Training Again

"Look this way!"

Junho was training everyone on how to look for a camera that is currently recording by wielding a paper and acting as if he was the camera itself.

"Hyung why are you so fast!"

"Because I exercise everyday."

It had been a day and they've already relayed their decision that they will choose 'Bounce' as their title track for their upcoming debut next month, though they know they'll be hyped up but they had lots of competition already.

"Have you guys memorized your lines yet?"

Jinyoung asked them as he gave out the papers for the lyrics, he somehow felt it was familiar but couldn't put his finger on it so he just put the thought at the back of his head instead.

"Yeah, although this is rap heavy but."

"Don't you two worry."

Jinyoung patted Mingyu and Daniel's back as they had given the parts already in the dorm, shortly Sungmin entered along with the camera and crew.

"Good morning everyone, I see everyone is up and early, today we're going to assign who your leader is!"

Sungmin smiled at the camera first before he looked at the group who had gathered at the center with wry smiles.

"The problem is we already have a leader."

The four of them moved and made way for Junho who was all smiles and waved at the camera.

"Oh? is that your final answers? then let's record the voting process!"

"Is it really necessary Hyung?"

"Yeah, but we have to avoid issues like Junho bullying you guys into making him the leader so guys gotta give a reason why you chose him."

Junho flinched but didn't say anything he just nodded and soon the crew set up the things necessary for the shoot and interview they even had to fake a scene on why they choose him as the leader by surprising him.

"It was a joke Hyung! You're actually the one we chose our leader!"

"Yeah Jinyoung can't even take care of us he can't even cook properly without burning the egg!"

"Thanks you guys! I'll do my best to lead 'NEXT'!"

As they were laughing and acting Sungmin then interjected.

"I've received word that you guys are no longer gonna be called NEXT!"


"You guys will now be called "WINGS"

"Is there any particular reason?"

"JYP and NNET Chose it."

"What about the girls?"

"YG is still choosing it."

Junho looked at their facial movements but he just continued observing and didn't say anything once again he was trying to figure out some things he then decided to ask.

"So what are we gonna do today Hyung?"

"Since we're on a tight schedule we're gonna record everything as well as reassign some parts from 'Pick Me' as for 'Fire' well we'll have to ask Will-nim for that."

"Can't 'Fire' just stay the same?"

"Will-nim will have a say in that."

"But it's already a top ten hit."

"Will-nim will have a say in that."

"We've already mastered it."

"Again Will-nim will have a say in that"


The group now had a gloomy atmosphere as they followed Sungmin into the recording room, Will noticed that something was off so he had to ask.

"You guys look stiff did something happen."

Junho decided to ask and get straight to the point.

"Are you gonna rearrange 'Fire'?"

"Well I did have some thoughts on it at one point but no, we'll keep it as it is, but other than that I'll be the one who will handle things.

Junho felt that Will had compromised somewhat but that still didn't erase the doubts he had inside.

"So about 'Bounce'"

"I see so you guys chose 'Bounce' in the end, well it was my choice too if you guys were indecisive so have you guys chosen who will sing which part?"


"Then get in the recording booth, I'll decide if its good or you guys have to change it up but before that give me and Idea whose who."

The group nodded then began singing their parts, Will was listening until they had finished he had a stoic face during the entire time he then told him his thoughts

"I hate to burst everyone's bubble but I think you all have to switch some parts, Junho and Mingyu will switch I believe Junho took on the Main rapper role while Mingyu took on the Lead Rapper I don't like that."

He then looked at Sungjae and Jinyoung.

"Both of you cut some parts and leave some vocal for Daniel, he can Rap and sing but his lines are too small based on your current distribution this is final and there will be no buts so I suggest you guys rearrange yourselves on the inside.

The five of them then went inside and discussed things as they rearranged the songs, he then pressed the intercom.

"Oh yeah before I forget distribute the lines for 'Pick Me' as well we're going to record all the songs within the week, meaning 'Fire', 'Pick Me' and 'Bounce' will be your songs unless you guys want to choose another song to record now but no producing!"

"Are there any other songs?"

"Yeah we'll record them after you memorize the first three so focus on it for now you guys will have a total of five to seven songs for your debut album but I'm sure you already have an Idea, all songs from the show except Junho's will be rearranged for you."

The gang nodded and continued their discussion soon Will looked at the camera who was busy interviewing Sungmin.

"This dude."



Woo-Jin was driving Choo-hyun back to Junho's home as per usual.

"What is it Hyung?"

"We've got company and by company its the Paparazzi looks like they're already snooping around this area its a good thing I decided to use Jihyun's car today looks like we won't have any trouble for now but."

"But what?"

"I'll drag Junho by tomorrow, tomorrow is their rest day, you already have an Idea what you guys need to talk about."

Choo-hyun just nodded, she then looked at the two people who they drove by taking pictures of different houses but the masks gave their identities away.

"Hey it could just be the Paparazzi or just some Sasaeng's so don't try to think things too much."