Shooting 2

"All right both of your scenes are just easy as counting one to three"

The director, Kim Sung-wook, told Seojeong and Junho as they were currently outside the building where they were shooting.

"Are you all right?"

Junho asked Seojeong who looked nervous.

"I think I'm fine, it's my dream and this is only the start of it! What about you hyung?"

"You can call me Junho if you want, I guess this is okay."

Junho looked at his stats, it was only a mere 2.0 in acting, he didn't know why but he felt nervous but if this scene only contained him walking down the street while looking at Seojeon it wouldn't be a problem for him.

"All right action."

Both Junho and Seojeong walked down the street acting like a couple, Taeyeon and Woo-Jin looked at them and didn't mind it that much but to Woo-Jin he was tempted to record but refrained from doing so, the shoot proceeded without being needed to reshoot as Kim Sung-Wook liked Junho's performance.

"So how was it?"

Junho went to Taeyeon and Woo-Jin as soon as he was finished, that was the only scene where Sejeong was needed so she quickly left as she arrived to her she was already happy and fulfilled as the director gave her the approval that she was done and if there were reshoots needed they would call her.

"I expected tons of reshoots but I guess both of you really sold it, I mean how hard can walking with your girlfriend can be."

"Yeah, I just imagined Choo-hyun's face over hers."

"I see, but how long will that last because I've read the story board there's going to be shots of only you and you have to act like the camera is Choo-hyun?"

"The next scene is just you acting like the camera is your girlfriend so prepare your smiles all right"

Taeyeon patted Junho's head as he nodded, shortly they were told to return to the studio and do their shots, everyone followed including Junho who was called by the stylist again.


"Well that went horribly wrong."

Woo-Jin consoled Junho who flinched.

"It's fine even though it took you half a day, but still It was enough it was your first time right?"


"Think of it this way you learned how to act in front of a camera and most importantly we're lucky that your appearance is all what matters and that you smiled a lot even though it looked stiff it still got the job done since most are gonna just look at you and won't mind the acting."

"I guess I got bailed."

"We'll see it in the future besides."

Taeyeon went over and took a picture of her and Junho.

"I'll keep it for the memories"

"Thank you Noona for inviting."

"No worries besides you now owe me one more song in the future!"

"All right I'll keep my promise Noona."

"Since we're now done I now have to take Woo-Jin back home and prepare for tomorrow he has yet to make an appearance."

Taeyeon hugged Junho and waved him goodbye as she too had to finish up her scenes, Junho went over to the staff, bowed, said his thanks and left them, the staff were all smiles after seeing Junho this way since they too had liked his attitude.


"What are you gonna do Hyung?"

"I'm gonna stay here for awhile it's already late what about you?"

"Do you even have clothes?"

Woo-Jin had driven Junho home, he didn't mind staying here as he had already permission from Junho's parents under the condition he sleeps in the living room or use one of the guest rooms.

"Yeah, but its too tiring by the way, hows your VTube?"

"I haven't opened my account until Hyun-ah opened it herself, you know I somehow wanted to surprise myself."

"Open it then, perhaps you'll get verification or even better some agency mails."

Junho opened the computer he was give in the recording studio as soon as he logged into his account, Junho patted him in the back as Junho saw the numbers, he had already reached a hundred thousand subscribers, he then totaled the amount of views he had gained which was now nearing a total of fifteen million with 'Can't Help Falling in Love' garnering the most with seven million.

"I'm curious try opening your emails."

Junho did as Woo-Jin told him, he scrolled past other emails until he saw different companies and agencies wanting to get in touch with him.


"Don't worry I'll handle it, just continue what you're doing, tell them you don't have any plans to debut or join them until you graduate, I'm surprised there aren't any offers for your song yet have you applied for the copyright?"

"I still have to."

"Well give the song to me, don't worry I'll make sure to put everything under your name and not the agencies."

"Are you sure? It sounds."

"I know, but JYP screwed me over when I was young so I'm gonna screw him over with this so just do what you should do and let me handle all legal affairs you don't need to worry over that."


Woo-Jin ruffled Junho's hair as he smiled.

"If you can debut and be successful for me then that's all I would ever ask."

"I'll make sure I'm going to be the best."

"Sure you will just learn to not be stiff in smiling."


"So what do you think?"

Taeyeon asked the director as she looked at the shots.

"Well I would say you're too young for a song like this but I guess it's an excellent song and Junho was it?"

"Yeah what about him?"

"Is he an Idol here? or was he just your younger brother?"

"He is both"

"Ah I see"


"Is he good at singing?"

"He's pretty good and considering his face and age."

"Yeah I know someone who's been trying to find a lead whose good at singing for over a year now."

"Tell JYP or Woo-Jin"

"All right, see you tomorrow then."

Taeyeon gave him Woo-Jin's number as she wondered what opportunity Junho would have, although his acting wasn't that good but his appearance carried him his singing in her eyes was really good, he at most could sing 1 note lower than her and that was already an achievement in her eyes.

"I wonder."