Marcius’s Performance

Marcius looked around the chamber and took note of the many expressions the elders were making, especially the anger on the face of the old bastard known as elder Khalid.

As he turned around, Marcius could also see the shocked expressions of Lady Sabbargh and her daughter. Although Nathenial and the twins just looked exasperated at his antics. And to be fair to them, Marcius had indeed made a huge mess of the entire Flavic village with his entrance.

But statements had to be made and Marcius was sure now was the time to make certain that the Flavic village would never be a thorn in his side for the coming future. He had other things to worry about and could not afford to look over his back every time the people of the Flavic village wanted to stage some little stunts.

And thus, the grand entrance.

Marcius swiftly adopted a bored expression on his face as he brushed away the nonexistent dust from his shirt.