Chapter 194: Was That A Goddess?

Arthur and the others were still fighting the knight in the hall connected to the door that leads to the nave.

The hall was damaged so much by their frequent attacks that the ceiling was on the verge of collapse. One of the giant statues was already rubble from Flora being kicked into it by the knight.

The archers ran out of mana and arrows so it was only Toldur, Anais, Arthur and Flora fighting the knight now.

Toldur was protecting both Anais and Sabrina from the knight's onslaught.

'The previous guy wasn't this strong. Surely just donning another set of armor and having different movesets couldn't make him that much stronger?'

He sounds and acts exactly the same like the red knight so why is he so much different than the fat knight?

'He keeps going on about us being bacteria and that he should eliminate us before we spread our diseases.'

Could this knight be one of the white cells that defends the body against dangerous bacteria? It sounds ridiculous in theory but it's possible that even the blood cells were turned into Blight Things.

No wonder these knights were so strong. It was in their nature to eradicate vermin.

'Well, that brings me nowhere closer to how we can defeat this thing. It has no weaknesses besides its head. Unlike the fat knight, this one isn't prone to openings. It'll be impossible to stun it while attacking like this. At least this knight is alone.'

Both Flora and Arthur were holding back. Arthur probably had the same worry as her: the worry that they won't have enough strength to fight the dead king if they go all-out now.

The knight was fast and strong but the two of them could keep up barely. They managed to get a surprise hit on the bewildered knight the first time.

The knight threw a plethora of lightning spears at them. Arthur managed to manifest a dome made from his white aura before the spears could hit him. The skill the knight used wasn't just any ordinary skill. The spears were so powerful that they destroyed most of the hall.

Arthur managed to create a dome that was capable of blocking them. The knight expected Arthur to get damaged by his skills so his guard lowered a bit, thinking only Flora was left.

Flora managed to land a cheap shot on him. She didn't aim for the head. She went for his legs instead. He was way too nimble for her liking. In fact, it pisses her off how much he dodges. He never defends. Well, spears aren't really ideal for blocking attacks, just deflecting them.

Besides that, none of them managed to get a good hit in yet.

The armor was once again an obstacle for Flora. Her crappy B-class sword could do almost nothing to his armor.

"—Miss Flora, jump!" Arthur yelled.

Flora didn't hesitate and jumped.

"[Quagmire of The Swamp]!" Anais shouted. Immediately the floor they were standing on turned into a muddy substance that shot up in the air and swallowed the knight as if it were alive.

A gas-like cloud then drifted over the floor that had turned into mud.

"Shoot fire arrows!" Anais shouted at the archers, "It doesn't matter how weak the flame is! I can increase the power if it makes a connection with the [Ignis Cloud]!"

"Roger!" the archers immediately shot fire arrows, aiming for the gas cloud.

Anais swung her staff up. An inferno shot up from the ground the moment the arrows pierced through the cloud of gas. The flame was so intense that Flora could feel the heat even though she was standing behind Anais.

'…Is that really just a simple [Ignite] spell?'

Anais didn't even utter an incantation, which usually determines whether the spell will be at full power or not(if shortened for convenience). All Anais did was swing her staff.

There exists only a minority of mages who can cast spells chantless without impacting the power of said spell. Spells and words coincide in magic. The words help mages imagine the spell they want to create. You must have a rich imagination and a big visual library to become a mage.

The abovementioned is different from person to person.

Usually, someone capable of casting spells chantless or increasing the overall output of a spell beyond its confirmed limit, is an experienced wizard or elite mage that had studied arcane arts for decades. Or it could be a genius born every 100 years.

Could Anais be a genius?

"Phew, the air feels hot." Anais fanned her neck.

She turned to Arthur and did a "V" sign. Arthur smiled back at her.

"Huh, the floor hardened again." Toldur hit the floor that had become something resembling a sculpture. In the centre of it all was a ball-like sculpture, and within it was the knight.

It's obvious that the knight wasn't dead yet. There's no way that it'll be killed just like that.

Anais' plan was to immobilize the knight so that the vanguards can take care of him.

Arthur charged forward while covered in a dense white energy. He surrounded his sword in that same energy and roared as he swung it down.

There was suddenly the sound of two sword clashing, which was followed by a powerful rumble.

Arthur was sent flying back. He managed to land on his feet.

A bigger rumble resounded when the ball-like sculpture shattered, scattering its debris in all directions.

The knight emerged. He put his foot down, slamming it so hard that the floor beneath him was crushed.

"YOU VERMIN! SCOUNDRELS! DISEASE-RIDDEN FILFTH! Listen, you pitiful lot! You cower behind feeble resistance to your inevitable demise, quaking in fear—and hiding behind shields and magic—at the mere sight of true valour. Your hearts tremble like leaves in the wind, while mine beats with the thunderous rhythm of bravery! You skulk in the shadows of your doubt, while I stride forth bathed in the radiant light of courage, facing my enemies with an empowering will! Could you lot even compare!? No! Your feeble attempts at resistance crumble like brittle parchment before my might. Face me if you dare, but know this: your cowardice stains the very honor you claim to uphold! Tremble before a true knight, for your weakness shall be your downfall!"

"Ugh, why do we have to listen to his damn speeches! Just attack!"

"Hahahahah! Do you honestly believe that I am the only one who will stop you!? There are more of us out there eliminating bacteria from this realm! If I perish then another will take my place! I am only warning you, scum! I will do my utmost as a loyal warrior to the throne and a true knight! The ultimate weapon of the Blight King will live on through my comrades! They too will prove their valor to you scoundrels!"


A sword with a golden blade pierced through the chest of the knight.

"Uack!?" the knight was suddenly lifted in the air with overwhelming strength.

"What the…"

"Who's that…"

"How did that woman appear out of thin air…?"

A woman, easily measuring close to 7ft was lifting the knight as if he were a toy. She had no armor to speak of but wore a helmet on her head and a purple dress that contrasted her blood-red hair and porcelain skin.

What was especially astounding was that this woman had no presence nor signature so Flora didn't even sense her.

She blinked one moment then the woman appeared the next.

"Evil does not have the right to use the words 'valour and honour'. You are merely delusional." The woman flung the knight to the side, "Face the Eternal Flame of Judgment."

"GUUUUAHHHHH!" A golden flame engulfed the knight, burning his body to ash in mere seconds.

"My sword never lies, it seems." The woman let go of her sword. It levitated next to her.

"Return to where you belong, Cursed One. Reunite with the king you so wholly worship for comfort."

The woman started flying, landing right in front of the group.

Thinking that she was going to hurt them too, Flora readied her sword.

She knows one thing: the woman in front of her is no mere monster. Her strength is leagues above what could be considered humanely possible. Then again, she easily measured 7ft so she's probably from some race related to giants.

"Do not be afraid. I only hurt those that deserve suffering," her melodious voice sounded calm and gentle, "I have come to understand that you are in search of artifacts. That is why you are here, no?"

"Eh? How did you know?" Arthur asked.

"I met your friends when I made my way inside. They were also dealing with those creatures before I cut them all down."

'How big was the horde that even the Guild Master and her adventurers couldn't handle it?'

The bigger question is how strong the woman in front of them is. She effortlessly killed that knight. Surely the knight would've sensed if someone was behind him?

"Speaking of which, here they are now." The female knight pointed somewhere behind them.

Flora looked back. As she said, the other group appeared out of nowhere when a magic circle appeared on the floor. That was the same way Flora and the others were summoned here.

'I guess it's an automatic summoning spell. Is this how the Blight Things are summoned all over the city?'

The group looked around in confusion at first before they spotted Arthur and the others.

Daraia's group approached them. Shirley immediately hugged Arthur.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She said as she tightened her hug.

"Ah, how did everything go?" Arthur tried to kiss her but she just put a hand in front of his face to stop him.

"We'll explain later," Daraia said to Arthur, "Firstly, who are you and why did you come here?"

That question was directed at the female knight who was quietly watching them.

"I do not have a name. Or rather, I do not wish to bear the one I was given when I was forsaken by my own people and sacrificed for the selfishness of the gods who wished to conquer the realms once again."


"Do not mind my muttering to myself. I do not wish to bring up a dark past just to satiate the curiosity of strangers who do not belong in this dungeon."

"…Fair point. Alright then, what are you going to do from now on? You appeared out of nowhere and killed hordes of monsters on your own, while muttering that all of them need to die… Do you despise the Blight King or something?"

To Daraia's question the woman went silent. Flora could feel a certain pressure emanating from the woman as she was seemingly in thought.

"…I do not despise the King of Curses. What I despise is the evil that consumed him, a being of unfathomable power. Had he not cursed himself on the day he died then I would not be able to cut him down after I lost a piece of myself a thousand years ago."

"…I see. I need to thank you for what you did for us. We wouldn't have survived all those Cell Guardians without you. Those fuckers were strong." Daraia scratched her cheek.

"Thanks is not necessary. I did what I felt was right—exterminating the seeds of evil wherever they're planted."

She then pointed to the other side of the hall, to the door on the other end.

"Allow me to deal with the dead king and purify this world of his curses first. You may take what you need so long as you don't cause any further havoc. Leave this place as you found it." She turned around, her succulent legs exposed between the thin fabric of her purple dress that was blown by the wind.

She headed for the door leading to the other side.

"I want to fight with you, Miss Knight!" Arthur was the only one to step forward from the whole group. The others just silently watched the woman. Some were in awe, others just infatuated by her beauty and grace, not to mention her power.

"Kid…" Daraia frowned, "If you die in there then humanity is doomed when the Demon King decides to attack us. I thought that we could somehow handle this relic tomb but we struggled just to fight the Blight Things. What sort of monster was the Blight King? I don't think I want to find out. I've been sitting on my ass for too long as a guild master. If we make it out of this then I'll head off to train with my brother. You ought to also see your weaknesses and vow to eradicate them."

"…." Arthur lowered his head and spoke quietly, "…If I keep running then I don't deserve the title of God's Champion nor Hero…"

Daraia merely sighed.

Lady Knight spoke to the group with her back still turned, "A champion does not go looking for fights, he ends them wherever he finds them. A champion does not challenge great evils to prove his worth to the gods who blessed him, nor does he prove his worth to others when his blessings itself shows his worth. Gods do not judge you for who you are today, they judge the champion they've seen foretold in your future. Whatever you do today—whether it's cowering and hiding—will not change that."

She continued walking.

"As much as I despise the gods for blessing mortals and forcing unfair responsibilities on them, I cannot disagree with the notion that the realms are in need of a champion. However," she stopped and glanced back at Arthur, "If you cross the line of inhumanity—while bearing the mark of Melis—then I will seek you out one day and end your life."

The female knight was surrounded in a pressure so overwhelming that it brought Arthur to his knees. He gritted his teeth and clutched his chest as if his heart was going to burst. Even surrounding his body in his white aura wasn't enough to give him the courage to stand up.

He could do nothing even though the woman was just staring at him.

Arthur fell on all fours after giving up.

Shirley and Anais stood in front of Arthur, glaring at the woman.

"You have a responsibility as a champion of the gods. Do not let the little things stop you from carrying out that responsibility. Remember that you should not expect others to help you if you stumble along the way. It's the feeble and stupid who cannot find a clear path to victory without relying on friends."

Arthur slowly recovered while being held on by Anais and Shirley.

The woman then said softly, "I know what you seek."

"….!" Arthur's eyes widened.

"It is located on the 99th world, protected by four guardians. They will judge you and decide whether you deserve it or not. If they decide that you do not deserve it then your fate as a hero is sealed," the woman continued walking, "If you do not die at the hands of the guardians then come back once you're worthy."

The woman's back grew smaller as she continued walking. The echo of her bare feet tapping on the marbled floor was the only sound in this great hall.

She entered the room on the other side of the door, not sparring them another glance.

The door closed shut. Immediately after they felt a rumble so powerful that they almost lost their footing.

A violent scream reverberated, one resembling a monster.

It wasn't even 10 seconds later that the hall went quiet again.

Everyone in the group looked at each other, not knowing how to react.

One question went through Flora's mind:

Did I just meet a goddess?