
"Hello everyone I have some time to kill today!"

Junho said as he opened the livestream, it was still early in the morning and the rest of his 'Wings' still haven't returned as they were enjoying their holidays while he was stuck working to get into the acting industry.

"I really wish I could tell you guys a secret but there isn't any to leak so you guys can ask me what you want and I'll try to answer them."

He laughed and shortly answered some of the easy questions such as how he was doing and where he was.

"Oh a song? You guys want a song? Well I guess it has been a year since I released a single in VTube as 'Ruler', but that doesn't mean that I'm going to release or promote anytime soon but who knows, well then let's make a poll on which genre you guys want to hear while I wait to get called by my manager, I'll be right back and get a guitar so you guys answer the poll."

Junho then opened the poll feature, he could see his viewers which when he started was only a hundred instantly shot up to thousands, he instantly went to the side and grab the guitar, currently he was streaming on their training room which will be renovated soon.

As he was returning to the computer he looked at the awards closet, currently there were almost twenty trophies with 'Rookie of The Year' at the top of it, He chuckled as he thought that there was a possibility that there would be another 'Rookie of the Year' award next to it next year.

"Alright I'm back, basing on the poll I think I got an idea, this was a song I sang way back two years ago to my friend when we were in high school and this song is dedicated to the people who are, well you'll know when you hear it."

'What I'm saying right now'

'Doesn't mean that'

'We're starting up again'


"Do you really travel to Seoul from Sanbon everyday?"

Hyeri asked as she was the one tasked to fetch the model she met from the toilet yesterday.

"Yes I really do."

"So are you sure you're independently trained?"

"Currently I am, to be honest I was in a company but I left and terminated my contract."

"Oh why?"

"They separated the ones for Idols and the ones for those who wish to pursue acting, the company wasn't bad its just that I was sad that I have to choose one passion for the other."

"Well that is sad but hey you get a new start and we'll sponsor your training debt as long as you remain to be an exclusive model for us we'll talk more into it tomorrow with your parents and lawyers you did tell them right?"

"I already told them and they'll be going with me tomorrow, so we're going to the agency you want to send me right?"

"Yes and while we were talking we're finally here."

Hyeri and the trainee opened the door to see the Pegasus logo in front and tons of people entering the building, the trainee beside Hyeri was stunned.

"Follow me, I'm calling someone."

"This is where we're going to?"

"Yeah of course you still have to audition and our president pulled some strings to get you a special audition and if you can't get in well we're going for the second best so do your best."

"I understand."

Hyeri and the trainee entered the building, right now it was still early, the two did attract some attention as they wondered who they were, of course a staff came to them and Hyeri took care of it explaining their purpose, shortly they were guided to where Junho was.

The duo then went outside the room and they saw him still streaming, Hyeri then knocked on the glass door, Junho noticed it and waved, after a few minutes he ended the stream and opened it.

"Can we finally come in?"

"Yeah sure."

Junho nodded as soon as he looked at who Hyeri brought he was surprised to say the least.

"So you're the trainee."


Hyeri laughed and slapped Junho's arm, she could see the trainee she brought was surprised and was somewhat star struck as Junho extended his arms and offered to shake his, but his next words also stunned her.

"Welcome to the agency."

"Wait you can do that?"

"I can, In fact he's going to be under special training from now on, well let's go to the audition room to make it somewhat official but you'll be under me."

The trainee and Hyeri were stunned, both wondered how big Junho's influence was if he could grab a trainee and wondered why was it like that, they then went to the audition room, Junho told the trainee to sit on the center stage for awhile while they wait for the rest of the committee from yesterday Junho even called JYP.

After a short wait the committee flooded in, they were told in advance by Junho yesterday but when they saw the trainee they stopped to look at him for a second before sitting in their seats, JYP eventually followed.

"So where is this trainee."

"Oh right there."

"You called me because?"

"He's the last guy I need to fit the group."

JYP nodded and looked at the trainee, earlier he just rushed and went to look for Junho but not at the trainee and right now he did stop to look at him.

"Well he certainly looks the part of an Idol with just a bit of time he could actually be better looking than you."

"Yeah and I can train him including Hwang Min-hyun and they'll be ready to debut in six months."

"You're that confident?"

"If I wasn't I wouldn't be here besides I know you're going to cast me being a special judge into your future girl group survival show."

"Is it that Obvious?"

"Well 'NEXT' did get the attention from the nation so I wouldn't be surprised more programs of that genre would pop up all the more but I suggest you hold onto it."

"I'm planning on shooting it this year do you think this year is bad? The girl group scene really is scarce for now"

"That's why you should hold off for until a year or two, the charts are going to be dominated by boy groups this year, M.S. is pissed since we stole the show instead of theirs so they'll be focusing on them for two years all the while preparing their second generation idols for the second half of their contracts."

"I'll think about it."

"I know you will, now let's start the audition."

Junho clapped which caught the attention of everyone.

"Alright Trainee 0 please start your audition."

The committee then also looked at him and grabbed their pens ready to evaluate him, right now they knew he was going to be in based on his looks but they wanted to see more of his skill.

"Hello Everyone I'm Cha Eunwoo, seventeen from Gunpo-si"