
Her brother died because of her and she still couldn't find it in her to cry. It's like the ability to cry has deserted her, leaving her a numb mess.

It's my fault he's dead.

It's my fault he took the pills.

It's my fault he's no longer here.

It's my fault my parents are mourning.

It's my fault James is no longer here.

It's my fault.

It's all my fault.

Those thoughts filled her head as she sat in her bed that night.

Her parents tried asking her how she got the pills but she just kept staring blankly at them, not saying a word.

She snifed as a laughing face of James appeared in her head, the innocent looking face bringing so much guilt into her mind and soul, a tear leaked out.

She blinked it away but another teardrop replaced it immediately followed by big drops of tears flowing down her cheeks uncontrollable.