The ‘Fruit’ of His Labor

Hello! MidnightMK here!

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Toros led Marcius towards a clearing at the edge of their settlement.

Although it was the edge, the location was still within the protective walls of the camp.

The clearing, especially, was well protected, with guards stationed around the four corners.

"This is the place, young master." Toros said.

It was the place where Toros had planted and cultivated the Crimson Sky Seed Marcius had entrusted him with.

Marcius could see that the ground in the clearing was red from all the blood that had been poured in.

He could also feel the high concentration of spirit energy around the area. It was probably due to the demon beast cores Marcius had ordered to be placed around the Crimson Sky Seed.

And the high concentration of spirit energy, in turn, produced an oppressive atmosphere with unnatural winds blowing from all direction.

If one didn't know the full story, they would think this is a cursed ground filled with malicious spirits.

What made the place more eerie was the large red tree at the center of the blood-soaked clearing.

The tree was without leaves. Its trunk was thin and tall. It branches were spreading in all directions.

In addition, the tree was covered with black tattoo like markings cross its entire surface.

The natural crimson color of its trunk and branches, combined with the black markings, gave it a terrifying sight.

Marcius slowly walked up to the red tree, without caring for the blood-filled ground.

When Aemilia heir reached the tree, he could see several demon beast cores resting at the base of the trunk.

Almost all the beast cores were yellow in color. But the orange beast core Marcius obtained from the Alpha Lycanis stood out from the rest.

With Marcius naked eyes, he could see that the spirit energy from the beast cores were readily being absorbed by the tree.

Marcius's hand touched the trunk of the tree. It felt soft, like he was touching the slime.

'Kio told me to eat the fruit. But I do not see the fruit.'

Indeed, the main protagonist of tonight's show, the Sky Crimson Fruit was missing from the scene.

Marcius could only see the tree and the branches, and no fruit in sight.

'Is the tree still not matured enough? It can't be. The spirit energy from the beast cores were almost depleted. And the blood on the ground was completely dried up. I'm sure I have fed this tree enough.'

Marcius thought with a frown as he slowly examined the red tree.

"Host needs to bleed on the trunk of Crimson Sky Tree. The tree is magically programmed to response to the contact with host's blood."

Kio's advice suddenly echoed inside Marcius's mind.

'Alright, bleeding it is.'

Marcius pulled out the Obsidian Edge.

It was an overkill, Marcius knew. But he didn't normally walk around with a kitchen knife in his storage ring.

He gently cut the palm of his left hand and let it bleed a bit.

Then, Marcius smeared the blood on the red trunk of the tree. All the while Toros silently watched from the sidelines.

The change was immediate.

The black colored markings of the tree lie up like it was a Christmas tree.

The branches slowly dried up and fell off.

And finally, the trunk itself spilt off, and from within the tree came out a deep red fruit.

'So, this is the Crimson Sky Fruit.'

Marcius lazily picked up the fruit and observed it closely.

The fruit was slightly bigger than a clenched fist.

It had a deep red color and instead of a fruit, it resembled a bunch of flower petals layered and packed tightly together.

Marcius could easily feel the great amount of spirit energy emitted by the fruit.

'By eating this, my cultivation will be boosted greatly. Maybe I should start right now.'

Marcius was already familiar with the presence of spirit energy within his body. And he was also already used to the cultivation base of an early Spirit Soldier realm.

So, it would make sense for Marcius to start advancing his cultivation.

"Tighten the security. Let no one come into the clearing, except for my mother. I'm going to cultivate."

Marcius ordered Toros, who was standing behind him.

"This one obeys."

Toros saluted and left to relay Marcius's orders.

Marcius actually gave out the order for appearance sakes.

As soon as Marcius entered the clearing, he had felt the Shadow Guards led by Ser John surrounded the area.

The Shadow Guards were stricter with their duties ever since Marcius came back from the forest.

'Maybe they also got chewed out by mother.'

Marcius sent a silent sorry for the hellish pain he had accidently unleashed upon the Shadow Guards.

Marcius slowly sat down on the red grasses, not minding the blood that stained his robes.

Of course, he could just bring this fruit back to his tent and cultivate there in a comfortable environment.

But there would be too much eyes and questions. If news got out that he had a miracle fruit that could boost cultivation greatly, the consequences would be problematic.

In contrast, the clearing was safer. The guards were not so daring to blatantly observe him.

And the area was guarded tightly by the Shadow Guards.

If anyone would find out that Marcius had advanced in cultivation realm very fast within a day time, he would prefer they didn't exactly know how he did it. Kept them guessing.

Thus, a little blood on simple robes was a worthy sacrifice.

Marcius reluctantly put the fruit in front of his mouth, and bit into it.

It was bitter, and felt like he was eating raw meat.

Marcius let out a disgusted grunt.

'Why do effective medicines always taste bad?'

Marcius forced himself to swallow and took a bite again.

Every time he took a bite, Marcius felt the amount of spirit energy suddenly going up within his body.

It did not feel like a momentary boost. Marcius felt an increasing amount of spirit energy began circulating around his body.

The feeling of excess spirit energy pushed the feeling of disgust to the back of his mind.

As of now, Marcius was practically overflowing with spirit energy.

The Aemilia heir finished the last bits of the Crimson Sky Fruit and entered into a mediating stance.

"Now, time to cultivate."

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