Merchant’s Vow

Right in front of Marcius currently was the already plowed plot of land ready to be planted with the seeds of the Ruby Apples. And if the Flavic Sector were to put those apples on the market, the economy of the entire county would be raised to new heights.

The only problem with the plan was that everyone else could just buy the apples, take the seeds out and plant the delicious trees on their own. And that would surely destroy the monopoly the Flavic Sector was going to have over the Ruby Apples within a few months of time. Worse still, the Ruby Apples did not have any requirements or soil conditions for them to be planted successfully. Thus, everyone with a plow and a plot of land could just take the seeds and plant them.

Thus, Marcius was here to fix the problem.

The land in front of him was yet to be planted with the apples of the gods, and it was empty. It was exactly the condition Marcius needed to execute his plan.