Blankly in the mirror is not me

"Thanks for the hard work everyone!"

Both Junho and Yoona said as they gave out food for the staff, they regularly gave out food once a month and the staff liked them for it.

As they were distributing it the staff felt relieved and happy and wished that they would be the hosts permanently as they were the only ones that treated them like this.

"I'll be right back."

Junho said after giving out his last meal, as he was walking towards the restroom he accidentally got bumped by someone who fell right in front of him as he was too strong

"Ah I'm sorry."

"It's fine no harm done."

Junho said as he helped the person in front of him, as he helped him up he looked familiar for some reason and the person he helped up also had the same reaction.

"I'm sorry Hyung I didn't know it was you! You're my Idol ah, can I have your autograph? I don't have anything else you can autograph my shirt instead?"

Junho was weirded out by the reaction from the person in front of him, he just chuckled and shook his head, he then wondered.

"What's your name?"

"Kim Tae-hyung"

"Oh, from BTS right?, why are you here the recording is finished I didn't even see your group?"

"We just went on a tour today to get used to stage as we will be recording next week but it got pushed back by another week or so."

"Oh it got pushed back?"

"From what I've heard."

Junho knew it was common practice for new groups to be pushed back in place for more established groups and right now he saw an opportunity, if he could get their friendship and more or less their popularity will still be untouched it wouldn't hurt to help them.

'Other than that I've still got two to three more years and let's see whose going to be more globally popular.'

Another fire was lit under his competitive nature, as he smiled.

"You can come here next week, I'll help you guys it sounds unjust tell your manager alright? It's the least I could do for you."

"Eh? You really would do that?"

"Of course, just come by next week, oh and remember to give me an album alright?"

"Ah we will! Thank you Hyung!"

Taehyung bowed as Junho patted his back and left, right now he immediately rushed to the bathroom as he had been holding it in since earlier leaving Taehyung alone.

"What about my autograph?"


"Everyone sure is busy."

Junho returned to the agency a day after the recording and yawned as he looked at the empty training room.

He looked at everyone's personal schedule, they had decided to show their personal schedules and placed it on the walls, he looked at it and everyone was busy with a recording or guesting.

He was glad that at least they kept their Tuesdays and Thursdays free for their weekly practice as they needed to still be sharp and not get rusty.

"Oh you're here."

As he was about to take a seat in the computer he uses Woo-Jin appeared, and was holding papers in his hand.

"What is Hyung?"

"Have you thought about your new comeback or a winter album?"

"I did but I'm still waiting for what trend."

"You are the 'trend'! Anyways this is the offer from NNET's new reality show."

"But I said no?"

"You did say no, NNET wondered why, then they removed the reason they think why you said no, now take a look at it."

Junho took the papers and found that Sungmin, their former manager who mishandled them and didn't do anything to promote them was no longer the project head.

"It also includes the list of staff."

"Why? Isn't he a son of an NNET director? Wouldn't that make me a target of hatred since I got his son booted out of the project?"

"Nothing of that sort will happen, in fact even Sungmin's father wanted him out after hearing out why you aren't in the show, for sure profits will be their priority and as a guy with increasing fame your happiness is also their priority."

"Its too much but I guess I could work but let's see."

As he continued reading the contract he was slightly surprised that it was supposed to be recorded three years later and that they wanted him first to be their host or judge.

'If its three years a lot of things could happen and it didn't say if its going to be a girl group or a boy group.'

Junho closed his eyes and weighed the pros and cons after a while

"Alright I accept if its three years later tell them to remind me when they start."

Right now being in their good graced would do more good than harm, and there was really no con other than his songs being sold earlier but it didn't matter as the system would always have lots of them.

"Alright I'll tell them and I'll send you the contract once we hammer out the final details."

"Yeah and no rigging the votes tell that to them."


Woo-Jin left and Junho opened the computer and continued his day as he researched what trends were happening all around the world and what was popular right now in their country.


"Is there something else we would need?"

Woo-Jin asked Nayeon and Euri as he returned from meeting Junho, right now the division had almost 80 new members, he had personally selected them and overseen their internship over the months.

"Everyone's schedule is full."

Nayeon replied as she kept drawing, while Euri was watching on her phone, as she continued watching she suddenly had an idea.

"I have an idea."


Woo-Jin was curious, he liked people who gave ideas even though they might sound off a bit sometimes but it was still gladly welcome.

"Why don't we make an series of them you know taking a break, while they take a break we just shoot them having fun?"

"So you can enjoy too right?"

"That's right, plus."

Euri chuckled as Woo-Jin rolled his eyes.

"If we ask Junho he might tell his grandparents to rent out another amusement park or who knows what they'll rent out just for a series."

"Fine I'll bring it up."

"Or we could do a weekly episode with everyone"

"Junho is already busy with what was it called a Podcast? We can't keep telling him to do this."

"What I meant by everyone is it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone has to appear every week, well perhaps only on the first month to make people watch it, its different from being live when they feel like it."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea, well your in charge of it."


Woo-Jin smiled as he listed it on the office notes, he made sure to place notes on what she would do such as the planning and such.

"I'm a mere makeup artist!"

"Blame yourself for bringing it up now go and do work if you're confused about something you can ask me."

Euri grumbled as she continued watching while Nayeon laughed.

"And you, you're not off the hook either."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Plan where we'll go."


The office was lively as they kept exchanging ideas while the Idols were busy with their recording meanwhile Junho was playing downstairs in the training room.