Plans and Discussions

Marcius's thoughts were running wild due to the new information he just obtained from Karla.

A normal archnide hive was bad enough. But one which had a queen that was magically evolved into being one?

That was going to be an absolute nightmare.

Marcius wanted to request the aid of Karla's village. Magic indeed made things so much easier.

But he couldn't. Marcius's future plans dictated that he needed to hide the existence of a village with helmeri.

They were his tramp card which would be revealed at the right time, and not a moment longer.

So, for the moment, he would have to make due with the reinforcements from his clan.

His grandfather, obviously, couldn't come. Tensions with the Sergia clan were at all time high back at the city. And Marcius's grandfather needed to stay within the clan compound as a deterrent.

Marcius's father also couldn't leave the city for the same reason.

So, Marcius wished at least his mother would come.

Marcius was slowly walking back towards his camp alone.

Karla had left to report back to her village. And the twins were just shadowing him unseen.

'Oh yes. I almost forgot.'

Marcius's hand flickered and a book appeared within his grasp.

It was another two stars skill book rewarded by the system.

When Marcius checked the contents, he found out that it was from the same series as the Movement of Gaea.

The name of the book this time was 'The Fiver Arts of Chaos: Part Two, Embodiment of Tartarus.'

From which Marcius could tell, the Embodiment of Tartarus was a barrier skill.

But unlike the other barrier skills, the Embodiment of Tartarus could be utilized for both defense and offense.

'So, this is effectively an AOE (Area of Effect) skill.'

Which was just convenient, because he was going to have to fight a swarm of demon spiders.

'It is like the system itself is telling me to go and kill some spiders.'

His gains were monumental today.

He got a sword embryo with probably a very strong ability. He got the next skill book from 'The Five Arts of Chaos' series.

He finally unlocked his cultivation. He might only be able to cultivate up to Spirit Elite realm because he didn't yet have a spirit beast, but the cultivation itself was very useful for Marcius now.

Some of his strongest attacks could be even more devastating with spirit energy.

He got chosen as the champion of the strongest goddess in Rubrum, and even got a powerful flame as a bonus.

Marcius also got a map which could point him towards the strong spirit beasts and precious treasures.

Add more bounty points to all of those above, Marcius felt like he just won a lottery.

'Well, I have been planning about this since my first day waking up in this realm, as a new Marcius. This much reward is reasonable.'

Marcius could tell he was getting close to the settlement due to trees that got fewer in numbers. He, himself, authorized the usage of some of the timbers around the camp for construction.

'Now, I just need to wait for the reinforcements and train like hell. With all of my newly acquired skills, I think I will be able to solo at least a cultivator of peak Foundation Lord realm.'

And Marcius could also imagine the juicy artifacts and bounty points he could get from clearing the archnide hive.

Unbeknownst to Marcius, there was a certain doom he needed to overcome even before he could get to clearing the archnide hive.

And that doom, was in the form of a worried, angry mother, who would not shy away from beating some sense into him.

*** *** ***

Karla was having a wild day.

First, she had to escort the Aemilia heir to the temple of the great goddess Sol.

The Aemilia heir was a strange man. He might seem laidback and relax, but she knew deep down that he was a force to be reckoned with.

Could one imagine? A man without cultivation could threaten a helmeri of her caliber?

In addition, he knew too much.

Which was why, back then and even now, Karla acted defensive towards the man.

Her mother's visions might have assured her that he was not a threat, but Marcius Aemilia was a stranger and an outsider.

But now, what she felt didn't matter. Marcius Aemilia had gained the mark of the great goddess and she and all the members of the village were dutybound to follow his leadership.

Besides, Karla figured that the goddess would not grant the mark to a person with villainous intentions towards her devout followers.

So, Karla would be serving Marcius Aemilia, for now.

For the moment, Karla was observing her mother argued with some of the elders of the village.

"Why should we make a decision that could change the fate of our entire village, based on the word of three little girls?!" One elder shouted.

"One of the girls you are referring to is my daughter. Please mind your tongue, elder."

Dina's cold tone managed to quieten down the old man.

"And the other two are Fall Priestesses of Master Wizard rank. They are one of the best. I do not think we have any reason to doubt their report." Karla's mother continued.

"But we still can't make a decision without confirming with our own eyes." A female elder complained.

"Which is why I am proposing a meeting with the Aemilia heir."

"It is too dangerous. It could be a trap." The previous old man said.

"Then what would you have me do? Kidnap him to the village so that we can confirm up close? That would mean war!"

Dina shouted back. Her patience was slowly wearing thin.

Karla could tell that anyone who open their mouth to complain to her mother next would be having a very bad day.

The elders seemed to realize the fact too. Hence, the quiet atmosphere.

Dina let out a sigh and slowly sat back down.

"I, myself, can confirm that the boy went into the temple of Sol. And he came back out, alive. That fact alone can warrant him our hospitality and aid. He. Is. Worthy." Dina said.

"I agree with village chief. The least we could do is to meet with him. Whatever happened in the temple, we can't deny the fact that he passed the trial. Only those who passes the trial can come back out alive, after all. Is he really the champion of our great goddess? We can decide that after the meeting with Aemilia heir."

One of the elder supported Dina.

Then, the discussions went on and on.

And Karla could already tell this was going to be a long evening.

*** *** ***

Author Notes

Hello! MidnightMK here!

Please leave comments and feedbacks. I really appreciate it.

Please enjoy the chapter! And please vote if you do!