
"What's this?"

Junho sat down as he placed his invites on JYP's table, currently he asked for an appointment, first it was to let him know how popular and successful he was, secondly it was to let him prepare in advance and lastly to gain more control over his career.

"It's an invitation from various music shows, you should check out who invited me to perform in the award ceremonies as well what categories I got nominated in, you'd be surprised about one category."

JYP opened the letters one by one, as he was opening he felt a sense of fulfilment seeing his artist get this much recognition at the same guilt as he really felt bad on leaving him on his own after deciding to focus on the girl group.

"Congratulations, almost every program invited you I see."


"You have the company's support"



"Thank you."

JYP just laughed as he knew that he really didn't need to do anything aside from letting him do all the work, in fact this made him somewhat happy as he gets to focus on other things at the same time it made him very afraid.

If he lets Junho do what he wanted then once he reaches a certain height in the future he would certainly leave the agency, he suddenly felt like he was being used right now but if he continued supporting him he would also have endless benefits and cooperation with a rising star.

It hurts his brain because of this decision but when he looked at the amount of invitations and the kid in front of him.

"Just tell me if you have any problems and I'll do my best to help you."

"I understand."

Junho nodded, he knew his plan worked, right now he could do what he wanted without repercussions after JYP confirmed it himself.

"About my own staff."

"I heard about it from Woo-Jin, I guess it's fine as long as you don't go out telling everyone you have your own agency forming your own team."

"They know, I made them sign a confidentiality agreement."

JYP just nodded and Junho bowed as he left, as he was going out he bumped into a teen.

"I'm sorry!"

Junho noticed his Korean was still janky so he looked at him curiously, he felt like he looked familiar somehow, he then decided to ask him in English.

"Do you speak English?"

The teen's eyes lit up as he nodded.

"So what are you doing here?"

"I'm just touring the building and I got lost."

"Is this your first time here?"


"Are you a trainee from abroad or are you someone's kid?"

"A trainee, this is my first time here who are you?"

Junho flinched as this was the first time no one had heard of him in a long time, it was quite refreshing but at the same time weird, he shook his head and looked at the young teen in front of him, right now he looked like he was about twelve to fourteen years old.

"I used to be a trainee as well."

"Oh! What's your name?"

"Park Junho."

"Park Junho, you sound familiar well my name is Christopher Bang! Please take care of me."

Junho finally knew why, he just ruffled his hair and smiled, right now he was still small but he knew who he was, Junho just nodded and made his way to the elevator, unbeknownst to him the teen was following him now.

"Where are you going Hyung?"

He immediately switched to Korean as he looked at him.

"Training, do you wanna join?"

He saw the teen's eye lit up as soon as he said so.


"What are we gonna do Nayeon?"

Cho Euri asked her friend as right now they were under Junho's agency and right now they were still the two under it aside from Woo-Jin.

"He did say we could hire some people who we find trustworthy."

"Yeah, but I wonder how long will we be doing this for?"

"Three years, it was stated in the contract, after that we're free to do what we want, it's still too early to think about it anyway right now we have a problem on our hands."

The two looked at the schedule plotted on a piece of paper, they looked at how busy an Idol was and now asked themselves if they could do it too.

"I'm gonna make some calls, I can't keep up with this, besides they did say we could add who we wanted to add and we would be the heads right?"

"Yeah, but let's make it so that we're all united so it'll be easier."

"Why do I feel like we're being trained as managers as well."

Nayeon felt something was off since they were tasked to find people but they didn't mind it at all since this was their first gig together but Woo-Jin would be laughing if he heard her thoughts as this was what he wanted.


"Hey! You're already an Idol!"

"I didn't say I wasn't."

Junho said as he stretched his body right now he was along with him, he didn't know why but he followed after him and stretched as well.

"Why are you following me?"

He asked as looked at the teen in front of him stretching and exercising his body as well as if he was gonna practice.

"You did say you were gonna train me."

"Did I? well anyhow do you have a stage name yet?"

"No, what about you?"

"I do but I won't tell."

Junho just smiled and began practicing 'God's Menu' while being watched, he didn't know right now he was influencing someone.