The Soulless Assassins

The reason for Marcius's apparent shock was the situation his foe was in. Previously, the sword of the Aemilia heir managed to deeply cut into the middle portion of the assassin's body. But instead of reeling and suffering in pain, the enemy kicked him in the stomach in return and sent him flying.

And now, as he looked up, the vision that welcomed him was not one he excepted.

Instead of the blood and opened wound, as well as possibly some internal organs coming out, what Marcius saw were the sight of broken metal ribs and other mechanical pieces. Some fragments of what seemed to be previously a metallic shell had now broken down. And amongst the broken pieces of metal, was some sort of peculiar yellow liquid dripping through them.

Yes. What Marcius was currently witnessing was the broken stomach of a robot, or similarly a mechanical being of the same kind.