
"Congrats on your third consecutive win!"

"Let's welcome them once again for their encore performance!"

"This makes them the first third generation to win the triple crown as well as being the 3rd highest score overtaking f(X)!"

The boys went on stage once again and this time they only sang it as confetti's fell down on them, Sungjae grabbed the trophy and went in front as he sang, as he was celebrating and singing the trophy accidentally broke.

The others looked at him for a moment as Sungjae himself was at a shock, they then eventually laughed it off as they instead carried Sungjae while they were still singing and Jinyoung took the head of the trophy.


As they all left the stage happily Junho found Min-Joon waving at him, Junho nodded at his direction.

"You guys go ahead I'll talk to Hyung."

Junho and Min-Joon officially met last week at the TLive conference where Woo-Jin introduced them to each other, Junho liked his attitude and calculating mind and he was at ease with Min-Joon managing his agency.


"Sort of, is there anything I need to know."

"There is, It's not urgent but if its left unattended it might be your next worse problem."

"Tell me?"

Min-Joon looked at the area and pulled him to the side.

"You know I applaud you Junho, but the more I looked at how your gonna keep this up its not gonna last."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean currently you have twelve employees, fourteen if you include me and Woo-Jin, the problem right now is how you're gonna pay them, currently with the money you've been earning from being an idol, other contracts, your VTube and lastly your TLive its only enough for now."

"I see."

"The main problem is once the agency grows and the longer the people stay under you the higher they want to get paid no matter what and judging by the way how you're gonna earn its not sustainable, I know how much you value the people around you but something's gotta give."

"What do you suggest?"

"Work double time or invest, look from what I've heard and scouted there is a problem with you, its just that brands are afraid, afraid because of your group, afraid that its temporary, and lastly they're afraid that you won't sign with them if they won't sign your group which could cost them a lot."

Junho contemplated as he continued listening to Min-Joon

"The thing is there won't be shortage of contracts for you once you're free from the group but right now the money we have is only good for another two months, after that we're gonna have to let some people go."

"It's that bad?"

"Yes its that bad, currently TLive would need half a year or two before we could earn a lot but right now its only been a week and there still aren't enough sponsors or people wanting to advertise over there."

"Is there anything else?"

"Well unless you ask money from your family or something miraculous happens there isn't other than letting some people go."

"Thanks for the heads up Hyung."

"No problem, I'll be waiting outside since Woo-Jin isn't around I'll be the one driving you guys."

Junho nodded, as he walked towards the group he began contemplating on what he should do next, everything that needed to be discovered had been discovered, and he was behind in investing in things or rather he wouldn't have the time and it was risky.

It was the first time he was bothered by something in a long time, he forgot one thing that essential, and that was money, while he walked slowly, he looked at the group in front of him he saw that they were livestreaming again showing off their trophy.

A smile formed in his face, he then looked at his staff hard at work waving at him, but eventually the staff were dragged into the livestream as they just waved and walked away.

"It's hard."

As he kept thinking of things, he suddenly remembered he had the system! The system had always been there giving him quests, he kept doing its quests over the past years yet he never has bought anything other than songs and most recently the technology needed for TLive.

"What's something that's trendy."

As he kept looking through the items listed, he could buy anything but what he needed now was something that he could immediately earn, though songs were the best choice he didn't want to his edge on the market just yet.

"I could always ask for money but that would be too much, wait."

He then looked at a tab that he never bothered opening before, he thought he would never be able to use it, he then look at his schedule as the system flashed it in front of him.

"I'm free when November hits other than practicing everyday there won't be any distractions."

Junho then pressed the 'Movies' tab, and then a list of box office hits locally and internationally appeared, the system then explained that he would get the full manuscript immediately.

"Alright I'll think about it which one I should try to make."

As he was thinking what to get he was suddenly dragged by Mingyu and Jinyoung to towards the place where they were livestreaming with their phone.

"Here's Hyung the one you've all been waiting for!"

"Hi I just had to take care of somethings how's everyone!"

As soon as Junho arrived the livestream erupted and then the five of them enjoyed answering some questions the fans had and even fulfilled some of their requests, while they did Junho remembered he had fun and that he wanted to continue having fun while earning and he put it into mind on what he should do next once their break starts.