
Alex leaned against the battered bricks of the outer school wall with his foot propped behind him. His suspension had started, but he refused to leave.

A girl with light brown hair bouncing on her shoulders strode past him, her blue eyes calming the soul of her admirers. He smiled as he appreciated the white blouse and blue jeans she wore, something about it made his heart race in his chest.

"Layla! How long did you get?" He didn't shift from his position on the wall as she passed, knowing that it wouldn't be necessary.

"A week! A full week," Layla screamed in delight as she responded.

'It's like she's on vacation, not suspension,' He thought, admiring her optimism.

"We both know he was nowhere near you… Why would you get yourself in trouble like that?" He stepped away from the wall and approached her, slowly closing the distance.

"Well… because… I like you, silly!" Layla glanced away for a moment as she twirled her hands together.

"What would I do without my best friend at school for an entire week?" She reached out to him and squeezed him tightly, causing him to turn an embarrassing shade of red.

He knew that her parents weren't the most strict parents in the city, but he wasn't sure how much time he would actually be able to spend with her. His new guardian, Jimmy, seemed to resemble his parents and their fondness for strict punishment. On the other hand, he left him to fend for himself at the start of his suspension.

"I'm sorry about what happened." The young girl squeezed him tighter, and he felt small droplets fall on his shoulders.

'Is she crying?'

His heart rate increased, and his hand started shaking. The boy was unsure how to reciprocate when she was the one comforting him.

"Layla… thank you." He placed his hand under her chin as he lifted her head up to look at her face to face.

The oceans sparkled as he caught a glimmer of hope in her gaze. A nervous feeling dwelled in the pit of his stomach. An eternity passed at that moment before he continued.

"Everything's been so crazy! I haven't even had a chance to talk about it!" The fact that Killian spilled the news for him was more painful than the punch had been.

"You should clean yourself up, you know…" She tried her best to choke back the tears as she let go of Alex and gestured toward his nose.

The blood had long since dried and only needed to be wiped off, but he had been… distracted.

[Alex, you need to be careful around her!

[You know that, right?]

'You need to shut up!'

Memories of them playing in the backyard as toddlers came to mind. He recalled the year they got the new swing set and how much fun the two had!

'She's been my friend forever.'

He had given his system a lot of trust today, but he knew it would never surpass Layla.

[She could be an enemy.]

He decided to ignore any further interference from the system and focus solely on enjoying his day with his friend. This was a rare opportunity now that they were getting older. They didn't get this chance often.

There was nothing extravagant they desired during their day out; instead, they chose to enjoy life.

The two visited a park they went to frequently as children and found an old basketball. Layla wasn't really dressed for a pickup game, her tight jeans restricting her movement, but that didn't stop them from having an intense shoot-out!

After a few hours of basketball and forgetting what the score was, the two found themselves strolling toward the river.

"Look what I've got!" She smiled, holding up a few crackers.

"You keep crackers in your school bag?" The boy couldn't help but chuckle. "How old are you?"

"Hey, a girl's gotta eat!" She laughed and smacked him on the arm playfully. "Want to quack at some ducks?"

"Everyone's at school, so no one will see us… Let's do it!"

As if they were toddlers again, the two were on their hands and knees at the riverbank, quacking in an effort to draw the ducks near. This proved futile, as neither one was able to persuade a single duck to join their side.

The park started to get crowded with students now that school had let out, and the couple decided to get away from everyone to spend more time together. They strolled the streets aimlessly before finding themselves back in Alex's old neighborhood.

The two of them had the same thought as they ran into the yard and rolled in the grass. Jimmy must have picked up the majority of the debris during the day, as everything looked to be in a better state than he remembered.

Laying on the lawn, the two just stared at the sky and watched the clouds, content with the companionship of each other. Their arms grazed each other, sending sparks through their bodies as they pointed to the various shapes in the sky.

As they entered Middle School, there was more social pressure for the girls to hang out with other girls and spend less time with boys—and vice versa. This day of uninterrupted bliss could only be a dream!

He was afraid that they were growing apart, but their similar mindsets today proved that they still shared a special bond. They could even bask in silence together happily.

He couldn't put it into words, but he trusted Layla.

Alex decided to call her a taxi when it got close to dinner time. The young man wanted to make sure his companion got home safe and wouldn't let her walk. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to make the entire trip with her because he would have to report home and face his punishment.

But, before the taxi arrived, Layla pulled him aside.

She directed him towards the old rusted swing set and gestured for him to sit down. The serious expression on her face made him sick to his stomach with nervousness.

"Alex, I didn't know when to tell you this, but I realized there wouldn't be a good time." Layla's excited and happy mood dampened before his eyes as her smile lost its brightness.

"My parents, they are jerks!" She sat on the other swing alongside him and tilted her head towards the ground. "Did you know that?"

"What do you mean? They've always seemed pretty supportive!" Not reading the mood, he dug a slight hole for himself as he responded.

"I mean, they let you stay out with me today, right?" He didn't want to rush to support her parents, but he couldn't understand her thoughts.


"I think they pity you…"

"Your parents passing away, I mean." She stood up and faced him; her eyes formed wet spots as she met him.

"Look, a lot has happened within the family." she grasped the chain of his swing, causing him to be still. Unable to maintain a direct stare, she averted her eyes.

"They want me to go to a private school. I don't think I'll be able to go to our school anymore…" Small sobs escaped her lips as she struggled to continue.

"They don't think it is safe." Tears dropped from her eyes as she wrapped both arms around his shoulders and buried her head in his chest.

Alexander's face turned a deep crimson as he nearly lost his balance. He didn't know how to respond as he tried to muster the courage to place his hands on her back in support.

"What do you mean not safe? Is it about the gas leaks?" Oblivious to the signs around him, Alex tried making sense of what she was saying.

His hand shook with nervousness as he placed it on Layla's upper back in support.

"I can't go into family matters so easily…" Her non-explanation was broken up by the sound of sobbing.

"I just wanted to have a wonderful day with you! I'll never forget you, and we'll still be able to talk." She refused to let go, even as the taxi was honking at the road calling for her to hurry.

"You have my number, my email, and my messenger, right?" She looked up into his eyes, seeing the tears forming on his face for the first time.

"You better call me, video chat me, and message me every single day!" Layla forced a smile, which lacked the beauty it showed all day.

"Promise?" her lips quivered as she muttered the word.

"I promise, Layla. Every day." Alexander closed his eyes, and his tears began streaking down his cheek.

He felt a peck on the lips and quickly opened his eyes. The only thing in his vision was Layla's back as she ran toward the car.

Alex fell backward off the swing.

He wanted to pursue her, but he didn't have the strength to move from the ground. He had so much on his mind from the conversation; it was like his feet weren't receiving the signal to move!