Chapter 211 Part 1: Spoken Affection, Unspoken Obsession

It was still the dead of night. Madilith was lying in bed while a candle was burning beside her, illuminating the book she was reading.

It was a romance novel, which was part of a series that she had fallen in love with over the years.

Madilith saw herself as the female lead and Arnold as the male lead. Whenever she finished a scene of the two love interests interacting, she'd close her eyes and imagine how she and Arnold were playing the scene out.

The first time the male lead introduced the female lead to his parents.

The time he asked for her hand in marriage.

The wedding day when the two kissed on the alter.

The night of the wedding day when the male lead consummated with the female lead and took her virginity.

The two become adventurers together who explore the unknown and are always there for each other.

Madilith sighed as all those scenes flashed in her head.

--The two embraced each other under a peach tree with the moon shining down on the two of them. Their chests moved up and down rapidly as the euphoria from their intense love-making in the grassy field was slowly being drowned from their bodies like water from a cup.

Madilith read the epilogue chapter of the book.

--They recalled all the memories they made throughout their time together. How they met, how their relationship began, the complications that followed them everywhere…

--Abetha worried to herself that this might be the last moon she'll get to see with her beloved Sir Jadush. He was going off to war soon and it could take a year for him to return.

--Sometimes she could not help but think to herself that she was a burden to this man who she adored. She was not as strong as him, nor responsible, or smart. She often thought to herself if she was worthy of his love but could not deny that he truly loved her.

--The two had separated many times in the past but always reconciled because Jadush tried his best to win Abatha back.

--Abatha felt dirty for leaving him and seeking the embrace of other men in the past. A simple argument made her doubt whether the relationship was worth anything. But she had matured and knew what she wants—she wants to build her life with him, continue their adventures and hopefully build a family by the time they retire.

--He had never lifted a hand to beat her, even though she had done so countless times out of anger.

--He had never stopped loving her, even though she had sometimes forgotten he even existed when another man was inside her.

--To him, she was his true love, the only one…

--Despite the happiness that wells up inside her whenever she sees his loving gaze, she could not help but feel that she'll never be worthy of him.

Madilith had seen herself as Abatha many times in the previous volumes but this side of Abatha was alien to her.

Arnold wasn't the one chasing her, it was the opposite.

Arnold wasn't the one who still loved her even after she had been embraced by many men.

Madilith closed the book after she finished reading the author's afterword.

"I want to… to return to that dream world where everything can be whatever I want it to…"

A world where Arnold was her Jadush, and she his Abatha.

Madilith rubbed the area between her legs.

"I can still feel them…"

I can still feel the men who were inside me, the men who did not love me… The men who only brought physical release and not emotional release…

Madilith grabbed a knife from the bedside table and held it between her legs with trembling hands.

She had subconsciously envisioned another man's penis entering her so she wanted to cut it off, both flesh and skin. But she let go of the knife when she realized it wasn't real.

"I was so naïve to think I could forget about Al by letting them have their way with me… I want no one but Al… I'm sorry I'm not pure anymore…"

A knock that was coming from the door startled her. Her surroundings were quiet so the sound was louder than normal.

Who would come to her room this late at night?

Could it be…

Madilith sighed.

Why do I have to keep up this act with this guy again…

Ah right, to get rid of Bradwyn who was going to make her his slave and have his way with her while her family is forced to lick his family's boots for money.

She was the one who said "I'd gladly give myself to you" after all.

Madilith hesitantly climbed out of bed and headed over to the door. She shook her head and pulled on her cheeks. If he sees that she had been crying then he'll never stop asking what saddened her until she tells him which was so annoying.

"Hofir…?" Madilith tilted her head cutely after opening the door.

Hofir was standing in the hall with his hands behind his back and a blush on his face.

"I-I'm sorry if I woke you up… I waited… until the others fell asleep to come here to bring you…. This." he held out his hands which was holding a box of chocolates, "S-Sabrina says that you're a sweet tooth… and that chocolates or other sweets will cheer you up."

Sabrina wasn't wrong…

"…." Madilith looked at the chocolates through the transparent wrapping. They looked fairly expensive and of good quality, judging by their glossy finish which didn't have any blemishes or discoloration. Madilith could smell a have a rich, inviting aroma resembling coca and vanilla.

Did he really go to a store just to buy these for her?

She gulped.

'W-Well, I guess I'll forgive him for coming to my room this late at night….'

She usually treats herself to these kinds of treats to help distract herself from life and offer some form of emotional comfort that she can't get from speaking to others.

"Uhm, are you sure I can have this?" Madilith looked at Hofir with an upturned gaze.

"Y-Yes, of course! I bought them for you!"

--Keep your voice down, bastard! Do you want me to punch you!?

They could hear Flora's annoyed voice down the hallway.

"S-Sorry!" Hofir bowed to the hallway for some reason. Flora is really scary.

"Hey, Hofir." Madilith pulled his sleeve, "Uhm, thank you but… Why did you wait until everyone was asleep? Why didn't you just give these to me this earlier?"

"That's…" Hofir's flappy ears drooped. "I don't want anyone to start making up stories about us... Humans give their most beloved gifts all the time right…? I'm sure you don't want those kinds of stories to be spread around… B-But even if there's no chance for us…"

His blush intensified when he made eye contact with Madilith.

Madilith's mouth opened slightly before a soft smile appeared on her face.

Somehow, even though she didn't want to… Even though her heart belongs to another and she swore to protect whatever purity she had left…

She wanted to accept his feelings just for a short time…

Deep down she knows this is her weakness but just like all the times it happened in the past, she couldn't resist it…

"H-Huh? Miss Madilith?" Hofir looked at her small hand that was now holding his.

She pulled him into the room while gazing into his eyes. Hofir's eyes widened as if he noticed only now what this means.


Hofir was currently sitting on the edge of the bed while Madilith was sitting between his legs on the floor with a pillow between her knees and the floor.

She opened up the zipper of his pants while gazing up at his face. He couldn't maintain eye contact so he just averted his eyes from her.

Madilith finally pulled out his member. The shaft of his member bore a dusky hue, shaded in tones of deep brown, barely contrasting with the surrounding skin and the red head that spewed transparent liquid.

"M-Miss Madilith, I haven't been to the baths yet…" Hofir held onto her hands that was about to pull his pants off completely.

"That's fine," she grinned as she put the tip of her finger on his urethra, swirling it around and making Hofir shiver. With an even wider grin, she put the finger in her mouth. A popping sound echoed when she took out her finger, "Yummy~"

"A-Ah…" Hofir moaned when Madilith stroked his member with both hands.

She sucked the liquid spewing out of him with a vacuum-like sound. A bitter taste spread in her mouth; one she was used to by now.



Hofir's member pulsed before sticky white liquid shot onto Madilith's face, staining her hair and glasses in the process.

"S-S-sorry! I-I'll go get a towel!" Hofir was about to get up but Madilith held down his thighs.

A seductive smile appeared on her face as she got up and climbed on top of Hofir.

Arnold's face suddenly appeared on Hofir's face like an illusion. Unlike Hofir's embarrassed expression, he had a smirk on his face and was laying back with his arms behind his head.

"Ahn, Al…" Madilith moaned slightly as she grinded herself on Hofir.

She could feel Arnold's member getting hard again so she quickly took off her panties in an awkward motion.

"Kuh!" Arnold moaned.

'Ahhhh, I made him moan… Al is so cute…' she lowered her head and stuck her tongue down his throat even with his semen still on her face.

"Kugh… Kugh!" Arnold coughed as Madilith wasn't giving him a chance to breathe. She sent her saliva down his throat and happily slurped his.

She could feel his member touching her vagina directly. She pulled away from his face.

-"Put it in without using your hands, you slut…" She could hear Arnold's voice in her head.

'A-Al is so cruel…' Madilith put her hands on her knees and tried to insert his member inside her, her hips moving up and down awkwardly.

Her hips were grabbed by strong hands and she was forcibly lowered.

"I-I'm sorry! I can't bear it anymore! You're so sexy, Miss Madiliiiith!"

A sweet moan leaked out of Madilith at that moment when she was pierced in one go.

Arnold thrust his hips even harder, his balls slapping her butt and his head kissing the entrance to her womb.

"Ah… Ah… Ah…!" she tried to keep herself upright but was pierced so violently that she bounced around.

"Ah?!" her school shirt was torn apart by Arnold claws(?).

Anyway, her breasts bounced up when she was slammed down and vice versa when she bounced upwards.

Arnold's face vanished and Hofir's face appeared. He was gritting his teeth while piercing her moist cave. She couldn't even hold herself upright anymore due to how strong the thrusts were.

She fell on his hairy chest. Hofir's strong arms encircled around her back and held her tight.

'Nooo, Al… Where is Al…'

She tried to get up but Hofir didn't let go.

He continued thrusting until finally—

A low growl leaked out of his mouth when he stopped thrusting. Madilith could feel something being pumped into her depths.

'No… let go… Let go…'

Despite thinking that, she continued moaning.

Hofir lifted Madilith up and put her on the bed with her face on the pillows and her butt raised high.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry…" Hofir spread her precious place and inserted himself back into her.

His member was still hard even though he came twice already.

Madilith's mind went blank as the pleasure consumed her--


"A-A defiled body with such an innocent heart… A perrrrfect Jar fffor a sea of lifeforce…."

A familiar eerie voice came from all around her.

'Eh?' Madilith realised that she wasn't in her bed anymore.

She was standing in darkness with a faint light shining above her.

"An obsession so great that it can tarnish all mankind's cardinal sins, even Love."

The voice said again.

Madilith could feel something crawling in her skin. A certain scene flashed past her mind when she felt that familiar sensation.

'N-Not again…!'

She looked at her arms.

They looked… normal…?

Ah… So, it's not the maggots that caused this feeling… It's the presence of something… Something she had tried to run from even in her dreams….

Madilith hurriedly tried to chant a barrier spell but her mouth suddenly vanished.

"Mm!?" Madilith tried to scream but it was muffled out.

A huge ugly creature was looking at her form the darkness, with only its head visible.

"You… You letet a prrrecious Mark gget awaay." Its face didn't resemble a human's so Madilith couldn't tell what expression it was making, "Fffor that you deserve punishhhment. What punishment shall this one give to such a naughty child?"

Unlike the first time they met, this creature could now speak the Diacreerian tongue fluently for some reason. Its voice also shifted between slurred speech and the voice of a male and female in unknown intervals as if there were more than one being in its body.

"Should this one kill your beloved?" its male voice said.


"Orrrr perrrhaps trap yyyou …in this dimension so that... that this one may gather lifeforce to ascend to godhood directly?" its female voice said.

'Eh…? Lifeforce again… What does this creature want with lifeforce…?'

Unexpectedly, she received an answer when the creature stepped into the light, its bulging eyes staring at her.

"Liiiife force isssss the accumulation of alllll energiess of liiife--mana, divvvinity and a-aura… E-Each life force differs from the n-next p-person. The amount of liiiife f-f-force one has d-depends on a perrrson's e-emotions, vitalityyy, inherent ssstrength, fate…."

Its long slender finger tapped Madilith's chest. Madilith felt as if she was held down by some sort of invisible force that prevented her from moving.

"This llittle one's fate is causing the misfortune of others. Kukuku, a power only amplified by the negative emotions that transcends the disgusting cardinal sins and can become the Jar that holds all lifeforce it targets!" the male voice again.

'Eh…? Causing the… misfortune of others…?'

"We," the creature held up one finger, "Weeweeewee… w-will become a god and revive owwwer king to hish full strength so that we may conquer the realms together! We fffffour ssshall not fail in this task!"

'Why does this thing not kill me already…'

"This one would've killed you but this one saw how special you are… A perfect vessel to store the life force of souls that are the victims of misfortune. Lifeforce, once enough has been manifested in a vessel worthy of godhood, can make the vessel a god! Once that happens, We, the glorious Brain of Cursama, shall take control of your body fully!"


So, by having the lifeforce equal to a god can make you a god?

To achieve that amount of lifeforce, we would would need to gather a lot of individual lifeforces and make them one giant pool of lifeforce, it explained.

Madilith shivered.

So, this was the creature's agenda all along. She had wondered to herself why it would keep her alive if it has the means to kill her. It has complete control of her mind and can enter her dreams and even trap her in here.

Mailith had tried to tell others what was going on inside her head but for some reason that desire never fully manifested which allowed her to tell others or more like it vanishes the minute she tries to tell others. Does the creature's influence stretch this far?

If given enough time, it could become even more dangerous…

What do I do… What do I do…

Madilith wanted to cry. She wanted to rely on someone, anyone who could help her.

But to rid the realms of such a dangerous creature would require great struggle… If someone like that would go so far for Madilith then… she didn't know if she could repay that saint's kindness…

"Ah but not to worry. Since you are the one to feed our burning ambition to see our king dominate the realms, We will create a realm solely for you to live out your desires and dreams! You will never die since your soul will be sent to an alternate dimension kept alive by the unified power of the Special Organs!"


Hearing that made Madilith raise her head to look at the ugly creature.

A world where… she can live out her desires and dreams… forever….?

A world where Al will be her plaything, her pet, her obedient slave, her lover, father to their ten children…

The perfect world…?

The monster's mouth curved upwards as its disgusting throaty chuckle echoed.

The surroundings suddenly changed.

Madilith's mouth returned and she could finally breathe through it again.

She looked around in confusion. It looked like she was standing on a balcony of some kind.

"Eh? Al…?" She looked back at the creature.

The visage of Arnold in a suit overlapped the creature that had been haunting her dreams ever since they left the relic tomb. A beautiful scenery, resembling a sunset, viewed from the balcony of some castle, appeared behind him. There was a table next to him stacked with all sorts of delicacies.

Overall, it looked like the perfect place to have a romantic dinner.

"We shall await your decision." It smirked, "The one thing keeping our power from growing exponentially without the need to rely on the curse is thy will to not hurt others. Break through that will and we will grant you everything you desire. Kukuku, even if you do not: our power will still give us what we are striving towards. Time is the only issue. The Soul King's special skill [Hearts of Cause] will grow into an unstoppable weapon and make all kneel before His might!"

Madilith woke up with a cold sweat.

Hofir was lying next to her, snoring with his junk standing tall. There was a faint light coming from the window which meant it was already morning.

Madilith looked at her hands. They were trembling. Those delicate small hands hold the fate of dozens if not hundreds of people. Some of whom were her closest friends.

'I don't get it… I don't get it! Why me!? Why couldn't it have been someone else!? I-If it was Evie then she'd know what to do! S-Should I tell Evie…?'

Relying on her friends was the natural thing to do whenever she's in trouble. But again, the creature can slightly influence her actions if it gets in the way of its plans.

Of course, this creature does not know that something exists that can pose a threat to its plans–a System.

She suddenly heard voices coming from downstairs. Among them was Sabrina, Hans, Castacia and…




Madilith's groggy mind instantly cleared up. She jumped out of bed, got dressed and ran down the hallway.

'I-Is that really him…!' Madilith, forgetting everything that had transpired in her dream in an instant, ran down the stairs hearing that familiar voice. She stopped just before walking past the reception desk, choosing to stare at a certain someone instead. No, rather seeing his handsome face was what made her go still and look at him in a daze.




Madilith's heart was pounding in her chest and her saliva pooled in her throat.

'How am I going to greet him? Should I go and hug him? N-No, I can't do such a thing in front of so many peeping eyes… A-Ah, but I want to be in his strong arms again…' she bit on her finger while looking at Arnold's face.

There was a little stubble around his chin, making him look even sexier in her eyes. She could feel her panties being soaked, but not from Hofir letting out inside of her…

Her eyes suddenly panned to Sabrina who was also sitting at the table.

'Huh? Sabrina is… She's not in pain anymore…?'

The bags under her eyes were gone and her discolored lips were back to their youthful pink color.

'Wait… Why is she looking at Al like that…?' Madilith noticed Sabrina staring at Arnold's lips whenever he speaks and his eyes whenever he looks at someone while they're talking.

What's with those eyes!?

Madilith never imagined that someone, who had claimed to hate Arnold, would look at him like that. It wasn't a gaze filled with love or infatuation but rather one of admiration.

Still, Madilith mistook the latter for the former.

Stop looking at him like that! She wanted to shout at Sabrina who, in the past, had admonished Madilith over and over again for trying to spend time with Arnold or wanting his attention.

-"Dump him. He doesn't love you"

-"He probably doesn't think you're that pretty anyway since he has Her Highness Olivia"

-"Rumors are circulating that he raped several of our juniors and classmates! Do you really want to be seen hanging with a guy like that!?"

She had tried to persuade Madilith to leave Arnold alone countless times, sometimes even fabricating lies to scare Madilith away. When caught, she'd just apologize and say she wants to protect her friends.

Those rape rumors were suspiciously never brought up before Sabrina mentioned them to Madilith. It was strange how the whole school started spreading even more rumors and even victims coming forward just days after that event.

What was strange to the public was how the supposed accused never attempted to debunk the rumors, choosing to ignore them instead and go on with his life. The academy tried to investigate but were silenced by the entire Berkley clan (the main family, branches and extended families). Of course, this made people suspect Arnold even more.

Why did nothing happen to him even after many victims came forward?

Was Sabrina really the instigator of all those rumors?

How dare you look at him with those eyes after tarnishing his reputation, she thought.

Whether it was true or not was irrelevant to Madilith.

Someone as popular as Sabrina's words carried a lot of weight so the rumors spread like wildfire, whether true or not, they still tarnished Arnold's reputation at the school.

While Madilith was chewing on her blazer's sleeve, she felt Hofir's hand on her shoulder.

Ugh, take your hand off me and stop looking at me like that, you ugly pig. You fucking stink. I'll stab you in your fucking eye. Don't you dare act intimate with me in front of Al!

If Arnold sees me with you then he'll think I'm a slut.

Her thought didn't match her mouth which just smiled at Hofir.

"What's Arnold doing here…?"

"Uhm, I don't know…"

"You look nervous about something. What's wrong? Please tell me. I'll be here for you no matter what."


"I-It's nothing. H-hahaha. Let's go greet everyone and find out what Al is doing here."

Madilith suddenly heard something which caught her attention. A chance to prove her worth to Al.

Thus, she…

"L-Let me join too!"