Chapter 149: Best Friend

◇28th of Blackwind◇ Berkley Estate

"—We're approaching the mansion, Lady Celeste."

Celeste—who was reading a book inside the carriage—heard the coachman's voice. She pulled the curtains to look out the window.

'It looks the same as all those years ago.'

The carriage pulled up to the side of the gate.

The coachman spoke to the guards to verify who the carriage belonged to and why Celeste was here. Celeste chose not to ride in her family's personal carriage—which had the Penston insignia—since she didn't want to attract attention.

The gate opened after the guards confirmed that it was Celeste von Penston inside the carriage.

The coachman's voice came from above:

"The guards mentioned that a few familiar people are here today."

'Familiar people? I only know that auntie Adrianna came here for a break from work. Who else would be here?'

The carriage circled around the fountain.

Rudolph, along with a few maids, stood there idly awaiting Celeste's arrival. Celeste opened the door and stepped out.

"Welcome, Lady Celeste." All of them said in unison as they bowed.

Rudolph stepped forward, his back straight and his gait elegant.

"Would you like some refreshments? Or should I prepare a bed for you to rest in? Your journey will be long after you leave the empire."

"No, I'm not staying any longer than I have to. Fetch the file, Rudy. I'll wait in the backyard."

"Understood, Lady Celeste." Rudolph bowed and headed back inside.

The maids stayed behind to follow after Celeste.

Celeste walked along the flower pathway that led to the backyard.

Many memories flashed past her mind as she looked around the garden. She often visited this mansion whenever Arnold and his family was in the empire. The garden was their favourite place to play together.

Arnold would always pull out the flowers and laugh at the gardener who has to plant the flowers again. He would sometimes throw pesticide into the small pond—which was the water source for the plants. Some of the plants ended up dying because of how contaminated the water was.

Arnold was the gardener's sworn enemy. If that old woman sees him then she chases him with her pitchfork, ignoring the fact that he was her employer's son. She could never catch him, though.

Celeste always had to beg the woman to let them into the garden again and again. She allowed them to on one condition. The condition was that Olivia and Celeste watch Arnold so that he doesn't cause trouble for her and her hard work.

The two of them always had to discipline Arnold for his playful antics that caused trouble for others. Surprisingly, he listened to them and apologized whenever they reprimanded him.

Celeste giggled softly. A feeling of disgust and hatred welled up inside her when she thought about Olivia, though.

Their rivalry was one-sided but Celeste had always secretly battled Olivia in who gets to have Arnold. Celeste always lost even though Olivia never crossed the boundary of friendship. She never had to undress herself to gain his love.

Why did the only two male childhood friends she had, fall in love with such a witch who barely acknowledged them?

Well, Arthur was a different story.

"—I did not expect to see you here, Celeste." An emotionless voice suddenly came from behind Celeste who was silently staring at a flowerbed in nostalgia.

Celeste relaxed her face.

"Oh my, what a pleasant surprise, my dear friend Olivia~!" Celeste turned around and said in a merry tone.

Olivia looked at the maids, "Leave."

They hurriedly left when faced with her cold gaze.

"What's this all of a sudden? You want to be alone with me? Did you miss me that much?"

Celeste looked down and noticed a familiar small silver fox with big ears. It was glaring at her while growling.

"This little guy doesn't grow up, does he? He's still such a cute little furball~" Celeste tried to pet Pluffy but he bit her finger.

'Goddamn mutt. I'll skin you alive with your master. Tch.'

"Ahahaha, he still doesn't like me~"

"Can you stop with the cheeriness and fake smile? No one else is around us right now."

The walkway was covered in vegetation, not to mention the top that was covered in leaves that were trimmed to make a path while shielding anyone within it from prying eyes. They were hidden from everyone else here.

"So what are you doing here, Olivia?"

Celeste dropped her cheery tone and spoke in her usual flat voice.

"My husband is here so I'm here to visit him."

Celeste tilted her head, "Why did he come here? I don't see the point when he could just go back to Lockinge city. It's also important for the heir to learn about the internal issues of the city from the head butler or the wives."

Even if Judith doesn't like Luke, it was her duty—along with Sebas and Adrianna—to guide Luke.

"His childhood friend and her family are here. He wants to be close to them. He said that he won't stay long."

"And you're just here to babysit him," Celeste rolled her eyes, "Shouldn't you be checking on our branch in the Golden City? They're in danger of closing because the city's economy is collapsing. I don't need to tell you that since you read the report from our branch manager, right?"

The Rynald Head—who was the ruler of said city—went bankrupt several months ago. The debt he owed to many sources outweighed the money his territory was making. Although the city, Sroln was independent from the empire's rule ever since its founding, its status never affected how the city functions—financially or politically.

Howard Rynald was a rich man. No, he was a very rich man. He was known to everyone as "the man who can sell anything and still make a profit". His merchant firms and many businesses built the city by expanding since his father's days. He was also a Jarl of the empire who held a lot of power in the Imperial Court. The land he ruled was nearly equal to a third of the entire empire(which possessed several kingdoms).

That was the man who had lost his wealth. His lands held no value so he couldn't sell it. He was still holding onto his status, though.

The Emperor had neither helped nor announced what he'll do in response to that city's downfall.

It was so sudden that no one would expect that a family that powerful would become bankrupt.

The city's downfall affects Celeste and Olivia's jewellery business as well. That was what Celeste spoke to Isaac about. She wanted alternatives to just closing the store. The two of them might've been noble ladies from high class families but that doesn't mean they rely on their parents for money. Besides the investors they've brought in, both of them pay out of their own pockets sometimes.

This was how they normally managed their business ever since they started it. That was even before the two's relationship became like cat and mouse.

But they didn't let their personal lives or emotions influence their desire to make profit and pull in big clients.

Olivia replied to Celeste, "I'll take responsibility and build a new branch in another city, preferably in the East or West. Let's see. I think the Republic will be a good option. What do you think?"

"It's better than starting another one in the empire. The good thing is that we'll also attract a new audience. I think you should go ahead with that."

"I'll send a letter to the branch manager once I'm back at the palace."

Olivia looked at Celeste silently for a few seconds.

"Are the preparations for your marriage completed yet? I assume you'll have a wedding ceremony?"

"Oh, indeed we will," Celeste spoke with a smile, "I want my entire family to be there. None of them like Al but I'll just shove our marriage in their faces. Can you believe my uncles want me to marry their sons? Disgusting. I don't want to have incestuous children."

"You're selling your life away. Have you realized that? He'll have more power than you once he bears the name Penston as his own. Your mother and father won't be there to hold your hand."

"Hm, unlike you Olivia, I genuinely love Al despite who he is. He will never hurt or misuse my love for him. Didn't you seduce him to always do your bidding?"

"I clearly denied him every time he asked for my hand in marriage. How is that seducing? Are you projecting, Celeste?"

"Yes, I admit that I always seduce him. But at least I don't play hard to get. I wouldn't have minded if he pushed me down to make love to me." Celeste closed her eyes imagining that scene of Arnold ripping his shirt and pants off revealing his godly body while Celeste trembles underneath him, afraid of the pain that will result from giving her purity to him.

The first time she took off her brassiere to show him her bare chest and getting rejected was the biggest humiliation she ever had. The second and third time was less humiliating since she was persistent and didn't want to give up. She even got bolder as time went on.

Why was Arnold such a gentleman to her but a complete scumbag to other women?

If she could have the man she has undying love for then she can bear with any kind of humiliation.

If she has to give him all the power she has as a daughter of the Penston House then she'll do so without question.

Olivia muttered, "She's daydreaming again..."

"Aren't you even a little mad, my dear friend? I took away the man who would do anything for you. You were even shaken up the first time I told you about our marriage. It's quite funny remembering that." Celeste chuckled.

'You even went to your big sister.'

"I admit I was a bit caught off guard and it made me act strangely. However, I've learned to accept it."

"Accept it? Oh my, don't tell me you still have feelings for my Al~?"

Olivia's expression didn't change, "I don't have feelings for him. But, I'd like to rekindle the relationship we had as childhood friends. That is all I desire."

Celeste's smile stretched across her face. All kinds of insults and expletives went through her head, "Rekindle? But you are getting married to Luke. Are you telling me you want to fuck another man? Excuse my language."

"You're misunderstanding my words. A relationship as lovers will never work. If I were to listen to Sir Luke's request then I'd embarrass myself and shame my family name. People will call me a whore. That's why I'd rather choose to rebuild our friendship. Besides…" Olivia sighed softly as if she remembered something unpleasant, "...I have made such a mistake before. But never again."

Celeste's face blanked.

"You... what?"

Olivia looked back at Celeste again, "I might as well come clean with it. I wanted to tell you anyway but I never found the right time to do so. You deserve to know since you're going to become his wife."


"It was two years ago during his age-of-coming ceremony. I tried to avoid him all night but he kept interrupting me whenever I was in a conversation with my acquaintances. He was like an annoying fly. I pulled him aside to a corner when he wouldn't stop. 'Here', he said and gave me a glass of wine which I should never have accepted. I thought that it was fine to please him if it's just a glass of wine and chatting with him alone for a few minutes. I didn't mind giving him a little of my attention. But I underestimated the alcohol that was inside that wine. I've never had any type of alcohol before in my life. The first one hit me hard. How could he drink such strong wine and remain normal for double or triple glasses I had? I went to a bench to sit down outside. My head was really spinning. He brought me a glass of water which he said will help.

My body couldn't handle the fluids so I threw up all over the ground. My head felt like it was going to tear apart . Do you know what he did? He left his own party to take me back to the palace. The noise coming from the dancing nobles and loud music irritated me so I wanted to leave. He insisted on taking me. I thought he was going to take advantage of me but he never did. He was caring. I probably vomited three times on the way. His hand kept patting my back while the other held up my hair. I didn't want that Arnold to leave my side. All I've seen up until that moment was a stranger. He wasn't the Arnold I knew before. But I was able to see that Arnold on that night.

I don't know what came over me. I put his hands on my body and told him that I'll let him do what he wants with me for only one night. I only realized what I had done the next morning when my sheets were stained with my blood. I'm certain that it wasn't love. My heart didn't beat for him the same after that night."


Celeste's face was still blank. Her fists were trembling slightly as her left eye twitched every few seconds. Her chest heaved up and down faster than normal but her breathing sounded fine from someone else's perspective.

"I don't have feelings for him. That hasn't changed. The only genuine love I ever felt was a childhood crush, which didn't amount to much."

Celeste smiled.

"I see! Thank you for confiding in me. I know now that you still consider me a friend as I do you." Celeste's smile didn't break.

'I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill your entire family.'  

Olivia put her hand on her chest and exhaled deeply as if a mountain was lifted off her chest.

"I'm glad I was able to let everything out. I should go now. Sir Luke will be going to the city tomorrow so I have no reason for staying," she turned around but looked back, "I'd like to hangout with you sometime in the future, if you're up for it. It's better for us to restore all our friendships than to avoid speaking about it. Grace and Arthur will naturally be included."

"…I would like that as well. The two of us can become what we once were: Best friends."

A slight smile appeared on Olivia's face for a second but it was so subtle that one wouldn't be able to tell if one didn't look closely.

"Goodbye for now, Celeste." Olivia walked away, her little fox following along. For some reason, the little fox wagged his tail when he looked at Celeste.


Celeste watched Olivia's back silently until she vanished around the corner.