Wind Riding Wolf

I kept waiting at the tree top for my targets to come near me and now they were at the range of my normal sight, which meant that it was time to initiate my plan.

My first preys were here for me to hunt them, I was so excited after all this was going to be my first fight in this magical world.

"Okay let's initiate plan Help the Rhino Baby!!"

The wolves were too busy chasing their own prey that they didn't mange to notice me and as soon as they reached just below the tree that I was staying on I acted.

I used [Flash Lv.1] which was a skill that allowed me to tackle someone with super speed and electrocute them.

My body was now covered in purple lightning and I could feel that my speed had increased by leaps and bounds and I used it to dart towards the alpha.

The wolf noticed me before I could reach him and he tried to dodge but my attack was too fast and I was able to hit a direct blow.

As soon as I tackled him I also used the skill [Poison Fang Lv.1] at the same time inflicting him with poison.

All the wolves jumped from my position to create some distance between us.

The alpha was angrily growling at me blood red eyes.

The other wolves were going to attack me all at once, but before they could, the alpha stopped them with a bark.

I must've hurt his pride to make him do such a thing, he must've thought that if he didn't defeat me by himself then his name will go down in the mud.

The alpha barked again and told the wolves to do something but they were a little hesitant, so he barked once again but louder.

The pack didn't had any choice and they moved back to give us some place to battle.

I was not planning to battle one on one with the alpha, but I guess it's okay.

"The lesser the better!"

The alpha after seeing the arrogance in my expression became even more angrier and completely resolved to put me in my place by defeating me.

It was not going to be a tough fight as his HP was already at 12 and the poison was slowly decreasing it.

We both prepared our skills ready to battle.

The wolf decided to take the opening shot and came at me walking in air very fast.

Two blades of air formed beside him and came crashing down at my position.

I tried to dodge but one of the blades was able to hit my tail.

It hurt a lot, but I couldn't stop and scream in pain.

The wolf appeared in front of me, out of nowhere and bit me.

This hurted more than the blade, I didn't thought about the pain that I will have to feel when I was making the plan.

I tried to get out of his mouth, but he wouldn't let me.

"How the heck is he so strong????"

"Aren't you supposed to be weak after all you're injured???????"

"I need to get out of his grasp, it hurts a lot, but how??"

Then a skill came to my mind.

I used [Shock Lv.1] and my body was again covered in purple lightning, but this time there was no increase in speed.

This skill can only be used to electrocute and it did just that.

The alpha was electrocuted and the insides of his mouth had a very bad burn.

The alpha's HP was now at 6 and mine was at 17.

"Yeah 17!! I know if only I used [Shock Lv.1] sooner then it wouldn't have been so lower"

Blood was still coming out of my wounds and it was also slowly decreasing my HP.

I knew that I had to end this fast, but the question was how?


Your skill [Rugged Scale Lv.1] leveled up!

"Not the right time system!"

The alpha was growling at me and came at me again and this time he created four blades of wind which came crashing down.

I was prepared this time and not panicking like before.

I was able to dodge every single one of the blade using [Flexibility Lv.1] which allowed me to mold my body in any way possible.

The wolf was shocked a little bit at seeing my skill but it was only for a moment and it was again replaced by anger.

I activated [Flash Lv.1] again and lunged towards the wolf head on who was mid air and coming at me.

He didn't tried to dodge like the last time, instead a cross shape blade of air formed in front of his body and his speed also increased.

Both of our skills clashed into each other furiously.

His wind versus my purple lightning!

Wind blades and sparks of purple lightning were being thrown everywhere.

We were at a draw for a moment, as we were both putting our all into this.

But my lightning ended up having the upper hand in this battle.

It overthrew the wind and made the alpha's body throw back a few meters.

My body was also covered with lot of cuts and blood was spurting out and my HP was now at 5.

He was still alive but was unconscious now.

I just neede to use one skill to end this battle.

I moved towards him, but before I could the five wolves which were ordered by the alpha came between us.

The bowed down to me as if they were pleading to spare their leader, they were whimpering at the same time, probably because they were afraid of me.

I didn't knew what to do now.

"Should I kill them????"

"Or should I spare them???"

As I was thinking of what to do with them, an idea came to me.

I decided to use the skill [Soul Skill: Tame Lv.1] on them.

This will not only make me strong but also give me six loyal monsters that listen to me.

So I used it and the bodies of the wolves started to glow in purple light.

And suddenly my systems screen was bombarded with various notifications .


Congratulations on defeating a Wind Riding Wolf!

You acquired 8 XP!

Congratulations on taming a Wind Riding Wolf!

A Forest Wolf has submitted himself to you!

Congratulations on taming a Forest Wolf!

A Forest Wolf has submitted himself to you!

Congratulations on taming a Forest Wolf!

A Forest Wolf has submitted himself to you!

Congratulations on taming a Forest Wolf!

A Forest Wolf has submitted herself to you!

Congratulations on taming a Forest Wolf!

A Forest Wolf has submitted herself to you!

Congratulations on taming a Forest Wolf!


You acquired the skill [Telepathy Lv.1]!

You acquired the skill [Automatic HP Regeneration Lv.1]!

You acquired the skill [Wind Blades Lv.1]!

You acquired the skill [Tackle Lv.1]


You acquired the title [Pack Member]!

You acquired the title [Alpha]!


Your skill [Soul Skill: Tame Lv.1] leveled up!


Your skill [Soul Skill: Tame Lv.2] leveled up!

I got a bunch of skills and titles and also a few XP for defeating the alpha.

And I also became the alpha myself.


I didn't expected this much from taming them, but good for me I guess.

My wounds also started to heal but at a very slow pace, most probably because I got the skill [Automatic HP Regeneration Lv.1].

And I also got [Telepathy Lv.1], which should allow me to communicate with others, but this skill also has a downside, I will be the only one able to communicate and the other won't be able to unless they this skill or able to talk normally.

But wait a minute, all these wolves have the same skill, so I should be able to communicate with them.

I prepared myself for talking for the first time in my second life, I was so nervous and don't ask me why, I just was even though I used to talk in my previous life.

I was easily able to talk to that Akito dude, I should be able to talk to some wolves, I reassured myself.

"Hey! How are you??" I asked them and they raised their head in shock that I wa Sable to communicate with them.

The only thing I could think at that time was why the heck did I ask them that? I just nearly killed their leader, then make them bow to me and I also kind of enslaved them without their permission, ofcourse they're not okay.

Those wolves were still a bit afraid of me.

"You don't have anything to fear now, I won't kill you I promise!" I said to them.

"Really?" one of the wolves said.

"You won't kill us??" the second wolf asked.

"You promise???" the third wolf asked.

"Stop asking questions!!" the fourth wolf said reprimanding the first three.

"We thank you with all our heart" said the fifth wolf bowing down

"Thank you for sparing us" said the fourth following the fifth one and bowed down.

"THANK YOU!!" the first three shouted and bowed down following the suit of others.

"You don't have to bow, it feels weird" I said to them and i can't tell how much nervousness I was feeling at the time and all these wolves bowing didn't helped that much.

"Thank you!" the fourth wolf said to me in a very servile tone.

"You don't have to talk like that, you can talk normally if you want" I said after hearing their tone.

"But we feel like we should talk to you like this" said the fifth wolf in the same servile tone.

"Yes, we've never felt the need to talk like this even with our alpha, but with you it's different" said the first wolf.

I started to wonder if this was some side effect from my taming skill and I started to think if I can do anything about it.

"Why don't you try talking to me like you used to do with your alpha?" I asked them.

"We will do as you please, from now on we'll talking like we used to do with our alpha" said the fourth wolf.

"Yes we'll do that from now on" said the fifth wolf .

"YEAH!!" the first three wolves said in unison.

"That's the spirit!" I said to ghe three wolves.

"By the way, why were you chasing that rhinoceros baby?" I asked them.

"We were hunting!" the three wolves replied.

"Our alpha had just recently evolved a few weeks back, so he was testing out his strength" said the fourth.

"The baby is still near us, it's hiding behind that bush, I can still smell it" the fifth one said.

"Really?" I asked in surprise as I thought it must've ran far away from us.

I went towards the bush and found out that the rhinoceros baby was laying unconscious on the ground, probably because it was injured and tired from all that running.

"Do you've any place to go back to?" I asked to the wolves.

"Our cave is not far from here, we can take you there" said the fifth.

"But we're a little worried about our alpha, will he be okay?" the fourth one asked me.

"Yeah he'll be okay, after all he has a HP regeneration skill, he just needs some rest" I answered after all I can clearly see that his HP was increasing slowly.

They were shocked by my reply and i started to wonder if I said something that I shouldn't have.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"How can you tell that he has that skill?" the fifth one asked.

"Oh that! its because of a skill" I replied.

"We've never heard about a monster with an analyze skill, we've only heard tales about two legged furless creatures using them but never monsters " the fourth one said.

I started to thank those two figures for giving me such a powerful skill and also apologized to them for beign such a brat to them before.

"Oh so that's how it is! Can you do me a favour and keep this as a secret?" I asked them politely because I didn't wanted teh news of some monster using a skill that it shouldn't get out.

"Yes we'll do as you wish" said the fifth one.

"Yeah sure!" the three wolves said in unison

"I promise that your secret is safe with me" the fourth one said.

"Thank you, so let's get going to your cave after all it's getting dark and can you do me a favour and bring this rhino along with us?" I asked.