A Deep Discussion

Marcius looked toward the duke he owed his allegiance to, since he excepted his liege lord to start the conversation first. It clearly would not be him who started the talk.

But Caelus Farnese just looked at him for a while without saying anything. And after a moment, the duke let out an inaudible sigh and started speaking.

"To be honest, Marcius Aemilia, I do not know how to start this conversation with you. You are an enigma for the people of the northern regions. Almost everyone envied your sudden rise to power and influence. They saw that the Aemilia clan had slowly transformed into a strong player within the Farnese dukedom… my dukedom. But at the same time, no one understood how you were able to reach such a position just within a very few years of time." The duke spoke as he picked up the jar that contained the red wine from his table and poured two glasses for both of them

Then, he handed one to Marcius.