Prelude to the Trial of Sol

The Sacred Temple of Sol, it was a magnificent structure.

It was built with stones of numerous sizes. All of the stones looked old, but they were well-maintained with no evidence of filth or dust.

Some of the stones were colored with bright yellow paint. And luxurious yellow flags could be seen hanging around the temple, especially its entrance.

All of the flags had the same crest woven into them. It was a beautiful white sun on a yellow field.

The temple itself was built on an elevated stone platform. The platform was far wider than the temple.

Ultimately, the temple gave off an ancient and monumental feeling.

Marcius felt as if he was intruding on a consecrated land.

"I cannot follow you inside. You will have to continue the journey alone from here." Karla notified him.

"Thank you."

Marcius said as he took a closer step towards the temple, for the first time since Karla put down the barrier.

"Good luck."

Marcius heard Karla's voice, but he couldn't bother to look back. He was being overwhelmed by the sheer presence the temple was giving off.

'So, this is the temple of the strongest goddess in Rubrum.'

Before Marcius even noticed, he was passing through the entrance of the temple. It was a well-sculpted stone arch.

Starting from the arch was a long corridor leading to a single exit. The corridor was lengthy, but Marcius's sharp eyes could make out an opening at the end of it.

The walls of the extensive passage were decorated with more flags and breathtaking paintings.

Most of the paintings depicted war, battles and victories. There were also tragedies, death and destruction. But almost all of the paintings had a common trait.

They all showed humans fighting against dark, tall and demonic looking creatures. Some creatures walked on two legs, and some prowled on four limbs. And those creatures had blue tattoos and symbols covering their bodies.

Marcius knew what are those creatures.

The archenemy of the entire Rubrum.

The creatures of endless destructions. The devourers.

They were Tridons.

Marcius unhurriedly walked towards the exit as he slowly observed the drawings.

After a short moment, he reached the entrance out of the corridor.

The exit was connected to a larger opening. It was an enormous hollowed room, which Marcius guessed was located at the center of the temple.

At the middle of the room was a wooden totem. Large amounts of sun-like symbols were illustrated on the totem. It was about the same height as Marcius.

As soon as Marcius stepped into the room, the totem lit up.


A loud voice echoed throughout the room.

"You are now inside the premises of the trial ground of Sol, the goddess of Foresight, Knowledge, War and Victory. Those who have unknowingly stumbled upon the trial ground are advised to leave immediately. And for those who have come with the purpose of braving the difficulties and challenges of the trial, you are required to step closer to the center of the room."

Marcius walked towards the center as the voice directed.

When he arrived near the totem at the center, a yellow magic circle materialized below him, and the magic quickly started scanning Marcius's body.

'Well, I feel violated. This is like the freaking airport security.'

Marcius knew it was just checking his level of cultivation, instead of actually scanning his body. But he could not help how he felt.

"What?! You are without cultivation?!" The voice exclaimed.

"I am. What? Don't tell me I'm disqualified?" Marcius asked sarcastically.

He wasn't disqualified. The trial had no rules like that. And Marcius knew that.

He was just a little snappy after that fully body scan the totem performed.

"What? No. *Cough* *Cough* Of course not. This great one is just surprise you dare to come to the trial with no cultivation."

'This great one? You arrogant little sh*t. If I don't need to take the trial now, I would beat the crap out of you.'

Marcius thought, as he glared at the wooden totem in front of him.

"Anyway, this great one can feel that you have great physical strength. You still have hope. Now let this great one explains the rules of the trial to you."

Marcius's glare intensified. And the voice grew uncomfortable and quickened the explanation.

"The trial has three stages. The test of strength, the test of will and the test of heart."

'Is it just me or all the cultivation novels have almost the same type of trials and stages? Or is this just a really efficient and effective way of testing the challengers? Now that I'm living in the novel, this is awkward.'

Marcius thought with a frown.

(No, seriously. This author is just lazy. Sorry.)

"Only after passing the three stages of challenges, you will be regarded as having conquered the trial. And you will be rewarded appropriately according to your performance."

The voice continued.

"There are but few rules. There can be no outside help. Artifacts are allowed. You cannot stop once the trial has started. Only after successfully finishing the stages, or dying, the trial will be stopped. Now dear valiant soul, do you dare to brave the challenges ahead?"

"Yes. I am ready. Please start the trial." Marcius answered with conviction.

"Then! Let the trial of Sol begins!"

*** *** ***

Author Notes

Hello! MidnightMK here!

Finally! The trial is starting! It is Marcius's main goal of this entire expedition.

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