
"What took you so long?"

Lee Woo-Jin asked Junho who had arrived in the agency.

"I woke up late, last night I had a date with my girlfriend we're using the entire month to date everyday since we're going to break up once we're trainee's."

"I can't say that's sad but I can't say its good either well its both of your lives now come with me, she's waiting at the agency's cafe."

"You guys a have Cafe?"

"Of course so that our artists don't need to go far away from here if they want to take a break but they usually go there just to meet with their managers, members and the like."

Junho nodded and followed Lee Woo-Jin, the two looked like brothers but Lee Woo-Jin was the shorter one, since Junho was currenly 5'10 and Lee Woo-Jin was just 5'7, he sighed at the height disparity he was even more frustrated that he could still grow but he didn't mind.

"Why is everyone looking at us?"

"Well I bragged that my brother would join, but of course some people here already know you but some don't, Oh look she's there already"

Junho could see Taeyeon, she was one of his favorite idols, he saw how she waved at Lee Woo-jin, he followed after him as he sat.

"Sit, so this is the kid who wanted to speak with you."

"Ah You're Park Junho right? You can call me Noona, Sunbae or just Taeyeon."

"Noona it is, actually."

"Did this bastard tell you already?"

Taeyeon looked at Lee Woo-jin who somehow looked guilty, she then sighed and motioned for Junho to continue. Junho gave the lyrics and sheet music to Taeyeon, although it was supposed to be written almost near a decade from now but he didn't want to waste time.

Junho believed that building connections as early as now would help him in the future, if he could help Taeyeon achieve superstar status as early as now she would be of big help in the future.

Taeyeon looked at the song title first 'I' she instantly read the lyrics as well as the sheet music, to say she was excited by the lyrics was not enough to describe the feeling she had right now, she knew that GirlsWonder would go on a hiatus for quite sometime especially Sunmi leaving seeing the Music in front of her was what she wanted.

"You're really giving me this?"

"Consider it as a gift Noona."

Woo-Jin at the side was wondering he saw she was all smiles and that she looked excited after a long time, Junho on the other knew that she was the one wrote this but he didn't mind cheating since he was a smart person that knew he had advantages so he was fully aware on how to exploit his knowledge.

"I also have a prerecorded track, all we need is your vocals and last minute mastering for the instruments to tune it with you."

"Oh, and who sang the song?"


Junho looked at the side and was embarrassed to say it but Woo-Jin chuckled and didn't hesitate.

"Stop acting shy, it's either him or his girlfriend by the way."

"No, though she is a great singer but this is my voice and Noona is one of my favorite artists so."

"I see, all right enough of the suspense let's go to the recording room shall we?"

Taeyeon got excited and didn't wait for them as she walked faster than usual, Woo-Jin and Junho followed after her shortly enough they were in the recording studio, Woo-Jin knew this would happen so he had reserved one of them, there were a number of them and knew that sooner or later Junho would have his own personal recording studio in the company.

"Plug it I want to hear the demo."

Junho was shy as he plugged it and played it, Taeyeon on the other hand was excited though she could say he did a good job but she refrained for doing so she thought how she could sing it as she really liked it and that it felt it was made for her, Lee Woo-Jin wasn't surprised but was rather amazed at Junho who was acting weird, soon the demo had finished.


Woo-Jin asked Taeyeon who had closed her eyes as she nodded.

"I want to sing it but."

"It's the rap part right?"

"Yeah, I can rap but the thing is I don't think It'll fit the image I want to project even if I wanted my other members to feature it'll look like a sub unit instead of a solo."

Taeyeon was perplexed she also thought of asking help from either 1AM, 1PM, Rain or even JYP himself but she then looked at Junho who was staring at her.



"Can you rap better than you did in the demo?"

"I think I can if I'm given a month or two and I don't know if JYP himself would agree."

"That's a problem now isn't it? all right I'll wait for a month or two but first let's present it JYP himself see if he agrees."

"Absolutely not! He's not even established and then again there's the problem of him being turned into a soloist."

"But this is a song I want to sing Woo-Jin!"

"No and that's final!"

"I actually have another song if its okay."

Both Taeyeon and Woo-Jin looked at Junho, they then nodded for him to play it, as soon as they heard the music begin they instantly felt it was familiar somehow and as soon as Junho's voice began to resonate and sung the lyrics.



"Is this the final version of the song you sung when you auditioned?"

"No, actually I sang it one note lower than the original I had in mind since."

"Don't tell me you wanted to give it to her too?"

"Yes, actually I made this song with Noona in mind because I know she can sing it better than me and her voice fits the song and most importantly she can hit the notes that I can't hit for now."

Woo-Jin rolled his eyes as he wondered how many lives did Taeyeon save in her past life as she was immediately given what he felt like was two hit songs if they were released now, Taeyeon was all smiles as soon as she heard what Junho said, she immediately hugged him and instantly saw him as his younger brother.

"There there Noona here will you treat you to anything you want when I become successful, so I'm guessing the title of this song is 'Fine'?"


"What made you write this song?"

"I just felt writing it."

"Because he and his girlfriend will break up when the month is over."

Woo-Jin felt like he had spilled the beans while Junho chuckled as he got it all wrong but he didn't mind since it was also a cover to where he had gotten the inspiration from but to Taeyeon she was shocked and instead hugged him.

"Noona will do her best to convey the emotions you want to send to the girl in question, all right this settles it, this is the song I want to debut as a soloist with!"

Woo-Jin felt like a headache was coming but he didn't mind since he wasn't Taeyeon's manager but he felt like some of the artists in their agency would come looking for him instead and ask to meet Junho if ever Taeyeon would top the charts but little did he know what stored in the future.