
"Say Hyung"

Sungjae went over to where Junho was and helped him cook breakfast for today, recently he had taken a liking to cooking, as for why he was here the boys had moved in from the dorm and let Sungmin keep it for himself since they'd rather stay here than be with him.


"Do you think I could be successful?"

"You already are."

"Thanks Hyung but that's not what I meant and I haven't even finished yet."

Sungjae scratched his face as he looked at Junho seriously.

"Then specify it."

Junho continued cutting the vegetables in front of him as he listened seriously on what he had to say.

"Do you think I could be a successful host or maybe even actor?"

Junho stopped cutting and looked Sungjae and tilted his head a little, he then sighed a little which caught Sungjae off guard as he was now nervous, Junho then placed his hand on his shoulders.

"If you want to do it then do it, no one's gonna stop you but you have to work for it and show everyone you can do it."

"Thanks I'll do my best!"

"Sure you will now"

Junho then gave him the knife.

"Finish cutting them someone's at the door."

"But the bell didn't ring"

As soon as Sungjae said that the bell rang and immediately went to cutting, sometimes he wondered if his Hyung was a psychic or he just knew that someone would arrive, he then looked at the time and it was already eight in the morning so he didn't doubt that someone must have told his hyung he was gonna arrive.

Junho walked up to the door and opened it as soon as he did he saw a two men in a suit bringing a briefcase.

"Are you Park Junho?"

"I am"

Junho wondered what these two would do to him, although he had the skills ready for a fight it was just that he didn't use it yet so he would be unfamiliar on utilizing it.

"Sorry to intrude on your day off but we've contacted your agency which was Pegasus but they then told us to speak to Dream and then they told us to tell you our offer personally since you'd rather not talk about it openly."

"Come in."

Junho let them in, although he was nervous he didn't let it show, shortly the two men waited for Junho to sit down before they did, as soon as Junho did they then gave him a contract.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves, we're from Rito Korea, and I know what we're gonna say is probably gonna urge you to sue us but we just want to promote the game your playing."

"I'm listening."

"As you see our game is still growing and we want to increase our player base an idol like you who is also the number one player in our country would make a huge impact if we publicly release who you are as long as you agree."

Junho thought about it, being the poster boy for a game wasn't bad especially if it was still in its infancy stage, he knew the game would grow in the future and perhaps with his identity as an idol it would be another seed for breaking through the western side of the world.

"What will I gain?"

"For starters you'll be in various commercials, you'll appear in posters nationwide, and lastly you'll be like the brand ambassador."

"The downsides would be that teams would most likely contact you but seeing your an idol it will most likely not happen but other than that if possible with your schedule in the future once our league is finished setting up we would like to invite you to something like a showcase match."

"Alright I understand what you guys want me to do, perhaps only the gist of it but you do know that I will not be available from time to time?"

"We know about your schedule and we would also appreciate it if you give us a heads up of when you're planning to comeback as well so we can promote you as well as the game."

"Is this contract for me as a solo artist or"

"It is only for you specifically for now."

"I see."

Junho looked at the contract specifically and it took him awhile, the boys looked at them from afar and wondered what kind of discussion it was, they couldn't hear it but eventually they their Hyung nod and sign the contract.

"Great we'll be in contact with you soon"

"Thank you and please take care of me."


"Hyung what's our new song?"

"You'll learn in a few days."

Daniel asked as he was finished with his makeup right now they were all attending for a new episode of Weekly Idol and their second appearance in the show.

"Is the choreography easy?"

"If I made it easy I wouldn't be me."

"Good! I can't wait."

"Yeah and you should start practicing your singing because there's gonna be lots of it in the two new songs."

Junho then patted his back as Daniel felt a bit nervous but as long as there was a new dance then he wouldn't mind.

"Alright is everyone finished?"

Chae Minsu, the PD asked as he looked at Junho.

"Not everyone."

"Well come here for a second."

Junho followed where Minsu went to the side.

"How would you like it if your group would host the program for let's say a month or two?"

"We could after we finish the recordings but you would have to tell JYP-nim for that."

"That's not a problem, as you can see our highest rated episode was with your group and many fans are asking when you'll be back especially if you were gonna be back as a host, you know ever since the group hosted its own show everyone's been clamoring for you guys to host."


"If you want full creative control we will give it to you, we will do what you say and we will share half of the revenue earned from the special episodes, besides Defcon and Hyeong-don needs a break."

"Its not just me but the whole group right?"

"Exactly, I'm asking you first since you're the leader and I believe in you."

"We're in!"