The Pieces are Falling into Place

Spirit energy flared within his body as Marcius focused on the piece of metal in front of him. It was a metallic plate made from black iron, which was a large step up from normal iron.


With a shout, Marcius's fist - which had been in a ready stance - shot forward in lightning speed. The fist hit the surface of the plate with precise swiftness and power.

The abnormal thing was that, despite hitting the metal with a fist powered by spirit energy, the collision between the flesh and the material did not produce a loud sound.


A simple and restrained sound was produced. And Marcius waited as he did not pull away the fist.

And within seconds, a seemingly impossible thing happened. Cracks started to appear on the surface of the black iron plate. And in the next moment, the metallic plate broke apart with force, just like some kind of explosion occurred from the inside of the said plate.
