Chapter 145: Isaac Languard

The Academy Ardark was quiet since it was early morning. In fact, the sun was only just beginning to rise. Today was the last day of school so it was a very special day for the students.

The student council president is obligated to deliver a speech to say farewell to their final year students. This is to wish them a fruitful life after leaving the academy.

Celeste von Penston was currently making her way towards a particular place.

She was tidy as usual with her blonde hair tied behind her head with two bangs hanging next to her cheeks. Her blazer was buttoned up to the top and hugged her well-endowed chest. The long legs revealed under her ankle skirt were covered by her black tights. Being a maiden and all she was always seen with such a skirt that reached below her knees because it was what ladies are meant to wear without inducing the lust in the opposite sex.

Most of the female students wore dresses that revealed most of their thighs. Maybe it was because of how Celeste was raised but she abhorred women who dress like that just to attract the opposite sex.

Shouldn't your personality and charisma be the key points in determining one's suitability to another? Celeste didn't care that much about academy romance of others so she never forced the girls to wear their skirts like she does. They can get pregnant and drop out. She didn't care.

Celeste's shoes quietly hit the floor as she made her way to Isaac Languard's office. She wanted to speak with him urgently. This was usually the time he was up since he's such an early bird. In fact, she hears from his fellow committee members that he's so studious that he never sleeps until he's done with an assignment or planning for an event.

Celeste liked this about Isaac. He was a hardworking man with the skills and experience any person would admire.

Of course, his origins weren't all butterflies and roses. He had to climb his way through the school hierarchy and even help his family become a prominent noble house. The fact that a single boy made his own household into a Baron House was a remarkable feat.

Celeste met Isaac in their second year in a political science class. They instantly clicked. The two of them could speak about politics and business for hours on end. It makes Celeste think that he was the perfect person to make a business partner. He can help her and Olivia's business grow further.

But she knew he wasn't interested in business despite having a lot of knowledge in the field. The reason he had this much knowledge was probably to make connections more easily. Having the same knowledge about a certain subject makes it easier to reel in a target to earn benefits.

In any case, Celeste was going to see him about a matter concerning her and Olivia's business. Not just that but she wanted his insight on another problem. It concerned the future of this empire.

She finally arrived in front of his door.

"It's open."

Celeste was about to knock but lowered her hand once she heard that. She turned the doorknob, entered the room and peered inside.

Everything was tidy. There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere. Even the floor was shiny.

"?" Celeste noticed suitcases in front of Isaac's desk.

"Forgive me, I was—" Isaac came out of another room and was about to apologize but stopped when he saw who it was, "—Lady Celeste, good to see you. You're as beautiful as the day we first met. Though, now you have a more feminine and mature charm."

The young man with his slicked back brown hair greeted Celeste in a gentlemanly manner.

Celeste chuckled.

"I hope that is just flattery, Sir Isaac. You should know I have a fiancé. He is a man I will stay faithful to until the day I die."

"Hahaha. I apologize if I said something weird." Isaac wiped his hands with a cloth and approached Celeste, "How may I help you, Lady Celeste?"

He pulled out a chair for her. She thanked him and sat down.

"Why do you think I'm here to ask you for something?"

"Because a woman who can do almost anything only reaches out to people in times of need. Every flower withers if it doesn't get water. Even the most beautiful ones."

"Gosh. Did you just quote some cheesy writer?"

Isaac laughed, "Perhaps. But it's the truth, right?"

"Yes, I need to discuss something with you and I hope you'll lend me your ear."

"I can't stay long to help with anything except lend you my ear anyway." He packed the things on his desk into a cardboard box.

"Are you leaving the empire?" she asked as she glanced down at the luggage near her feet.

"Yes, I'm going to attend a bunch of lectures at a university in the republican country. A professor there recommended me a scholarship which I can get once I complete my seven years at the academy."

Universities were still open unlike academies and magic schools. Although it was a break for Celeste and the other students, the university students were going to classes the same as usual. Their break only began the start of next year from the first month to the third month.

"I thought you'll become a bureaucrat immediately after finishing your seventh year at the academy?"

"No, I intend to further my studies in politics. I'll see where my life goes on from there."

"I see." Celeste looked around for a moment before speaking again, "How long will you be gone?"

"I might stay there until the academy reopens. If they give me the chance to study at their university without completing the academy then I'll take it."

Skipping grades wasn't that unheard of so Celeste wouldn't be surprised if Isaac was actually offered such a thing. His mind rivalled many of the top achievers of this academy even if he never makes it on the list.

"Anyway, enough about me. Let me hear your troubles. I will help where I can."

Celeste nodded, "It concerns my business—"


Celeste and Isaac talked for awhile. Isaac listened sometimes but only intervened to speak when he was curious about something she said. He offered his insights once Celeste was done speaking.

Celeste took notes since she knew that she wouldn't be able to explain what Isaac was telling her to Olivia. Though he doesn't own a business, he has shares in many of them across the continent. This is because he befriends those who have rich families like the children of oil merchants, commercial farmers and politicians.

Targeting their fathers and mothers directly wasn't his style so he aims to influence their children. Slowly but surely he convinces them to allow him to invest in their families' businesses and campaigns.

He was like a snake that crawls into a small space when he sees the opportunity to score. Some usually hate these kinds of people but Celeste liked him for his scheming nature. In fact, he's easier to read than most people since his goals are so blatantly obvious to her.

It was all about money in the end for him. He offers advice to others in exchange for their connections and profit. Nothing more.

"Thank you for your wonderful advice, Isaac. You're always helping me yet I never pay you back."

"Hahaha, your friendship is more than enough for me, Lady Celeste. I know that I can rely on you in my time of need, should that day arrive."

"Of course. Come to me if you ever need anything."

The two smiled at each other. Of course, the meanings behind their words were anything but friendly.

The two might be on good terms but they're always looking for ways to milk things out of each other. Celeste preferred someone like this more than some bastard who hides his or her motives under a fake smile.

"I have another concern that is unrelated to me and Olivia."

Isaac raised an eyebrow.

"Do tell me."

"It's about that Cain fellow."

"….." Isaac leaned back as he crossed one leg over the other, "The eldest son of the most notorious assassin family. Is he after you?"

"Oh, no. That's not it at all."

Celeste and Isaac were well aware of who Cain was and where he comes from. They were keeping this quiet from everyone else because there was no benefit for them to reveal this to anyone. All they would receive is the ire of that family.

Cain's family was nothing special on the surface besides being a family that makes money from renting out their army. Underneath that guise was an assassin family that committed countless crimes. They were wanted in every nation.

Not even Serz associates themselves with that family. Every single member of that family is a monstrous killer with no remorse for human beings.

Celeste and the other Cadres agreed to never use them for contracted killing.

"I'm concerned about the faction that he leads. The Commoner Faction."

"I see. I've noticed that their power on this side of the empire has grown exponentially. I didn't think much of it since they can't really pose a threat to any of you from the Crown faction."

"Giving commoners too much power isn't a good thing. Especially if a noble is leading them. They get brainwashed into believing they're oppressed when it's really not that way at all."

"Indeed. The pretext is protecting the commoners from us nobles but the truth is more sinister than they would think. Were it anyone else then I wouldn't let my attention be drawn to the faction but this is a person who chooses to hide his identity from everyone, in fear of being held responsible for his crimes. To others he just seems like a man who leads one of many factions in the most prestigious academy on the continent. I don't know Cain personally but I've met people like him. They exaggerate things on the surface to get the favor of others. However, he's actually the one causing all those things and pretends to fix them. The people don't see this because they're simpleminded. Be that as it may, an empire cannot function without its people. If the commoners turn on us nobles then we'll have no chance of restoration. The civil war already worsened the economy. The new industrialization era managed to somewhat fix the economy but there are still areas which needs attention. The civil war caused people to lose faith in the nobles who are supposed to run their country. Cain might try and use their fragility to somehow gain more power. "

"What do you suggest we do, Isaac?"

"I have a plan but His Highness, the crown prince needs to be here to carry it out. The Crown Faction will not be taken seriously if he's absent. Remember that I am not a part of your faction so I hope you take full responsibility if anything goes amiss. I'm only helping because it will benefit me in the long run."

"I know. I'll make sure His Highness knows this as well."

Celeste thought to herself for a moment.

'He's right. Although most of the members of our faction are still in the empire, we can't move without the prince. His presence alone would give us enough power to put the Commoner Faction in their place.'

"There was one time in history when a faction of just a few members grew large enough to overthrow a king. Of course, the king was a usurper who killed thousands for his crazy ideals so overthrowing him was the best thing that could've ever happened to that nation." Celeste recalled what she learned in history class, "The people were mostly slaves of the king's soldiers and even the soldiers themselves. The ones who led them used the people's hatred to unite everyone to take down a common foe."

"Do you think Cain is doing the same thing?"

"That's what I'm trying to say, yes."

"But times are different. I doubt he plans on taking this empire. It's also much larger than the kingdom you're talking about. We have several kingdoms under Emperor Jurnick's rule. All their kings bow down to us. Realistically, it would take many years for Cain to gain enough power, assuming prince Julius doesn't put a stop to his ideals."

"What if he uses his family's influence? They have very powerful clients, after all."

Isaac shook his head, "Too risky. They have been moving incognito for generations without being caught."

"That's true."

'If we hadn't used their services in the past then we would've never known that they still existed.'

Serz hired them many times in the past to deal with troublesome people. That was before they decided to never associate themselves with the family. They were an organization specialized in information gathering before. Assassination wasn't their strong point back then. Of course, they could just kill people if they wanted to but their approach was louder every time.

Miara was actually the one to suggest that family since she was also an assassin in the past who made connections with them.

Celeste wasn't even surprised that a psychopathic murderer like Miara knew that family. They were like peas in a pod, after all.

"If they aren't planning on taking the empire for themselves then what's their plan?" Celeste couldn't figure out their goal.

'Should I investigate deeper? Sending spies after Cain might be risky but I have no choice. I need to know what his plans are.'

Of course, now was not the best time for that. Her forces were divided at the moment and she wanted to enjoy her vacation from the academy for a while.

"If I had to give my views on the matter…" Isaac paused for a second, "…I'd say they're aiming to make this empire a democracy."


'Of course!'

Celeste realized it instantly.

"Why do you think the commoners are following the nobles?" Isaac asked as he leaned forward.

"Cain makes them believe that they're equals so they threw away their titles as nobles to fit in with the commoners."

"Exactly. We should assume their goal is to convince every noble to join their cause and make a democracy. It's like changing the empire without actually taking it forcibly using violence. Nonetheless the idea is the same. The common people are their first objective. What do you think is their second?"

Celeste contemplated to herself.

Cain and a bunch of other nobles are elitists who targeted the commoner students first to initiate the beginning of their plan for this democracy(with them at the top and their minions at the bottom). They influenced the commoners by granting them protection against other nobles, giving them the power to control others and providing benefits that makes their school life easier.

Cain uses the students to get into contact with their parents, thereby pushing his agenda onto them as well. He's careful not to be too pushy with his methods.

Celeste often noticed him speaking to the old, experienced nobles at every major event the academy's ever had.

Celeste looked at Isaac.

Don't the two of them seem similar by their approaches? Can Isaac predict Cain's next steps because he would do the same?

Isaac smiled.

'He already knows the answer. As expected.' Celeste sighed helplessly.

"I don't know." she said with a wry smile.

"The empire's council and the imperial court, Lady Celeste. His next target is the people who control our empire."

"Aren't the nobles enough?"

"No. Not every noble has an important position in the empire. Their impact on the empire will be minimal if Cain decides to use them alone. What he needs to do is use the connections he makes from the nobles to influence the politicians, thereby changing the government. A democracy is only possible if the common people gets involved with the government, after all."

"So gaining the love and respect of the people leads to that...."

"Precisely. What do you think is the best course of action, Lady Celeste?"

"I could pull a few strings to sabotage Cain's plans…"

"Taking that approach is far too dangerous. Instead of doing that, I suggest you tell someone who has a very high importance in this empire. Your father is the perfect person to rely on. He doesn't strike me as the person to give power to common people. It's far too dangerous for an empire to survive that way, after all."

"My father…"

He's a man who values status and ability above all else. Someone with poor education or someone from a household lower than a knighthood household shouldn't gain the power to control the empire. That was probably what her father would say if he were here.

"It seems our time has run out, Lady Celeste," Isaac stood up.

"Ah." Celeste noticed that it was time for class to start already.

How long have they been talking?

"We can discuss everything in detail when I come back. I don't know when that might be, though."

"I'm grateful for your time, Isaac. It's regrettable to say farewell without knowing if you'll be coming back," Celeste extended her hand for a handshake, "If this is really the last time then I want you to take care of yourself where you're going."

Isaac smiled, "Of course. You should take care as well. Oh, say hello to Arnold for me. Remind him that he should come to the committee's building on the day the academy opens to begin his duties or face his punishment if he comes late. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm sure he won't listen." Isaac chuckled since he knew Arnold pretty well.

"Don't worry. I'll convince him."

The two shook hands.