Thank you

"Isn't this a bit of an overkill?"

Woo-Jin asked Junho as they both were waiting at the agency's lobby and while they were there they saw a group of people wearing suits and briefcases that had gotten out of cars at the same time amounting to seven of them.

"Grandpa did say to let him know when it was time for my contract negotiations"

"Which one?"

"Both of them?"

"Well it is you we are talking about here."

As they were conversing a man and a woman then approached them, both Woo-Jin and Junho stood up as it seemed the opposite party already knew who they were.

"I'm Wei Yuyan, the man here is Lee Min-Seok, I assume you're Mr. Park Junho correct?"

"Yes I'm Park Junho, and the seven of you are."

"We were contacted by your grandfathers albeit separately, it just happened we knew each other and are here for the same reason."

"I see."

Woo-Jin looked at the group behind them and somehow he got scared since they all looked serious but he didn't mind since he was in their side right now.

"Let's go the conference room shall we?"

"Alright please lead the way."

Woo-Jin nodded and all of them followed after them, although they attracted attention it was at minimal at best since most of the trainee's and staff were busy as of the moment, only people who were at the reception area saw the entourage, at first they too were startled but after knowing it was for Junho they looked the other way as they also knew only he could have this entourage if they thought about the past month and the awards he won it would only make sense.

"So you guys are not gonna sue the agency are you?"

Junho asked Wei Yuyan as it looked like she was the de facto leader of the group as the group of two men and four women followed behind her.

"No not at all, if we were then we certainly are not the best for that kind of case."


"Don't worry about anything else Mr. Junho we will do our best to give squeeze out the best contract, specifically me and Min-Seok specialize in dealing with Celebrity Contracts, and do not be overwhelmed by our numbers the five behind us are just interns they will just take note and watch."

Woo-Jin immediately chuckled and Junho noticed, he was visibly confused and wanted an answer from him.

"I see Manager Lee already knows then I will not elaborate any further."

"Hey Hyung."

"You'll know when we get in if you can't tell I'll tell you when its over."

Shortly after they arrived at a conference room, Woo-Jin opened the door revealing JYP and two men in suits who were laughing and talking with each other, they then looked at Woo-Jin who waved at them shortly their smiles were nowhere to be found as soon as they saw the people who Junho brought along.

The atmosphere was tense, Woo-Jin dragged Junho to his side and both of them sat down, both Wei Yuyan and Lee Min-Seok followed suit while the rest of the group took chairs and sat behind them.

"Just watch the show and don't say anything unless Ms. Yuyan or Mr. Min-seok wants to ask or confirm something with you."

Woo-Jin whispered to Junho who just nodded, as they listened they could hear JYP sigh.

"It's you again."

"Glad to see you too again Mr. Park."

Min-seok finally said a word after arriving, Junho and Woo-Jin at the side just watched the negotiations after a few words, they had wished they had brought pop-corn during the entire two hours they were in the room as it looked like something out of a drama for them.


"And that's a done deal."

Woo-Jin and Junho were at the entrance waving goodbye at the team of lawyers who nodded and left, after a short while they saw a figure approaching them as they turned around.

"I'm sorry it had to be that way."

JYP, who was approaching them just laughed, right now Junho's contracts as a solo performer and producer was dissolved, but he would remain as part of the agency and would have a special contract that give him eighty percent of the income he generated for the company and the rest were for them.

"It's not a problem for me, I'm stepping down as CEO."

Woo-Jin was shocked while Junho just smiled, he knew it would come but it was perhaps delayed a bit.

"And you're going to be the CCO or Chief creative officer right?"

"Did I make it too obvious?"

"Well for starters you didn't look annoyed at the contract and instead just went with the flow."

"Its no longer my headache anymore, with that said I'm going to be creating divisions and more, for now I'm going to create a division which Woo-Jin will be the head and I will be the CCO in name only, of course I may not be able to control which shows and brands you specifically endorse I can still have a hand in what the others do."

Junho and JYP walked inside and Woo-Jin who was still shocked followed them.

"So what will you do with the group?"

"You're the leader Junho you think."

"To be honest I can't decide if we're going to add members or stay the same, of course if we're going for the former then I need your help in evaluating new members again."

"Redebuting you guys isn't an issue even with new members of course it is a sensitive topic for most but you guys already made history."

Junho just listened of course he had an idea but listening wasn't bad sometimes and, JYP, even though he has lots of faults he still was knowledgeable in managing groups.

"Since you guys are going to close the chapter of your journey this January then its better you redebut you already said and are going to say your goodbyes."

"I guess that makes a lot of sense but who do we add?"

"Just look at the trainee's or just recruit some people of the street who knows you'll find talent everywhere its just a matter of being there at the right time."

"You're really gonna give me trainee's?"

"If you want, besides by 2015 I'm going to debut a new boy group since by that time your contract would enter its second cycle and I think you already know the drill."

"I understand."

"Take care."

JYP waved him goodbye as he entered the elevator back to his office, he didn't have any problems and would have none by letting him be, he knew treating Junho better would be the best since he knew his attitude well after being with him for almost two years now.

It wasn't an exaggeration that he could ask Junho for a song and Junho too since they were both in a mutual relationship since they use each other to grow, Junho just smiled and entered the training room, he looked at it and saw the four of his friends set up the camera for another relay dance.

"Hyung you're just in time!"

Sungjae said as he dragged him towards the center as they were lined up already with Nayeon at the camera, Junho was going to tell them when the concert was but after the recording session.

"3, 2 ,1!"
