Welcome to the family, little brother.


[Name: Alexander Jackson]

[Race: Were-Rex]


[Dexterity: 8]


[Charisma: 8]

[Intelligence: 7]

Alex panted on a concrete floor, staring at his system not believing what he saw.

'Are you kidding me?' He asked the mischievous AI.

[What do you mean, Alexander?]

'Why didn't you tell me training would improve my stats overall?' The perplexed were-rex knew his stamina had increased by one point after his previous section, but for all statistics to go up by another point?

[I did warn that you'd grow stronger.]

'I didn't expect this,' he admitted.

Raising himself off the ground, he picked up his weights off the ground and carried them to the rack on the side of the room. He had been working out in Jimmy's basement, so he didn't want to leave it a mess.

He pulled his shirt off over his head and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge they installed at the base of the stairs.

A normal workout wasn't providing him with enough resistance, so Alex started including weights in his runs. After a day of training his control, he would complete his runs on a treadmill carrying as much as he could tolerate. He assumed this was the cause for his growth in stamina.

Unfortunately, he was stumped yet again, as he had to rethink his options. It turned out that he must have hit a milestone and the training to control his terramorphosis must have played a significant role in the increase of his attributes.

He finished his bottled water as he took his phone from the top of the refrigerator. He wasn't avoiding Vikki, so he felt the need to see if she messaged him.

In her last message, she had included a photo of herself in black satin and lace lingerie, which made Alex drop his empty bottle and turn flush with excitement.

Looking around nervously to make sure Jimmy wasn't anywhere to see the embarrassing shade of red on his cheeks, he picked up his bottle off the ground and threw it in the trash can. He still hadn't heard from Layla, which was starting to concern him.

He didn't feel good about lying to her about being out of town with Jimmy, but he didn't know how to explain his absence.

Trent sent a photo of the fireplace mantle that was installed in Alex's house, reminding him of the frustration from the other evening.

Not having received any messages from the brunette beauty, he decided to reach out to her.

It was a simple text, but he didn't want to seem pushy.

Putting his phone in his shorts pocket and heading upstairs with his shirt slung over his shoulder, Alex couldn't help but feel exhausted. He had pushed himself as hard as he could during these few days of training, and the break from Vikki had given him time to focus on himself.

"Congratulations Alex," Jimmy shouted as he punched the young man on the shoulder.

"You've managed to maintain control over the transformation!" The old man picked him up in a bear hug.

"It's my upper body and neck, what's the big deal?" Alex tried separating himself from the monstrous embrace.

It wasn't a huge transformation and it felt like slow progress to the were-rex, but his teacher refused to let him wallow in sorrow.

"Big deal? It's progress!" Jimmy smiled, "You've only just begun your training, you have years to continue , but you should be excited!"

Alex decided to sit down with Jimmy and have one last meal before he returned to Vikki's side. He had cooled off and was ready to have a relaxing night with his lover. He needed it after the extensive training

He cleaned up his old room before leaving, realizing that it would always be his second home. Jimmy didn't try to stop the young man, and gave him the space necessary. The young leader was finding his place in the world and it could only make the father-figure smile in delight.

Alex knew which hotel Vikki was staying in for the night, it would be the same one as always. It would be quite a walk near, but he didn't mind. As far as she knew, he wouldn't be back until later in the day, so arriving around sun down would work in his favor.

A little over an hour passed as Alex approached the giant monument in the sky that was the hotel. It was an extravagant building that lit up the night sky with ridiculous lights on their featured fountain. He couldn't mistake it, even though he still had to cross through an alley to finally arrive.

He stepped into the dark alley, and felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He checked the messages, choosing not to neglect his friends that may be contacting him. He had waited for a reply from Layla for awhile now, after all.

His eyes lit up the moment he saw the icon on Layla's name. It suddenly shifted from a one to a two, and quickly to a three…

'She must not be that mad,' he thought to himself as his thumb clicked her familiar portrait on his device.

At a loss for words, he stared at his phone for a moment. He recalled the promise they made when they were kids, and could help but feel he let her down. Even if she needed space, he should have been there for her.

Contemplating his response, he moved deeper and deeper into the alley, focused solely on the bright rectangle in his hand. He didn't notice the person in front of him until he bumped into him.

"Huh?" The young man looked up as he eyes adjusted to the dark surroundings once again.

"Seriously, it took you this long to come meet her? Maybe you're not as into my sister as I thought!" A cheerful, familiar voice left the dark sillouhette of the face that was in front of Alex.

"Killian?! What the hell! Man, You scared the shit out of me!" Alex wasn't scared as much as he was startled, but he didn't consider his response. "What are you doing out here?"

A vibrant red glow appeared in his friend's eyes as he responded, "I just wanted to welcome my little brother into the family…"