Da da da da

"Good you're finally here."

Junho was escorted by Woo-Jin to the conference room in Pegasus' building, as soon as he opened the door he saw JYP, Im Yoon-ah and M.S Ceo, Lee Soo-Man, Yoon-ah waved him hello and Woo-Jin whispered to him to sit down.

"I guess we can finally start the discussion now that everyone was here."

Junho had a vague guess on what it would be but he couldn't always be too sure. Lee Soo-Man had a friendly aura and he opened the discussion to dispel Junho's thoughts.

"Right now 'The Dolphin Duo' or 'Da da da Couple' has taken over the past week, I'm sure you're very aware of that JYP."

"I'm very aware and it's only been three days since the two of them took over."

Junho soon felt that Lee Soo-Man looked at him very intriguingly.

"I wish I saw your application earlier, I actually found your application and if I knew this was how it was going to be I would have accepted you, well its too late to regret it since I'm not the one who usually accepts trainee's."

"Thank you for your praise"

"That said, since you're very busy."

Lee Soo-Man looked at JYP as the two sides looked at each other carefully, both Junho and Im Yoon-ah were wondering what would happen while Woo-Jin was at the side looking at his phone not bothering to listen.

"Sixty fourty."

"That was fast."

The two CEO's looked at each other and just as Lee Soo-Man was about to agree Junho interrupted.

"I want it to be fifty fifty."

Both of the old-men looked at him and wondered what went into his head as they knew he would be at a loss, but to Junho he had a reason why, he knew he was still establishing himself as a household name while Yoon-ah was already one, comparing on who had the largest amount of fans it would be Yoon-ah by far.

Junho knew that as long as he would be in the good graces of different companies he would have chances for future collaborations, and as long as he was with Yoon-ah he would also be viewed from another audience demographic.

Both his and Yoon-ah's contract would run for a year and a half as being the hosts of Inkigayo and there would be lots of opportunities for the two to collaborate and some of Yoon-ah's fans to be his fans as well, If Yoon-ah would tell her fans to listen to his music or support him that would be a big boost even better if she herself would register at TLive to which he was planning to tell her some point in the future.

"Care to explain?"

Lee Soo-Man asked, JYP at this point had given up trying to understand his idol but he knew as long as he would bring money, fame to the agency and continue to top the charts he could care less about it, it was just only one song and Junho was a treasure trove of songs and most importantly as long as his agency would be the number one agency in the future.

He now believed that maybe letting people do their own thing was a good thing, but that would only apply to Junho for know, calling it favoritism was true but he didn't mind as long the two of them were benefitting each other.

"A gift to Noona"

"Well, then let's make a draft, due to the increasing demand of a music video and a digital single if possible please give us a copy of your schedule so we will make one, I will take care of the distribution of the song but that's not what I'm here for."

Lee Soo-Man then looked at JYP once again.

"Are you sure you want to release this single next week? You know I looked at the data and it topped the search engine instead of 'Hush'"

"That is troublesome, perhaps let's release a joint statement saying we are working on it and that aside for a day or two recording the music video would be troublesome since their schedules conflict each other but we can just give the digital single and release it next next week."

"So your girls have a chance at a triple crown? Alright It's not like this song was made to compete for song of the year I just want a slice of the pie."

"No problem if Junho says so I can't stop him everything was made by him so I have no problem."

"He has that much power in your agency huh, well we'll be leaving then, our lawyers will be in touch."

"If he was in you agency you would understand as well, take care I'll see you off. "

JYP and Lee Soo-Man stood up, bowed and shook their hands, JYP escorted them to the door, while Junho and Yoon-ah were chatting behind, people of the agency including trainee's watched them as closely as they arrived at the door, shortly Lee-Soo Man and Yoon-ah were retrieved and left.

As JYP, Woo-Jin and Junho waved them goodbye, Junho tapped JYP's shoulder.



"We're planning on a repackaged album, two songs are ready we're just waiting for you to confirm."

As soon as JYP heard this news, he was ecstatic but tried to hold it in, it was big news, he knew that the supply of their last album was short and now they had a chance to earn profit again.

"Great Great, let's go back in the conference room and discuss what you need shall we?"

"Alright! I also have something to tell you"

Junho was happy as well, right now the two of them got what they want, as long as the agency provided the support to Junho he too would give back and that was profit, it was a mutual relationship to which the two of them didn't mind.


Later that day.

"Wake up they released a statement!"


Chae Woo-Ra who was sleeping was being shook by Lee Eunji, it had been three days since they sent the petition link to their friends and right now Woo-ra was tired but as soon as she looked at the image in Eunji's phone she opened her eyes.

"They're going to release the digital single soon! and it's even a joint statement!"

"Well the music video is gonna be delayed but I don't mind."

"Let's stream it when it releases!"

"Yeah I'm going back to sleep."

Just as Woo-Ra was about to sleep again.


"What now?"

"Pegasus changed their profile picture"

"It's probably nothing."

Woo-Ra slept soundly again but to Eunji she felt something was off but right now she couldn't point it out so she immediately went to sleep thinking it was the company changing to keep up with the times.