
"This is Kim Beom Jun he's going to be responsible for the shooting for our music video's, feel free to ask him anything you don't understand when we shoot the videos"

Junho and the gang had finished filming their show and right now they were visiting Junho's agency with Woo-Jin, currently the office was bigger than Junho had imagined and there were lots of people inside due to Nayeon and Euri had recruited.

Junho saw their eyes beaming with excitement.


Euri ran up to them with smiles, since she was the first recruited she felt superiority over them so she didn't mind and the others didn't as well.

"What is it Euri?"

"Everyone here was wondering if they can take a picture."

"Sure they can but once we're done with things around here."


"Right now."

Junho grabbed Jinyoung and placed him in front of Cho Euri.


"Fix him up for me."

"I'm on it!"

Junho motioned for Jinyoung to follow after her, shortly Nayeon came up to him, as soon as Junho saw her approaching he then patted Sungjae, Mingyu and Daniel's back motioning for them to follow after her.

"Don't worry there's another male stylist here to take your measurements just in case you guys are uncomfortable with me but I will be the one making the final decision."

Nayeon said as she acted like a little lady boss, Junho just chuckled and sat down as Kim Beom Jun sat down as well, Woo Jin decided to follow after the four boys as he felt uneasy but he knew the ones Nayeon and Euri were sensible and reliable after passing his interview.

"Here's my storyboard I modified it taking account the budget needed."

"You removed the race track and cars scene?"


"Shoot it, I forgot to tell you to that you don't need to worry about the budget, I just want you to shoot what I want for now since this is going to be our first project together, I want you to shoot it the way you want to but still get the general feel of what I want"

"Then I won't be shy the next time I present to you the final product."

"Don't be."


"So have you found anything else? I heard that you made a show and visited his house."

"No, actually I don't know if I can do it anymore, I mean I'll still do my best and pry out a song for you as long as you still ."

"Why is that?"

"I don't wanna say, let's just chalk it up to me giving up my dream of managing your new girl group but I can contribute in many ways though."

"That would be?"

"You know kicking groups in and out in of their schedules in favor for yours, perhaps giving certain parts in advertisements to your idols or even roles."

"And when did you have this sort of power in your father's company?"

"Just call it me doing nothing and profiting from the group."

Sungmin smiled as he looked at the CEO of M.S entertainment, right now he was just getting started and showing that his show was going to be a successful one was the start of his path.

"Then I'll wait and hope you keep giving me updates in the future."


"What is it?"

Junho was sitting at a couch while he was back at his own home alone with Woo-Jin.

"This is the total expense for the month."

"Well this is certainly within my expectations."

"Yeah and it'll continue to go up the more you expand, you know I think I'm doing something way out of my job description, I kinda miss doing nothing instead of you know things that I shouldn't be doing."

"But you like it don't you?"

"Well it is growing on me but still."

"Yeah you can make your own Idol group in the future, but that's still so far in the future."

"How far do you think?"

"Fourth, with Fifth being the longest I think."

"You're that confident in making money huh."

"If I wasn't then we wouldn't be doing this venture Hyung."

"I know, enough talking about something so far in the future instead let's talk about something that's going to be inevitable, that would be your contract, specifically with Pegasus."

"How many months do I left with NNET? Six right?"

"Yeah you have six months left with NNET and six more years with Pegasus, with your current finances it'll be hard to terminate one of your two contracts with Pegasus but I think if you ask for help from your family then maybe you can."

"I know but the thing is I kinda like being in a group."

"But you'll be limited in a sense that you can't always be this free, right now they're too busy attending the girl group but once that's finished JYP will more or less try to make you work a lot."

"Unless I do something about it."

"That would be?"

"You know Soloists are going to be less known than groups, but I can handle mixing the two, so I'm planning on creating a separate contract clause."

"Let me guess, A contract that allows you to do solo activities independently but remain in the group?"

"More or less I'll ask my grandfather to hammer out the details but that's the gist."

"I can't say if its the first time but I will say that you're going to be heavily punished and by punished I mean if you're ready to work whole year round I won't stop you but I do have to inform you of the consequences."

"I know Hyung, you don't need to tell me twice."

"Then I hope you know what you're doing Junho, you're still my kid after all."

"What's with you being all sentimental?"

"Just do what you're doing and don't worry about me."