Xingxing:Moona the cause is not us right?
Moona: I don’t know but I didn’t do anything.
Lily: Me too. I don’t tell my parent to do anything at all.
Moona: Can it be them????
Xingxing: Who????
Lily: I don’t think so.
Moona: Right I don’t think so as well even we friend but we not that important.
Xingxing: Did I miss something?
Moona:No you didn’t.
Xingxing: But you said them. Who?? Who is them?
Lily: Nobody xinger.
Moona: Yes don’t worry too much we are not the cause here.
Lily:But when she leave everyone is happy as she always bully the other students who study the lower class than her.
Xingxing: Lily I know but if it us that make her family became like this I feel really bad you know.
Moona: Xinger even if we the one who did it you don’t need to feel bad as they are the one who made a trouble with us.
Xingxing: But don't you think it too much if we are the cause that made her family bankrupt and made her moved to a new school.