapped around his head and he felt her scruffy hair rub against his face.

"Haaah… Haaa… Haaa…." She finally let go, "T-That was amazing… Ah, I can't move…"

"I'm glad you liked it. Let's hope I like it when I put it inside."

"Ah, wait!"

Arnold grunted as he pushed himself inside her. Her insides clenched down on him but he kept pushing.

The woman could only wordlessly look up at the ceiling with her mouth open. 

Arnold began thrusting into her. She offered no resistance.

"Ah! Ah!" she came again but he didn't let her rest.

He kept going at it aggressively. He put his entire weight on her to not let her escape.

'Ah… fuck…'

'This feels so good…'

'She's not beautiful but her insides feel amazing.'

'How many times has she came?'

Arnold looked down while his thoughts ran wild.

Has it been ten minutes? An hour? He could barely tell.

The woman was half-conscious. Small moans leaked out of her mouth and her eyes were unfocused.

She whispered in a sweet voice, "Lord Arnold… I want your babies…Mmm…"

She seemed to be sleep talking.

Arnold looked up at the ceiling after falling flat on the bed.

The windows suddenly blew open, letting the moon's light shine into the room.  

An eerie chill made Arnold's spine tingle.

"Huh?" Arnold instinctively looked around after feeling that chill and saw a figure standing in front of the bed.

It was a giant figure. A figure cladded in black armour. Its eyes were an ominous red light looking straight at him.

It was… his demon lord armour.

Soon. I shall see my master in his full glory soon.

The armour spoke in a deep voice as it pointed at Arnold.

Arnold blinked for a second. The armour was suddenly gone.

"…Am I hallucinating from lack of sleep…?" 


Arnold returned to his room right after he was done with his last partner.

He felt exhausted.

'I already expected my insomnia to drain my energy but I didn't expect this much…'

He went towards his magic bag and took out one of the potions he made. He downed it after looking at it for a few seconds.

A warm feeling embraced his body. The exhaustion he felt was alleviated slightly.

He exhaled deeply.

Arnold picked up the candle—which was the only source of light at the moment—and headed towards the bed.

"….." he noticed that Rafaela was already asleep. Well, that was obvious since it was just a few minutes after 4am. 

What made him stop and stare was how defenceless she was while sleeping.

She also didn't have any pants on, only a long sweater that went over her hips. Her sweater was slightly lifted, probably due to her constant tossing and turning. He could see black underwear peek from underneath that sweater.

Her long and milky legs were bare for all to see. The only thing that was covered by the blanket was her upper body.

Arnold sat the candle down. His eyes couldn't help but scan her up and down.  

Her backside was facing him so he could see her well-endowed butt.


He sighed and grabbed the blanket. He pulled it over her legs and grabbed a separate blanket for himself.

After getting under the blanket, he blew out the candle and had some shut-eye.



Arnold saw the time when he checked the clock hanging on the reception room's wall.

He was currently waiting for Arthur and his two classmates. He wanted to go over a few things before leaving.

He would've preferred leaving before the sun came up. This would've made it harder for any patrolling guards to spot him. He wanted to surprise the barbarian tribe, after all. But that was out of the question right now.

By the way, he hadn't told anyone about his plan. Waiting for the army to gather will take too long so he wanted to go to the barbarian tribe himself.  

He wanted to go see the witch to trade with her.

Arnold had no choice but to leave now. The women who kept coming to his room kept him awake throughout the night. Any man would feel pride in this but he was feeling exhausted. The potion only worked for a while.

He didn't even sleep properly when he returned to his room. He kept waking up every half an hour.

It had been days since he closed his eyes properly. He was having slight headaches over it.

The door suddenly opened, revealing the three people he was waiting for, plus Rafaela in the same maid uniform for some reason.

"…." Arthur kept his head down.

"….." Arnold didn't bother speaking to him about what happened last night, nor did he apologise for what he said.

He shamed Arthur in front of this nation's people. He called him a disappointment.

That was what he was. Arnold won't take back what he said. What kind of hero becomes jealous of someone's power and becomes strong for the sole reason of defeating that person?

Arthur was definitely formidable. Arnold wouldn't have been able to defeat him that easily in hand-to-hand combat if he didn't have his memories back. He would've been forced to use his martial art which would've drained his aura further.

Arnold knew Arthur was a good person who would save anyone in danger but he was still a worse hero than Luke. At least Luke became strong to protect his family, unlike Arthur who made Arnold his sole motivation.

It was honestly pathetic hearing him scream like that how Arnold stole Olivia as well. Well, let bygones be bygones. Arnold could hardly care if Olivia accepts Arthur as a lover now.

'I wonder if he's really in love with Shirley or if he's using her as a replacement. But he seemed rather glad back when he heard her voice over the transmitter. Hmm…'

"What was your original plan after you got the holy sword?"

Fecius looked at Arthur who didn't reply.

He sighed, "Arthur said he wants to try and fight that boss on the first floor again. Divinity is the monster's supposed weakness so his aura, which is of divine nature, will be effective against it."

The Star Beast was also vulnerable to divine power. However, it had many ways to guard against priest-class individuals or even gods.  

Not even the archangels could defend against the monster. Of course, that didn't mean that it was impossible to defeat it.

In fact, thrones, seraphims and cherubims were the only beings capable of standing toe-to-toe with this monster. Their curses were very powerful which could even break past this monster's defences. Unfortunately, only a fully grown angel could stand up against it.

Arnold's little Ceru could become that powerful if she just grows a little more.

Unlike their parent, the offspring didn't know how to defend against divinity. If Arthur could weaponize divinity then he had a good chance of winning.

Of course, divine power is only its weakness. Trying to hit it is the difficult part.

"I don't see any reason for wanting to challenge it. Unlike other dungeons, you're not required to clear a floor to advance to the next. I'm sure you know that now."

'That monster isn't the boss monster, idiot. Just listen to me.'

While it would be a good thing to kill the monster to eliminate a possible threat, Arnold had no idea what consequences will result from killing the fetus monster. If any of its siblings had familial love then it would seek revenge.

Those monsters will ultimately end up in their world which was the outcome Arnold wanted to avoid. This is why it's best to leave it alone.

"We found a book at the entrance. It was standing on a pedestal. It told us that we can leave the dungeon automatically if we manage to defeat a boss," said Fecius, "There's a limit to how many can leave, though."

"Where's that book now?"  

"We don't know. It faded into magic particles when we finished reading all the pages inside of it. That said, there weren't a lot of pages in it to begin with."

Arnold frowned.

'Don't tell me that the book was the trigger to making the entrance disappear.'

It was definitely a grimoire, a book capable of harnessing unknown powers.

Maybe the power that was keeping the portal open was cut off when they picked it up.

"Did it say anything else?"

"Nothing that caught our eyes. Just basic knowledge about dungeons. Like, if we defeat a boss then we can also get a reward like weapons and magic items. Many of our classmates were greedy and charged into the monster's room."

"…It killed our classmates and our teacher." Arthur said in a mutter, "I won't leave until I kill it as well. You won't change my mind."

"They got themselves killed… Don't glare at me like that. I'm sure you guys challenged it because you thought you could beat it, right? My seniors sure are arrogant. It quickly turned into a competition over which class could defeat it, outshining the rest, right? Performance is more important during a dungeon exam, after all."

Arthur's expression turned bitter.

'It seems I'm right.'

"Prioritizing one's life is more important than worrying about others. You end up sacrificing your own life if someone you hold dearly is in danger." He was talking to Arthur even if he wasn't looking into said person's eyes, "Would you allow a friend to live who endangers your party? The kind of danger they pose doesn't matter, just give me an honest answer."

"Of course." Arthur said with a resolute expression.

'Fucking idiot.' Arnold was beginning to get sick of this White Knight Syndrome of this small man. 

Ignoring Arthur, Arnold continued, "Use your heads and not your heart in this dungeon. Do you actually think that that thing on the first floor is the most dangerous monster you'll encounter? Well, let's not limit it to monsters only. Many things can happen so look at everything with a sceptical mind, even the place you pick to take a shit."




All three of them looked at Arnold in silence, probably wondering where he was going with this.

It was better to be vague on purpose. How suspicious would it be if he told them every single thing he knows about this dungeon? Sure, he didn't know everything since most of the things he knows is hearsay or just stuff from the internet. Still, he was the one with the most knowledge so he was trying to warn them.

It seems they can't see the bigger picture.

'Strong people with no brains are just declawed tigers.'

Arnold shook his head mentally, "Let's leave all the details for when I get back."

"Where are you going?" asked Fecius.

"That's none of your business."

If he told them then they'll try and stop him. The reason they were still on this world was related to why Arnold was going alone, after all.

It was a big gamble whether that cursed item was really the authentic sword of [Song and Light] or just a really high rank magic item.

If it was the latter then it was Arnold's lucky day. However, if it was the former then he's overstayed his welcome.

A holy sword was useless if you can't use it. It was the equivalent of a rock in the hands of a non-divinity user. This was due to the sword's heavy restrictions.

"In the unlikely event that I don't make it back, I want all of you to follow this dungeon map." Arnold took out a small notebook and placed it on the coffee table.

Inside of it were the descriptions of various worlds with their respective numbers. There were only a dozen worlds that Arnold knew about. His knowledge about the others was extremely limited so he didn't include them.

The 50th world was the most highlighted of them all. He also included drawings of three towers that were in the formation of a triangle.

Those towers were the most important locations out of everything inside the notebook.

Rafaela's eyes widened, "How do you know so much about this place? Did you find a map fragment?"

"Map fragment? What's that, miss?" asked Arthur, having heard her question.

"A map fragment is a kind of map for each world in the dungeon," said Rafaela, "World hoppers, wizards of old and even the disciples record everything they know about each world and scatter the fragments throughout the dungeon. The fragments can help explorers create a full map of the entire dungeon."

"Why do they do that? Isn't it easier to just leave the fragments near the entrance or something?"

"These fragments can only be found by people who are meant to find them. It has everything to do with fate." Rafaela looked at Arnold in suspicion.

Arnold put his hands up in defeat as he took out a familiar diary.

"It's all in here."

·        Hermit Sage's Diary.

Of course, he was lying. Arnold just pulled the book out when he heard Rafaela mention "world hoppers". This Hermit Sage could apparently jump worlds. Still, one would be disappointed to assume he's recorded some amazing events like cataclysmic space battles or witnessing a being beyond comprehension harnessing the power of a neutron star. The diary only narrated the adventures of the hermit who gained godly powers from eating magic books(Arnold thought it was bullshit, though). He now travels every world and dimension. Another interesting thing was that he was a magic item craftsman. He spreads his creations throughout every world. He probably lost the diary when he came here.

"Give it to me! That's a valuable item to the disciples!" Rafaela flew across the room to snatch it, "They will be upset with me if I allow you to take it!"

Arnold was faster. He put the book away in his magic bag. The magic bag never opens up to anyone other than its wearer so Rafaela couldn't open it.

He pulled Rafaela's cheeks, "If it was that valuable then why was it laying in a pile of rubbish in that palace? Hm?"

"Let me gooo!"

"Fine, but keep your hands to yourself. There's a rule we lowly mortals uphold: Finders, keepers."

"…." Rafaela glared at him as she rubbed her swollen cheeks.

"…What exactly is this?" Fecius flipped the pages inside the notebook with a  curious glint in his eyes.

"Think of it as a map that will guide you. I noted down everything important about each world. Keep in mind that your destination is on the 50th floor."

"What's located up there exactly?" asked Fecius.

"A way back outside."

Arthur, Fecius and Hofir's eyes widened.

If the first floor's exit was gone then the best thing to do was find an artifact that could act as another exit. Luckily, Arnold was familiar with such an artifact and knew where one can be found.

"A way back outside!? Is that true!?" Arthur jumped to his feet.

"Yeah. The most important thing to remember is that your goal right now is to leave. Since a rescue party came from the outside to get all of you out of here, I suggest all of you wait for those people before leaving. If all of you don't receive a signal then it's up to you to decide if you'll remain here or try and pick up a signal by going from world to world."

'I hope the rescue party isn't that far.'

As mentioned before, it was better to have a larger group to travel with. The rescue party was made up of very powerful individuals so they will ensure the seventh year students are safe.

Even the famed Daraia, came along. She was a 7th star martial artist who gained a lot of fame over the years due to her wide collection of martial skills. In fact, she was on the same level of Sebastian when it came to martial arts. The two attended prestigious martial art schools when they were young. Given how Sebas was older, he was more experienced than her. Of course, she also had no Ki so she was a bit weaker than Sebastian when it came to raw power.

Still, it was reassuring to have a 7th star powerhouse along with many other powerful people, to save the seventh year students.

"I wonder if the academy received our transmissions. We sent a lot of them out on the first floor." Fecius spoke with a troubled expression.

Due to technical limitations with magical technology, it was impossible to save transmissions as you would in the modern world. There were no voicemails. That was why it was important for people to have exact timeframes for when they send out transmissions and who has to receive them.

Transmitters in this world are essentially like walky-talkies. If someone is on the same frequency as you then it's possible to communicate with them. Of course, if some unknown person got a hold of the frequency code or if they could use a specific magic item to imitate frequencies then they can listen in on conversations.

"You should try sending messages to the same frequency as you would to the academy once all of you are together."

"Oh, that makes sense. We can tell the rescue party where we are that way." Fecius nodded as he understood what Arnold was trying to say.

"Exactly. Things will also go faster this way."

"But what if we still can't pick up a signal and communicate with them?" Arthur asked.

"Just remember to check a lot throughout the day. It might be because they're far away. Those crystals I mentioned send signals to each other. Just imagine it as light bouncing from one object to another. If someone is too far away then it will take ages to get a message from them using this method of communicating."

"…I can't believe a younger student is educating us on this. I am truly ashamed for being so uninformed about these things," said Fecius with a wry smile.

'I can't really blame you for not knowing.'

The Academy doesn't teach their students everything about dungeons. It wasn't intentional, though. They don't have a broader understanding of dungeons like players do.

Players had convenient tools like the internet or fandoms to search for things they didn't know about beforehand. People in this world had to go through countless ancient books just to find an answer to simple stuff.

The crystals that Arnold mentioned are actually mentioned in an old book from two centuries ago. It had limited copies so not many people on the continent know about its contents. The crystals grow back in their world as well if the environment has enough spatial elements like space matter(the core component for portals).

"There's a lot of things about dungeons that even veteran explorers don't know about," Arnold stood up, "All they have to do is dig deeper. The academy should do the same."

Arnold looked at Rafaela, "Stay with them for the time being. We can leave the floor once I return."

"Mm." That was all Rafaela said.

"Well then, I'll be off."