saying what's

"You said you have something to say to me?"

Seo Yeonhwa sat in her office as she motioned for Junho to sit as well, right now they had done recording for the week and Junho approached her telling her he had something to say.

"Yeah, I'm sure Hyung has said something along with the lines of me having a script ready to be sold."

Seo Yeonhwa raised her eyebrows and looked at Junho, she was trying to remember until she recollected that Woo-Jin did say it in passing when they were signing Junho's contract with Inkigayo.

"He did but he barely mentioned it, so where is the script?"

"I have it in hand."

Junho took out a pile of papers from his bag, and placed it in front Seo Yeonhwa, she immediately took the paper and read the title 'Secretly, Greatly, she was intrigued and on the first page there was a short synopsis of the story.

A group of spies called the 5446 Corps were trained by North Korean elite special forces since their youth, they are ambitiously dispatched to South Korea, where each disguises himself as a fool, an aspiring singer, and a high school student.

She continued reading the plot and thought it was interesting, she stopped reading after a short while and then looked at the Junho.

"Can I know who wrote this?"

"I did."

Seo Yeonhwa's couldn't believe him but as she looked at him her belief started to waver.

"Are you sure? I really don't want to have legal troubles just in case a person comes in saying you bought their idea."

"Even if they did I did bought it from them, but seriously I wrote the manuscript and I'm just finding a studio willing to buy it and I mean judging by the posters on your office you seem pretty connected."

"I am, but even if I were to try and vouch for you a lot of people would have second thoughts when I tell them that it was written by you, finding an investor would be pretty hard and even then if I believe in you it's too much of a risk."

"What if there was an investor in play?"

"You mean you found one?"

"I still have to tell him though and I'm pretty sure he would since he's invested in lots of films already."

"Well aren't you well connected."

"Not quite connected as you, back to the topic at hand, the investor or rather producer is a very hands on person I think if I tell him he would already have a team ready to go and produce the movie."

"Then why are you coming to me?"

"Like you said you're well connected, I want to know which actors and actresses are going to fit in the role based on your opinion besides even though my 'Investor' has a team he's missing a film director and I think you know some people since you've met a lot of people already"

"I see, let me finish this then we'll talk again."

"I hope you like it."

"I'm quite intrigued and want to finish this alright is that all?"


Junho stood up and bowed as he left, Seo Yeonhwa nodded and soon began returning to read the manuscript in her table.


"You told her?"

"Yeah I did, now let's go to my uncle."

"You know I sometimes wonder why you still need me driving you around when clearly your family can afford to hire people."

"Well they could, but they won't they all live by a philosophy that everyone has to earn their own money and that they won't help unless something bad really happened."

"I will never understand how the rich work, well anyway do you know where your uncle's office is?"

"Dongdaemun, you can't miss the huge sign that says 'Crown' in front of the building Hyung."


Woo-Jin then started to drive as both he and Junho travelled, they shortly arrived and were stopped by security.

"What's the purpose? Do you have an appointment or trying to book an appointment?

Woo-Jin rolled down the window and was about to say something until Junho unbuckled his seat and showed his face to the guard, the guard was shocked and didn't ask any further questions.

"I'm sorry, please proceed the president still hasn't left."

Woo-Jin saw that the pole was lifted up and started to drive slowly inside.

"You've been here before?"

"Only once, but my uncle and grandfather has a strange rule where each employee like the guards. receptionists or any job in the company that requires interaction with guests and what not has to know the faces of the Myung Lineage so there won't be any dramatic things."

Woo-Jin didn't say anything else as he parked the car, the two of them walked together inside and just like Junho said, people bowed in front of them and greeted them some even whispered and wondered who they were since some weren't aware of such rule.

Woo-Jin just looked at Junho who was talking to the receptionist, shortly he followed after him, he wasn't gonna lie he liked the attention they were getting as if they owned the building and he felt like he too was a celebrity shortly after they entered an office that honestly looked like a penthouse.


Junho greeted his uncle, Myung Shi-Woo, he was a prominent investor in the entertainment industry, of course he too invested in TLive right now he had nothing to do and wondered what his nephew was doing here.

"Junho? What are you doing here"

"To visit you and talk business."

"Ah straight to the point like your mother, well take a seat, and you must be?"

"Lee Woo-Jin, Junho's manager."

"Woo-Jin, Woo-Jin its familiar, alright."

Both Junho and Woo-Jin followed Shi-Woo inside the office of the penthouse, they then sat in front of him, Junho then pulled out the same papers he gave Seo Yeonhwa to him.

"What's this?"

"It's a script for a film, I wrote it."

"Say no more, I'm in, just tell me and I'll send my legal team with you once you've found a director."

Myung Shi-Woo didn't even read the paper yet, even Woo-Jin was baffled.

"Thank you Uncle!"

"Alright you guys can leave now."

Junho stood up and bowed, Woo-Jin was still confused and followed after Junho who left, he looked behind and saw that Myung Shi-Woo was suddenly drinking a bottle of wine who then smiled and waved at them.

"What just happened?"

"We got an investor."

"Does he usually deal like that?"

"No, but if its family he deals like that, just tell him what you want and he'll give it to you."

"That's pretty interesting."

"Nope, we're just messing with you."

Junho laughed as they rode on the elevator once again.

"Excuse me?"

"We talked yesterday, I went with my mother, I'm just here to drop off the script, so everyone already knew we were coming."



Junho then pulled out a credit card from his wallet.

"Let's go eat."

"Yeah you owe me a beer, and I'm gonna buy lots of meat and I won't give it to you."

"I mean if you looked at your face you would have laughed too."

"Yeah Yeah let's go I'm hungry."

"Sure Hyung."