Obstacles along the Journey of Cultivation

Marcius looked at the God Sword Michael in his hand as he contemplated.

This sword, it was the spirit weapon that had been with him since the moment he had bought it as the simple black sword 'Obsidian Edge' from Bounty Hunter System. Then, Marcius got the Sword Intent from Master Teo as a reward for completing sort of a bonus stage in the trial of Sol. He combined the Sword Intent with the Obsidian Edge and the end result was this sword 'the God Sword Michael.'

It was his sole spirit weapon and contained one of the strongest offensive abilities within his arsenal, the Sword Intent.

The ability to never miss a target.

And if he were to train it diligently, the Sword Intent would also evolve in such a way that it could be able to cut through everything, even conceptual aspects such as time and space. They were very terrifying abilities and had insane potential.

And he had just pushed it to the corner of his training plans.