Chapter 188


Flora arrived at an open area. She looked around. It looks like this place is supposed to be a library room of some kind.

Be that as it may, there were books strewn around the room and collapsed shelves on the marble floor.

Flora looked up at the gate that was blocking her path. It was a giant slab of dark purple-colored stone and not the kind of gate you'd find on regular entrances.

Flora couldn't see what was on the other side but she could hear some kind of chorus on the other end.

"The hymn of a church. It's kinda creepy."

Who was singing exactly? Who was the Father who was preaching beyond that door?

She called out but the noises from the other side didn't die down.

Flora pulled back her fist.

"Whatever. If they won't open up then I'll just punch my way through."

Saying so, she threw her punch.

Miraculously nothing happened. All she felt was a gentle vibration. There wasn't much power in her fist but it should've been enough to break through steel or any other sort of metal.

"Rune fortification… How troublesome."

It appears there was some kind of rune art performed on the door to make heavy punches feel like being hit with a feather.

These kinds of runes are the weaknesses of pure warriors like Flora.

"Fuuuuuck, I want my sword back!" she punched the gate again.

The sword that Arnold gave to Luke once belonged to her. She could do lots of things with the sword that is impossible for her alone. The sword absorbs her inner essence and turns it into energy which she can use at will.

It's the energy within your meridians that can be harnessed to use body techniques. Just like aura and Ki, it can only be harnessed by warriors. Norma folk would be crushed under the weight of their own energy.

Pure warriors can't use body techniques without it. Unlike aura, inner essence can't be used to power martial arts and skills, only body techniques. This makes learning martial arts useless to pure warriors.

It's not that Flora can't use her inner essence outwardly. It's just that her energy would be too destructive to control. Her master told her to never use it unless necessary.

She could bring this whole cave down on everyone if she lets it all out now.

A warrior's essence is not like aura and Ki that it can be controlled with your fists.

Only a great weapon can harness the power.

-Why did you have to leave right when my inner essence is out of control…

This was the one question that always goes through her mind.

Her master left that day their kingdom was destroyed by the Theocracy.

They would've had a better chance of winning if he was still there.

It was while the two were in battle with inquisitors. Flora was too busy trying to hold them all off. Her master slipped away during that time.

During that time she thought they had killed him so she flew into a fit of rage, letting her inner essence run wild, decimating mountains, breaking apart the ground… She could release all that carnage because she had lost everything anyway. 

Thinking that she had even lost her master…

Well, any hesitation within her vanished.

Days went by. She collapsed. Soon after she was captured by mercenaries that were hired by a slave trader.

She was fed only stale bread and mud water. They knew what she was capable of so they let her starve.  

"I hope there's a weapon that can allow me to control my inner essence somewhere. Punching stuff is becoming a bore."

Flora began looking around the room. There must be a puzzle of some sort that needs to be solved for this gate to open.

She started pulling out the bricks in the wall.


She lifted the potted plants and searched for buttons under every desk.


"…." Flora glanced up at the ceiling, "Hm?"

A runestone was hanging from the ceiling, held up by only two chains.

She looked back at the gate, specifically at something above the gate. There was a rectangular stone protruding outwards. On it were three runes, each a different color and symbol.

Cyan with the letter "Akasr"

Pink with the letter "Volm"

Red with the letter "Urilikili"

Flora looked at the rune hanging overhead. It had the "Akasr" symbol on it.

Given the fact that she has no idea what the symbols mean, she'll have to go by number. The one over her head should be called "number one".

Flora plucked a strand from her hair.

Flora sent inner essence into the strand of hair. The strand—which had been flowing with the wind—became as solid as a needle.

Flora wasted no time and threw the strand at the runestone.  A rumble resounded when the strand collided with the runestone. The runestone shattered and the energy inside it burst into particles.

The sound of gears moving echoed. It came from the gate. The same runic letter that was imbedded in the rune slab above the gate vanished.

"Number One" done.

The room started moving on its own. The ceiling grew taller and the walls rotated, revealing a seemingly endless library.

The bookshelves towered over her and the stairs spiraled around, connecting each room and floor like bridges.

"Two left. Looks like this won't be easy." Flora bent her knees.

Then she jumped.


"What do we do!? We have to save him!" one of the adventurers shouted at Fleridine.

"I—Uh, uhm…" Fleridine had an anxious expression on her face as everyone surrounded her seeking an answer.

'Isn't that Pedick?' Madilith recognized him as one of the main magicians.

Everyone turned their eyes to Fleridine. Even said person looked unsure of what to do. Her anxious expression conveyed that quite clearly.

"Auuagah!!" the man's scalp was torn from his skull, revealing the bone underneath.

His eyelids peeled off at once, revealing his blood-red eyes. Blood seeped out from the corner of his eyes.

Sabrina tried surrounding the man in her healing aura. However, that was useless against whatever was happening in front of their eyes.

"This… This has to be the doing of a Blight Thing…" Fleridine said, "W-We have to secure this area! Search everywhere within 100 meters' radius! The creature has to be nearby!"

"M-Miss Fleridine might be right," said another adventurer, "I've seen curse magicians cast all sorts of spells from a distance. This has to be the same thing."

Everyone silently glanced back at the screaming Pedick. Only gurgles could be heard soon after when his throat was torn open.

It was a miracle how he was still alive despite all that.

Anais grabbed Madilith's hand.

"Come on, Madi. Let's go find the perpetrator."

"Ah, yes."

Something flew over their heads at that moment and crashed into the wall of the cathedral.

'Light?' Madilith could see a trail of white light left behind by the flying object.

Everyone else looked up at where it crashed.

"—Ugk, ugk, ugk! Dammit, listen to me Hofir!"

'It's Arthur?'

He emerged from the hole he made in the wall.

Arthur's attention seemed to be focused somewhere else and didn't notice the group.

A roar resounded suddenly before a huge shadow jumped over their heads, heading straight for Arthur.

Arthur met that huge figure head-on.

"It's Hofir!" Anais screamed.

Arthur punched the large tiger beastman, which sent him back a couple steps.

Hofir was about three times Arthur's size but Arthur could hold him back easily.

Arthur kicked Hofir's leg after avoiding being grabbed by Hofir's giant paws.

Hofir collapsed on one knee. Arthur punched his face again.

"Calm down, big guy! I know you're strong enough to control your urges! You've been doing that for the past few months! Don't let the beast consume you like it does your people!"

"UUUUUURK!!!!" Hofir grabbed Arthur's head and was about to crush it.

"Guh!" Arthur hurriedly duck, which made his helmet come loose. Instead of his head, Hofir crushed his helmet.

Arthur jumped back, landing right next to Madilith and the others.

"Big brother!"

"Anais!? Oh!" Arthur was about to turn but Hofir threw a gigantic tombstone at him.

Arthur covered his sword in aura and sliced through it.

"We need to calm Hofir down before he brings every single Blight Thing here with his roars!"

"Don't interfere, Anais! Stay back, okay? I can handle this," white aura surrounding his body increased in intensity, "I'll have to take some inspiration from Miss Flora."

Hofir was just about to roar but the next moment he was punched so hard that most of his teeth went flying. He rolled away and crashed with his face in the ground.

Arthur—who had appeared in front of Hofir in just a second—landed on the ground.

"!!!!" Hofir punched the ground as he roared, causing the surroundings to tremble.

He got up again but Arthur jumped and kicked him to the side of the head. He didn't stop there. Arthur grabbed Hofir by the mouth and slammed him down effortlessly.

'…I suppose this is something Flora would do.' Thought Madilith seeing that incredible display of power.

Arthur had grown much stronger in the last few weeks. This growth was absolutely insane for the average student. Were it not for him that they'd never have made it to this floor this quickly. His newfound superhuman senses could detect abnormal densities in space—which allowed them to track down portals much quicker. The fastest they've travelled was three portals in one day.

Other times they would run into situations where they had to fight monsters. Of course, they made sure to get rid of every single monster in the area. They also made sure not to spread too much killing intent. Arthur's divine aura has little to no killing intent so he fights the larger and stronger monsters while making sure not to disturb the other non-hostile monsters.

Madilith glanced back.

The group was still trying to save the guy whose skin was being peeled off. They tried to tie belts around his body but the skin still came off, even ripping off forcibly with the belts in the way.

His comrades could only cry as his painful screams resounded.

Madilith noticed something on his forehead.

A curse mark?

She's not knowledgeable in the dark magic field so she doesn't know what the curse mark means.

"Hey, Anais… Do you know what that curse mark means?" Madilith pointed at his head.

Anais snapped out of her daze and looked back at the man who was half dead already.  

"Uhm, that weird mark on his head that's glowing?"

"Yes. Do you know what it means?"

"I think that curse mark has a similar meaning to a slave mark given the shape and patterns. I'm, uhm, not experienced with brandings so I can only make some educated guesses based on what I know about slavery. Do you know how slaves are given marks when being sold?"

"Yes, I've seen the marks around their necks or wrists. What does it signify?"

"They are chosen by the buyer. The slave mark on their bodies are used to validate possession and also responsibility."

"…The responsibility falling on the slave owner…"

"Yup, that's it. Sorry that I can't give a better answer."

"No, you've been a big help. This must've been the doing of the Blight Things."

'I'll have to figure out what she means by responsibility.'

It was at that moment when the two of them stopped talking that Hofir collapsed on the ground, bloodied with both his hands broken.

He breathed hoarsely.

Arthur merely went "Phew" as he approached the group.

"What the…" Arthur couldn't even greet them properly when his eyes landed on the man who was screaming in agony.

Anais, who would've jumped in his arms other times, spoke softly.

"It's good to see you again, big brother. Uhm, we can't figure out what's going on. It all happened so suddenly."

Arthur and Anais approached the half dead adventurer and his silent comrades.

"…I cannot say anything in comfort right now so… I will give a report… Lady Daraia is still looking for the necromancer with the others. We found summoning circles spread throughout the city," he looked back at Hofir, "It's not the kind of summoning circle to summon monsters from other realms. It's the kind that brings monsters of one type—that are spread out over a certain distance—together. Sort of like teleportation. It turns out Hofir ran into the summons."

'So the Blight Things horde were these summons…'  

"I split up with the others when I felt Hofir's surge of power. Hofir would never transform unless something powerful threatens all of you."

Madilith looked at Hofir who was now back to normal. His body was still bloodied from his fight with Arthur.

Who would've thought that someone with such a passion for ripping things apart would care about his comrades. Madilith seemed to have had the wrong impression of him all along. She's in Class A while Hofir is from Class B so she doesn't know Hofir that well outside of the dungeon exams and joint class practices they've had over the years.

"Did Hofir manage to beat the horde, Arthur?" asked Sabrina.

"No… They managed to overwhelm him. A lot of buildings were destroyed so he must've had the upperhand before being jumped by all of them at the same time. I don't know why but the creatures ran away when I let out my divine aura."

"That means that the ant guy was right. Your light can defeat the darkness!" said Madilith excitedly.

"I wonder about that… Will the thing inside this cathedral do the same when I let out my power? Just looking at this building makes my spine shiver," there was a trembling in his voice, "…I guess the same thing can't be said for Miss Flora since I can sense her inside."

Arthur approached the half-unconscious man. He was already foaming at the mouth and convulsing.

Arthur held out his hand. 

"[Golden Sculpt]" particles of light engulfed the man's body.

Miraculously, his skin grew back in a matter of seconds.

"Wha… H-How?" Fleridine asked with widened eyes.

"How was I able to do that? Well, my aura has divine properties and thus I can use it to repair tissue. It's not as good or efficient as a priest's magic but it can be used in emergencies. I learned to use it recently when I found a parasite eating through my skin. That thing probably got into my boots when we were crossing that swamp on the 40th floor. I used the skill to rebuild my lost tissue." Arthur said nonchalantly.

What can this guy not do, was probably what everyone else was thinking.

Arthur knelt in front of Pedick.

"This man is under the influence of a debuff, something that's the product of a curse. In simple terms, he is receiving the brunt of the curse's effects without actually having the curse on his body."

"How can you tell, big brother?"

"Well, let me just show you."

Arthur's hand was engulfed by a burning white fire. He grabbed the man's head and pulled his hand back.


A dark mist was forcibly pulled out with Arthur's hand.

It screamed like a person, even having the eyes and mouth resembling one.

A specter or wraith perhaps?

It tried to fly away.

"Sabrina, cast your [Dispel Curse] spell over the area now!"

"Y-Yes!" Sabrina was momentarily shocked just like the rest before hurriedly pointing her staff to the sky and casting the [Dispel Curse] spell.

Wait, Arthur said that the man's condition was because of the effects of a debuff. Meaning that the curse wasn't on him.

Madilith realized something when she recalled how Arthur said that Sabrina should cast the spell throughout this whole area.

That could mean that he had a suspicion that the thing responsible for this or the curse itself was nearby.

The mist, that had escaped the man's body, was incinerated in mere seconds by the exorcism spell.

Madilith rubbed her chest. For some reason there was an uncomfortable feeling in her chest when Sabrina cast her spell.

It faded away soon after. Madilith decided to ignore it.

Arthur spoke again.

"I'm heading inside the cathedral soon. Those of you who will follow raise your hands. If possible I'll need two to stay behind with this man until he recovers. I can sense Miss Daraia and the others. They're not that far from here so they'll be here soon."

Anais was already standing next to Arthur. Madilith raised her hand.

Arthur nodded.

One of the tanks stepped forward, donning his great shield.

"I—Toldur, will go with you, sir Hero." A bald middle-aged man with a big beard stood next to Arthur.

"Toldur, nice to finally meet on a name basis." Arthur shook the man's hand.

Fleridine raised her hand with her head lowered.

"I need Miss Fleridine to lead until the guild master gets here. Not all of them seem eager go inside the church with me except Toldur, so they'll need someone to stay behind to lead them."

"Eh? But…"

"Is there a problem?"

"I don't think I'm good enough... Even with all my experience as a guild official. Leading and managing a team in the comfort of my office chair is way different than doing so on the frontlines…"

"You've never gone out on the field before?"

"…Not since I was a newcomer at the guild. My current position involves gathering and handling information in the mage corps, which is then used to help my team on the frontlines. It's been a few months since I've been granted this change of pace but I'm still not used to it. If anything, I'd rather be a normal member of the team. I still have a lot to learn of what it means to be a leader…." Fleridine sat back down, "…But I understand, I'll do my best for those who'll stay behind."

"Thank you for understanding. And yes, leading others doesn't just require you to have great leadership skills but the confidence of a leader as well. It's the same as giving a presentation, you need to make others listen to you. In the case of a presentation, it needs to be visually and academically appetizing so that others will enjoy it and willfully listen. In the case of leadership, you need not only the trust in those you want to follow you, but also have trust in yourself. Of course, experience goes a long way and you have plenty of that from what you've said. Those willing to follow you, trust you."

"Yes… Gosh, to think an old woman like me is getting advice from a boy 15 years younger than me…" Fleridine sulked.

"Hahaha, I don't like to boast but the trust my comrades have in me made me a leader. I suppose it goes both ways since I trust them all as well." He glanced back at Hofir who was sitting on the ground, his knees against his face with a downcast expression. He then looked at Bradwyn Justeth, Sabrina, Madilith and Anais.

Arthur addressed everyone this time, "Besides Mister Toldur here, it looks like only us academy students are going into the church. Miss Daraia will join us with the others so we shouldn't be too hasty. Anyway, we will go into the cathedral in eight hours. Use that time to rest. I mean it. Recover your strength properly. I'll stand watch alone."

"Is that really okay, Sir Hero?" one of the adventurers asked.

"My aura restores five times faster than it did in the past so I can stand guard and fend off any monsters that approach. From here on out it's going to be a team effort. Rest up, everyone."


"—Here, Hofir." Madilith brought some food over to Hofir who was sitting near their camp, silently staring up.

Sabrina initially asked Anais to bring the food but Madilith insisted that she'll go.

Hofir grunted and turned his head.

"…Urges.. not gone yet…"

"Urges to fight?"

"To… rip apart…"

"…." Madilith winched. She noticed that his body wasn't completely back to normal yet.

He was still a bit bigger than usual and his claws were still retracted. Usually his nails would be rather short and clean but there was dried blood under them.

Madilith silently placed the plate of food in front of him.

"I won't leave until you eat." She declared, "Sabrina's orders. You know that we should never disobey her if it concerns an injured classmate. The food has some medicine mixed in it so it might not taste that good. Sabrina said that it's better than serving the medicine separately."

"…." Hofir glanced back at her with his golden cat-like eyes.

Madilith noticed that he had a blush on his face.

'Hofir is b-blushing…?'

 Is the sun rising in the west in their world!?

Madilith had only seen him in his usual grumpy state until now. He would glare at everyone he speaks to and grunt during every interaction with people.

Hofir lifted his arms.

His hands dangled helplessly.

"Hands… broken in fight with… Arthur…"


So he can't eat on his own, thought Madilith.

Is he blushing because he's too shy to ask Madilith for help?

Madilith hid a smirk.

'How cute.'

She picked up the plate and scooped up some of the stew.

She slowly brought the spoon up to Hofir's mouth.

"Say 'Aahn'~" she said with a gentle voice, trying to mimic Evelyn.

Hofir's blush intensified but his expression was still serious. Sweat flowed down his cheeks.

"Come on, Hofir. Aahn~"

"…A…Ah…" Hofir opened his mouth hesitantly.

He chewed the food. Some of the sauce got stuck on the side of his mouth.

Madilith licked her finger and wiped it off his mouth.

Hofir froze.

"Don't make a mess. You're not a toddler, you know?" Madilith scooped up some more food, "Aahn~"


Hofir chewed.

Madilith silently watched him with a smile.

He lowered his head. She could see the intense blush down his cheeks.

'It's kind of fun teasing him like this. He blushes over little things like this. Such an innocent boy~'

Now that she thought about it, she'd never really seen or heard of Hofir being in a relationship with anyone. He has such a dangerous demeanor that it makes it impossible for anyone to really want to date him.

He's quite handsome if he cleans himself up a bit and gets a haircut but that forever glare on his face—as if it's a still painting—scare women away.

Many of the girls are afraid to be alone with him since they don't want to be raped or hit if they say the wrong thing. That's a valid worry since people from his race are "bloodthirsty animals" by nature and have a very high sex drive.

The warriors in their race have to hold in their urges. This is said to keep them strong. Holding in their urges involves no indulgence in sex or even killing in some cases.

Multiple cases like rape and murder involving tigerkin have been reported over the years, making them a feared race amongst people of the empire.

Hofir has shown time and time again that he's nothing like his people even if he's just part demihuman. Plus, he's a force to be reckoned with during combat. Many have accepted him for this excellent balance that he had maintained while being a tigerkin. Of course, as with any other tigerkin, he does have urges.

Madilith placed her hand on his thigh, which made him freeze again.

"I wanted to thank you for saving us… We never would've made it out of that street if you didn't hold those monsters back. But please don't transform again, Hofir. It's scary seeing you like… like them… Like your people… Bloodthirsty monsters… It doesn't suit you at all… I know what you really are." She put her hand on his cheek, "You're kind. You would never hurt people. But when you transform… Something else takes control, something that only wants blood, no matter whose it is."

"…." Hofir's expression slowly loosened.

 "Ah, you're not glaring at me anymore." Madilith chuckled with her hand on her mouth.

"…." Hofir touched his face, "Mm…" 

He didn't grunt this time.  

Madilith smiled.

"Are you still hungry?"

Hofir silently nodded.

"—Oh, now this is a rare sight." A snarky remark came from behind Madilith, "Beauty and the beast enjoying some alone time. The two of you are rarely seen together so what changed, Madi?"

"…Justeth…" Madilith sighed.

"Hey, hey. Call me by my first name—Bradwyn. Why does everyone call me by my surname when you know my name!?"

Simply because no one likes him. Even saying his name is tiring.

Being the class clown isn't the only reason for this.

He never takes life seriously and doesn't even study that much. No wonder his grades landed him in the D class.

He's a healer magician but can't even make one bowl of holy water—which is required to be eligible to be granted access to the Melis Temple in the empire. The academy grants students, who show proficiency in healing magic, resources to complete the one requirement to allow them access to the temple's library which contains a vast variety of potion ingredients and spells. It's not mandatory in order to be considered a priest but it's something that will look good to universities if students decide to study further, much like prefects, presidents and discipline committee titles.

Despite all his failures, he still acts like a clown in class and makes fun of everyone. Some compare him to Arnold since both of them are so carefree about life.

The only difference being that Arnold is a gifted prodigy and talented knight. He's basically allowed to act like a clown because he can make up for it with brains and might. Whereas Bradwyn is a fiend who knows only fooling around with his life and sleeping around with women when he should be improving his grades.

One could say that he's the worse version of Arnold.

"Can I help you…?" Madilith was already feeling a headache coming.

"I wanted to talk to you, Madilith. Come with me for a sec." He pointed somewhere, "Let's go around that corner where no one will bother us."

Madilith held herself back from rolling her eyes. She put the plate down and slowly stood up.

"I'll be back soon," Madilith told Hofir before she followed after Bradwyn.

Bradwyn began speaking once the two reached the spot he had mentioned earlier. He basically pulled her around the corner impatiently and held her against the wall.

"When are you going to let me sleep with you? It's been four fucking months since we signed the engagement contract! You didn't make that bastard Arnold wait this long to fuck you, did you!? No, you were screaming your lungs out like a slut the same day he seduced you!"

'Not this again…'

Madilith pushed him away when he tried to kiss her.

"O-Our parents were the ones who decided that we should marry each other… We don't need to sleep together because it's just a political marriage. I already told you to stop pestering me about that…"

"So what if it's political!? Your parents are the ones who want this marriage to happen! Shouldn't your parents have educated you to obey your husband's commands? Or do you want me to tell my father to call it all off?"


"Your mother and father will be disappointed that they missed out on joining their House with a Marquis House. After the civil war, it became difficult for households to increase their noble status. The emperor only grants a higher status to those who commit great deeds in politics and war. The latter being ever so rare nowadays. The former isn't enough for a Baron House, now is it? Because of this, nobles resort to selling their daughters and sons out to households of higher rank—which is exactly what your parents did. They can't do jack-shit with the connections they have. If only their liege lord, Marquis Vance had a son then they could've sold you off to that family."

He continued, "So, you're stuck with me until I decide whether I still want you."

He chuckled before grabbing Madilith's breasts. Madilith bit her lower lip.

"Ooh, you're not wearing a bra, huh? I can feel your squishy tits through your blazer. C'mon, moan for me."

"…." Madilith averted her eyes silently.

"Moan, you stupid bitch." Bradwyn slapped her in the face.


"What the fuck was that? You sound like a pig being stabbed in the neck. Do better!"

"Hyaan… Ah, ah…"

"Ugh, how can such a cute girl make such a slutty sound. You're a naughty girl, huhuhu. C'mon, stroke my dick. It wants to go inside you." Bradwyn took her hand and placed it on his thing.

Madilith's body was overcome with disgust when she felt it moving. Alas, she listened.

Bradwyn tried opening Madilith's blazer but she quickly escaped his arms.

"…I… I have to help Hofir…. I-I understand what's at stake now so can we do this later…?"

Madilith asked with tears in her eyes and a shaky voice. 

"Tch." Bradwyn glared at her but didn't object, "Come back to this spot in an hour."

"Yes, yes." Madilith was about to walk away but Bradwyn stopped her.

"Take off your panties. You can have it back later."

Madilith's face became blank, with her eyes coldly glaring through her hair that was covering her eyes. Bradwyn couldn't see that cold expression. If he did then he wouldn't have believed that Madilith could make such an expression.



"Okay… H-Hold…" her expression loosened.

Madilith silently bent down and did as he said. She placed it in his hands.

"You can go."



Madilith had a thought when she sat back down next to Hofir and picked up the plate.

'Why couldn't that guy just die with the rest of his classmates?'

"Is that guy… giving you trouble?"

Madilith looked up at Hofir with a tilted head.

Inwardly, she smirked.

She could feel Hofir's bloodlust as his eyes followed Bradwyn who was walking a bit further away from where they were.

Hofir looked back at her and spoke again.

"There's a… red mark on your… cheek… Did… he… hit you?"

Madilith rubbed her eyes and spoke in a shaky voice. She made sure to sniffle loudly.

"I-I-I just got him upset, is all. It doesn't hurt at all. I can take a lot more punches, you know~! H-Hahaha… A-Are you still hungry? Sabrina said that she'll come check up on you once you're done eating."

"....Mm…." Hofir's eyes moved back to following Bradwyn.

'I think I know just the way to get rid of that filth once and for all. He's going to be an obstacle between me and Al.'

Evelyn or Anais' way won't cut it. All they'll do is reprimand Bradwyn and punish him with extra chores. On the other hand, the marriage will still happen.

The Hofir way is more ideal in her eyes.

'I'll have to make good use of my cuteness, teehee.'