
It was a windy afternoon in a classroom, a young boy could be seen writing down the notes on the board written by their professor or was it something else? he looked around and saw that no one was around, only him and his pen.

He looked at the side and smiled, he stood up and watched his fellow students who were happily playing, running, studying at the open field, he sighed and stayed there for awhile admiring the scene.

His phone soon rang, he opened it and closed the alarm immediately, he took his things and placed it in his bag, he closed the window panels, he quietly shut the lights off, he then left the room, right now he had one thing on his mind and that was to go somewhere he needed to be.

As he walked down the halls he counted the steps as if he had practiced this before, with every step was a precise movement as he knew everything could change within an instant as everything was not guaranteed.

He walked with purpose as time was ticking, he had gone on this route for who knows how many months, weeks and days, even with his eyes closed he could remember every step he took, as he was lost in his thoughts he suddenly stopped.

He opened the door of the small mart he was in front of, he immediately then went to the beverage area and took two banana flavored milk, he had done this a thousand times before and shortly after he went to the counter.

"Is this all?"

The boy looked at the person who was manning the counter, he looked at who it was, it was if his world had frozen, an eternal pause, he wanted to stay in the moment as the person in front of him was the prettiest he had seen.

The boy just nodded and smiled, he didn't say anything else as the girl who was the same age as him smiled back and nodded, the two had done this routine almost everyday but right as he was about to speak and get his change.

"Are you done? I'm in a hurry."

He stopped before he could say anything as there was a man who was behind him, he made way and left quietly, as he left he looked at the store and at the girl, he smiled at her without her noticing, as he walked aimlessly he went to the nearby park that was only across the street.

He sat on the swing and drank his favorite drink, it was only still around four thirty, he sat there for hours, he took out his book and began reading the lines written in it, he kept repeating and memorizing afraid to forget the lines he wrote.

As time kept going he didn't notice the time until another alarm went off, he was startled, he looked at the side waiting for someone to appear but there was no one, he mind suddenly went into a frenzy as he looked at the time.

His thoughts screamed at him to leave right now as it was just a fruitless endeavor.


Just as he was about to panic he heard a familiar voice behind him, he turned around and was in shock, it was the girl, the girl he had seen and waited for who knows how long, he knew who she was.

The girl smiled at him leaving him at a loss, the boy was trying his best to be composed as of this moment as information flooded his brain trying to tell him who she was, who was she to him and why she was the most beautiful girl he had seen.

"You seem surprised to see me."

The boy shook his head, right now his mind was racing as thoughts and words flooded his brain, the girl immediately sat on the other side of the swing.

"You know I always see you here sit alone everyday."

He shyly nodded his head as he swung slowly, the girl beside him began swinging as well but at a greater pace, as the silence continued he took out the notebook from his bag and looked at the lines.

"Is that your homework? do you need help? you know I may not look like it but I'm quite smart."

Not knowing what to say he nodded, the girl immediately took it and began reading the lines, as she read it her small mouth curved upward, she then turned to the boy and looked at him with all smiles

"Wow, is this what you guys are doing for homework? Or is this for someone?"

The boy just nodded, he immediately took the other drink he bought earlier and shyly gave it to her as he looked at the ground not daring to look at the her as he felt that looking at her would make him faint as he could not resist staring at her.

"Is this for me? thanks, it was a tiring day if I'm being honest"

The girl happily took it and drank it, she remembered that he would always buy two of these and drink both of them every time she had seen him sit here, as she was drinking she flipped the pages of the notebook and saw portraits of a girl that was unfamiliar to her.

The boy was instantly shocked once more as he didn't expect what happened he immediately wanted to grab it back as he was getting embarrassed.

"You draw really well, I envy the girl you draw she looked pretty is she your girlfriend perhaps?"

He shook his head again while the girl happily flipped the pages of the notebook, after another bout of silence she gave it back.

"Well your poem was good there was nothing wrong with it and I kind of like it."

He didn't say anything as the two just sat there silently as they swung slowly and let the time pass, the boy hated the awkwardness, he couldn't take it anymore, the girl looked at him in concern but just as he was about to speak.


Another scruffy voice sounded, the boy and the girl looked at where the voice came from, the boy was confused who the owner of the voice was while the girl was surprised in delight.

The boy looked at the girl first, he saw her face light up as if she had seen her whole world, he could see that the girl's tone and energy had changed, a few moments ago he could feel that she was tired and wanted to relax but right now it was the complete opposite.

He then looked at the newcomer, surprised it was his classmate.

"Oh it's just you Minho."

"You two know each other?"

Minho, the boy, just nodded as usual, Eunha, the girl, stood up immediately as if she had been given new life once again, Minho could see it in her eyes and how it had lit up earlier, how she changed.

"Let's go Eunha, and ugh take care Minho."

Minho just nodded, and didn't say anything else as he watched them leave together, how they were happy together, how he wished for something, he then heard Eunha even from afar as if his senses were suddenly heightened by what had just happened.

"Do you guys have homework about poems?"

"Poems? We don't have any homework"

"Strange wasn't he your classmate?"

"He was, I don't know he usually sits alone so I don't know much about him."

"Really? He wrote a nice poem, I really wonder who is it for I'm kind of curious now tell me if he suddenly gets a girlfriend out of the blue!"

Minho just smiled and didn't say anything as he now slowly stood up and took the notebook and walked away towards the opposite direction, he saw a trash bin on the corner and threw the notebook in it immediately.

He looked at where Eunha and his classmate was, he sighed.

He silently muttered in his breath, he closed his eyes as if time had rewinded once more, he saw that she was beside him again and then he began speaking to her. Her eyes were shaking along with his heart in anticipation as she held the notebook in her hands.

He told her that it was one of those days that he felt like everything would go right for him, he told her how every time he saw her smile it would make his heart flutter and his worries go away, he had told her how bad she was and how unfair it was for her to let him feel this way as if she was always messing around with his feelings.

Finally, after a long pause he had told her.

"I like you."

Eunha smiled and was about to say something but once she did Minho opened his eyes and saw that Eunha and his classmate had already left, he felt something wet in his cheeks, he hurriedly wiped it away.

He then looked at the notebook that was on the trash bin once more, he took it back and wiped the dust off it not caring for anything else he placed it back on his bag and left all alone with his notebook.

"And Cut!"