Siege of Purple Sun Hill (4)

The assault of the Aemilia clan on the headquarters of the Order of Purple Sun was brutal, to say the least.

No, even the word 'brutal' would be sugarcoating it.

This battle to end the conflict between the two groups once and for all had been one of the bloodiest battlefields the entire Solas Empire had seen in the last few centuries. Although the political chaos that the Solas Empire had been suffering for a while now, with the rivalry between the royal family and the dukes of the empire, there had been surprisingly few conflicts within its borders.

And this was the first time in a very long while that such a brutal conflict broke out. All of the clans of the northern dukedom that were neighboring the Mediolan county, the Kerther lowlands, and the Purple Sun Hill had been monitoring the war from the start till this moment. Both the Aemilia clan and the Order of Purple Sun knew this, but they just did not care for the vigilance of their neighbors.