Copying his opponents' martial arts was easier said than done even when he has an understanding of what they're doing. Just like the martial arts in Sceptim's book, copying other martial arts requires time and dedication, the former of which he didn't have.
So far, he could use Aether to create energy shields that were far tougher than what his body is capable of. And besides that, he had Dreum's concentrated exploding Ki technique that he uses with his Aether to create even deadlier explosions. He didn't know how he could apply specific hand signs—like what that female martial did—to his martial skills. Maybe there was something useful in Sceptim's book but it would probably take ages to find it.
Soon night fell and the emperor had to call for a pause on the event after three more matches concluded when the break was finished. The good news was that the tournament will continue tomorrow two hours earlier than usual. This was good news for the crowd who cheered upon the emperor's command but it was bad news for the staff who had to pull an all-nighter just to maek sure everything is ready for tomorrow.
Arnold arrived back at his room.
"—Good evening, sir Arnold." Princess Kohana was inside his room, bowing, "Lady Lian allowed me to enter and wait for you. I hope you don't mind my intrusion."
She smiled gently.
"Good evening, princess. Make yourself comfortable and get to the point of why you're here."
Arnold sat on the bed and pointed to a chair that she can use. She brought it a little closer before sitting down.
"I'm here to talk about our plan to help you get the book. My brother and Lady Lian are already done with the rough planning for the distraction due to take place at the end of the tournament. Due to… recent events that unfolded in the tournament pushed by your lordship, they have to get everything ready in two days or possibly sooner..."
"Right, the fights will be over sooner now that I'm fighting all my opponents in duos."
"Rasuke suggested we use exploding barrels carried by wagons but I told them that will be too obvious. Even with all the civilians interested in the tournament and attending the banquet afterwards, there will still be patrolling guards. I'm sure we'll think of something else…"
"If you can't go through with the plan then I'll use my illusions to pull their attention and disrupt the banquet."
"Eh? You can use illusions?"
He nodded. He wasn't sure how many he could use at once or how strong each of them is individually. Going by what happened outside the city, he'd guess they're around level 50 or so since they could cut down Earthly Ascendants, each of whom measured between level 30 to 45. But with his martial experience baked into their code—being AI, of course—they should be able to hold their own against even higher-leveled martials just like he did with Gederick through combat experience alone.
"We can use Lian being attacked outside the city to our advantage. Ko Johun probably isn't keeping his eyes on her 24/7, right?"
"Ah, that could work! He'll think the Fire Serpent Sect is breaking the deal they made several years ago."
"They agreed to never use their armies to attack each other's strongholds unless one of them falls in battle. Moon Plum city and the surrounding cities are Ko's strongholds while Funiji holds his own fortress city. As you can imagine, not every city is under their rule since the two of them are too busy trying to beat each other to expand their territories."
"Now that the sects, who once ruled every nation, are gone—"
"Yes, they can afford to idle around inside their strongholds, never fearing a coup. The inner martials will protect this city in case of an attack but won't move unless ordered to. I think making Ko think Funiji is trying to take over his city will draw him out of the palace giving Lord Arnold the time to explore the palace!" Kohana clapped as if the plan was flawless.
"There's one issue." Arnold added, "Ko will probably expect Funiji. If I know anything about warlords, it's that they love showing themselves when invading an enemy nation."
They wouldn't just wait in their camps for their nemesis to show up.
"But how are we going to pull that off…" Kohana lost her cheery energy.
Arnold took out the illusion artifact, looking at it with a scrutinizing gaze.
'Are Luxtivin's illusions capable of speech? I need to make one of them appear at the banquet.'
-Answer: Luxtivin is incapable of producing illusionary copies of Player Arnold capable of thought since their code is based off what the wielder's soul weapon has learnt of the wielder's combat experience only. However, Player Arnold's soul weapon itself is capable of turning into you and learning on its own. It has been inside Player Arnold's body for 7 years and has completely memorized all your memories and adopts your most recent personality.
'That's… very convenient depending on how I use it to my advantage.'
-Caution: allowing a learning Soul Armament like Luxtivin to be free of its origin's control will have dire consequences since it can easily be influenced by external factors. By turning it into a clone of yourself, you're allowing it to also produce its own brain which, in turn allows it to become its own version of you. It is recommended you don't separate yourself from it for too long, Player Arnold.
'Even in this game, the developers warn of the dangers of AI.' Arnold sighed, thinking nothing of its warning at the moment.
"Lord Arnold?" Kohana tilted her head at his silence.
"I'll do it."
"You'll do… what?"
"I'll disguise myself as Funiji and face Ko."
'I'll need to know what he looks like and his mannerisms first, though.'
"Regardless if that's possible without magic, you're expected at the party that day. How will you be at both places at once?"
His desire to get this done without wasting internal energy and fighting another catastrophic battle was greater than the caution that arose from the system's warning. Which is why he made up his mind to use Luxtivin.
"It doesn't matter how I pull it off. You should focus on your distraction to pull as many of Ko's inner martials out of the banquet as possible. Lian can get the book for me since she'll be locked in."
The door suddenly opened after he was done talking.
"Hm? What's with that expression, big sis?" Rasuke noticed Kohana's bewildered expression.
"Good evening, Lord Arnold." Lian bowed to him.
"Uhm, there's a change of plans, you two… H-Hehehe…." Kohana scratched her cheek.
Rasuke and Lian looked at Arnold to elaborate on what Kohana just told them.
"Lian, how well do you know the palace?" before satiating their curiosity, he asked Lian that question since it was important to know where she was allowed and how much she knew.
"I know quite a lot but not more than the Head Maid and Butler. I've only been in Ko's chamber once to treat injuries he had a few months ago, so I can't say for certain if we'll find any important information there. But the personal chambers seems like an obvious place to hide important stuff."
Right, it wouldn't make sense to keep your most well-guarded secret in a shoebox inside your room.
"A palace always has hidden rooms and passageways, some of which will probably have some form of magic locks on them." Arnold looked at Kohana, "Can you draw me a map of the inside of your palace?"
"I will certainly help with that but it's possible Ko Johun changed the locks after gaining control of our palace so even our family jewelry won't activate them."
"I can recall the wife and the daughter wearing identical necklaces at the coliseum today." Arnold briefly glanced at them earlier today but he could remember seeing dark purple jewels hanging from both their necks.
"They wear it to every event and every tournament," Lian said, "Are you thinking of taking them?"
"If they wear it to every event then it will be difficult to take it off them. Something big needs to happen to distract them enough so that we can take it. I could try to swipe it myself but I don't think I'll find an opportunity to be close to her other than the banquet, which I won't even attend technically."
"As expected, we need someone with dexterous hands to do it for us." All of them looked down in thought after what Kohana said, "But relying on just any thief from the slums isn't a viable option since they can decide to run away with it."
"I think I know someone." Arnold spoke again, "Just focus on your roles for the plan. We can discuss everything in detail once you're done with your preparations."
"I'll go to the palace tomorrow morning after the emperor arrives at the coliseum," said Lian, "While there, I'll try to find out as much as I can and see if we can get some insiders as well. Fortunately, the Head Butler is currently away from the palace on business. He never quite liked me."
"Tell them you feel like you're being followed. They might keep you in the palace estate until a party is dispatched to identify any threats." Kohana suggested, "That is how my father used to protect the nobles who sought refuge from their enemies until the enemies are eliminated. It would be foolish if Ko Johun changed this policy since an emperor's duty is to protect his people and the palace should act as the last stronghold if a city is invaded."
"Good idea." Lian nodded along.
"Right then! Plan's changed, but we're still on track!" Rasuke stood up with a wide grin as his exhilaration was about to hit its peak. "I'll reach out to some old friends in Old Plum city. See if they're up for playing dress-up."
"Little brother, I wouldn't call gang members your friends…" Kohana crossed her arms, her voice sharp.
"Oh, come on! If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be as strong as I am today!"
Lian's gaze narrowed. "Rasuke, don't tell me those black-market pills came from them."
"Uh… well…" He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding her sharp gaze. "I-I didn't have a choice! You said you couldn't make them!"
Lian sighed, her tone firm. "We need to stop calling in favors from outsiders. They need to fight with us because they believe in what we're trying to do—not because they're owed something. People demand a lot from two royals who've lost everything but promise to retake their empire."
Rasuke's smile faded. He looked away, shoulders slumping. "I get it already…"
Old Plum city is where all the shady folk usually gather and Rasuke was pulled into their world out of desperation for martial drugs. Lian is actually against making the drugs he wants since there's no telling what side effects there will be. Normally, she'd let him do so since she knows his body can withstand it BUT he has been training, drugging himself up and meditating nonstop with the most minimal required rest these past few years.
It made him stronger but it also made him hungry for more growth which is also bad.
'I've only ever seen Luke as passionate about seeking strength as much as this guy.' Thought Arnold.
He was nothing short of elated when he found out that he could become stronger by going to the divine realm.
Kohana stood up and bowed to Arnold, "Please have a good rest, Lord Arnold. I doubt you will need luck so I hope you have fun tomorrow at least."
Arnold said he was going to go out for a while so Lian was the only one left in the room.
Looking to Arnold's bed, she noticed a black coat laying on the edge of it. Sticking out from one of its pockets was a book.
'Surely he won't mind if I take a peek?'
She recognized the book as the same one he was reading the night the two of them made their deal. It was open at the time but face-down so Lian couldn't get a look at its contents or what was so interesting about it.
She picked it up after moving the coat aside.
"Eh?" the book was open when she picked it up but when it got in her hands, it was suddenly closed. She didn't close it on her own, though.
"That was weird."
Thinking nothing of it, she opened it and skimmed through the pages.
Despite being certain she was able to discern its contents, she couldn't remember what she saw and the book closed again on its own.
"What if I turn the pages slower?" she carefully turned a page and then another, "…"
Nothing. What kind of sorcery is this!?
'Since this is a martial arts book, I'll ask Kairi if she knows anything since her family used to own tons of these books.'
"Haa…" she decided to read the first page instead. The table of contents were very vague so she didn't bother reading them in earnest, "…Huh?"
On the first page in the book, she saw the name [Ascension Pill]. Her eyes stared unblinkingly at the book as the candlelight danced in the quiet room.
In that moment, the past that she tried so desperately to forget, felt like a hammer to the head as it all came back to her.
It was a starry night, with the full moon dominating the sky, appearing even larger and more brilliant than the sun at its zenith. Its silvery light bathed the world below, illuminating every corner and exposing secrets hidden deep within the shadows.
"—Don't you have any coin to rent an inn for tonight?" Arnold, standing on top of a roof of some restaurant spoke to a certain someone.
"If you got a little closer without speaking, I would've thrown my daggers at you. Unlike you martials, I can't sense people behind my back or through walls." Ruria spoke without turning her head. Her legs dangled over the edge of the building. Her knee-high boots were sitting next to her so her legs and bare feet were exposed to the cold night wind.
She continued, "To answer your question, no I don't. You took all the money that's worth something in this city. Now I'm left with my empire's coin. I have enough food for the road but I smell awful and haven't slept in a day."
She's not even trying to act cute anymore. The Ruria he knew (or the one she wanted him to see) would've pouted and said "Senior, you meanie!".
"Here you go." He threw a pouch filled with a percentage of the coin he took from her yesterday. He wanted to buy himself some fine wine (lots of it) before leaving this world. It's not every day you get to experience a different culture in another world.
She caught the pouch swiftly and looked inside.
"Greedy." She glared at him before putting the coins away, "What do you want? You got what you needed from me and I'm not confident enough to steal the book from you so I just gave up pursuing it altogether."
"I have a proposition for you. That is if you're interested in the reward."
"…Money and jewelry won't fix my problems."
"Good thing the reward won't be that. I'll help you with your family if you do this job for me."
"There's one condition: I want every artifact they have. Bring them to me, and I'll ensure your freedom. You can even live in my city and I'll assign you a personal guard to protect you. A permanent guard."
Hopefully Vetis can create most level 90 Red Knights.
It sounded as if he was recruiting a tomb raider to retrieve artifacts for him.
"Listen to me," she replied, her voice sharp with restrained frustration. "I'm not from this world, so your offers mean nothing to me. I'm not looking to start over here—my life is back home. I have friends, school, and a purpose beyond being some assassination family's pawn. And most importantly... there are people I need to save. When I prayed to Goddess Melis to send me a savior, I wasn't expecting the same guy who robbed me."
"Melis, huh? The same goddess the Eulia Empire worships."
He wasn't expecting her family to be religious, or maybe it's just her alone.
"W-What? How did you know that!?" she leaned toward him, "I've been coming to this world for two years and have never heard Melis being mentioned once at the churches!"
The Human Gods aren't exactly considered equal to Martial Gods in this world. People from this world pray for strength and perseverance while those who worship Melis pray for good fortune and luck.
"The Eulia Empire worships Melis. Wait, you said you've been coming here? How? Teleportation?"
He tried to sound sincere in his obliviousness.
"W-Well, yes… Who are you really!? Someone with your strength would instantly become popular in the empire! Wait a second…" she grabbed his face without permission, "Golden eyes, silver hair, tall, handsome face… Don't tell me you're the Nova…? The one who could fight a Frost Giant, an S-rank monster with brute strength alone!"
"I've been found out." He shrugged.
"T-That means it wasn't a coincidence that your name is listed as Nova on the tournament roster…" Ruria quickly let him go and awkwardly looked away.
She was uncertain about his connection to that Nova she knew because he used Aether in the arena, which he never used back home while taking on quests.
"But why do you act so different…? The people back home call you a savior and worship you left and right. Here you act like the typical idiotic young master who let his power get to his head."
"Maybe this is how I usually am?"
"Well, this wouldn't be the first time a popular adventurer is known to have two faces…"
"What's your answer? Are you willing to make an alliance with me?"
"One question first… Which city is yours? There are only a few cities and towns ruled by single lords but even less are known to be fighters."
"You don't need to know that. Just know that I can give you two level 90 knights to protect you."
"L-Level 90?" her eyes widened, "You aren't an imperial prince with some private army, are you?"
"I'm no royal and have no imperial army at my side, only useful allies who scratch my back in return for profit."
"…." A complicated expression clouded her cute face.
"It seems like you want to ask me something." He noticed her fidgeting with her fingers.
"Well, you see… I still want to go to the academy to get a real job one day. I don't know where your city is so accepting your offer…"
"Do you have other means of earning money? The academy charges every student who stays in the dorms, right?"
"No, I don't."
"You've never thought of becoming an adventurer?"
"Becoming a mercenary or adventurer means revealing skills, known only to our family, in combat. We aren't exactly well-known. No, more like we aren't well-liked or even tolerated in civilized society. Breaking the rules despite that results in punishments."
It seems they're wanted fugitives, which isn't that surprising given their profession. Arnold didn't really care so he didn't ask how high their wanted status was.
Arnold looked at her in silence for a second. It's probably better to just focus on the job first then everything else. Thinking so, he stood up and moved away from the edge.
"Protection can be arranged whether you come to my city or not. I'll let you think it over. If there's anything else you want from this, just let me know after the tournament."
"Where will I find you?"
"Don't worry about that. I'll find you." After getting the last word in, he jumped off the roof and disappeared into the crowd below.
"Wait, you haven't told me what I have to do!" her cries went unanswered except for the weird stares the people below were giving her.
Ruria sighed and sat there for a moment thinking about how this miracle was granted to her on a silver platter on the same day she thought her life was over. Just like with every other member of her family (besides the head of course), her fate isn't her own to decide.
But there was one way of regaining control of her fate, even if it would've lasted only a few seconds…
"…" she looked down at the poison needle in her hand. Purple fluid dripped from the tip.
She shook her head and threw the needle away.
"If I can do this," Ruria thought back to Nova's offer, "—I can save my big sisters."
Arnold returned to his room after parting ways with Ruria. Lian was soundly asleep. He sensed Kairi's signature coming here earlier so he was curious what they were discussing while he was gone.
Since servants aren't allowed to sleep in the coliseum guestrooms, she and Liwei were staying at an inn across the street and usually come knocking on the door before sunrise to start their duties.
He climbed in bed and mentally called out to the system.
'If Ruria and Cain go by Bastere, why can't I see that name reflected on her status window?'
-Answer: Placeholder names are not able to be identified by the system since they can change at any time.
It definitely doesn't make sense to reflect a fake name on someone's status window when it can be changed at will by the NPC. To achieve this, he'd need to manually enter the dev console and edit the code, which he had no idea how to do.
A system that can be modified to suit the situation sounded great. Maybe future system updates will give him that.
'Are there actually any noble families called Bastere?'
-Answer: Yes.
He was told that Cain and Ruria are living with another family and not their own, said family acting as their guardians. That might be them.
'They aren't a family full of assassins, are they?'
He received a short "no".
Even if he tried to ask Ruria, she'll probably not give him an answer, to protect her family—her sisters and grandmother, that is. If it was found out who they were, they'd be in danger just as much as the family members she hates.
Serz will probably know though but he's not looking to pay the usual fee just to satiate his curiosity.
In any case, Ruria will likely be useful even after this job so their alliance was beneficial to him as well depending on how he uses her skills.
Arnold closed his eyes as he drifted off to sleep, deciding to ignore her past and background and instead use what she's learned from it, to his advantage.
Assassination was one of them.