Chapter 1

"Yay! Congratulations on finally escaping!"

As soon as the lady walks out of the airport, a sudden weight pulls her into a back hug.

Turning around a bit the lady tilted her head over, she could see the lady smiling so pretty, that her face was pleasing to the eye.

"Little Mil"

The woman hearing her name called so delightful, raise her head a bit looking at the lady still penetrating with her smile "Candy love, you haven't changed a bit huh?"

Emily Scott lets go of the lady's body as she scans the lady from up to the toe complete, the lady wore a mink fur coat with a black vintage dress inside.

Smiling bitterly Emily Scott complains "He, even the way your foolish traditional family dress hasn't changed at all Miranda Sean"

Miranda Sean low her head and pushed her golden round-shape chain framed glasses back to the edge of her nose, making her look pale and dull as she could get "Emily, don't suck me too dry or else..."

Miranda Sean raised her head her eyes reflecting the still dull expression but for Emily, it was a different story her body flicked stepping back a little "I'm sorry"

Miranda is a good friend of hers since childhood, only she understood this lady's pale appearance better than anyone.

Although they have had separated ways since high school term for about eight years now they were still inseparable.

Emily grab Miranda's suitcase and walk away while Miranda followed behind with her hands behind her back, her eyes with a serenity smile, and she reckoned 'It's snowing again!'

She finally analyses this city was different from hers if Emily haven't warned her to wear a coat before arriving she might have frozen a long time ago.

"Candy love, where do you plan to go?"

"To my residence," Little Mil revolves around her with an unbelievable expression which made Miranda chuckle slightly, it was worth entertaining to see such an expression on her friend's lovable facial.

"You're joking right" letting go of the suitcase she grabs both Miranda's arms in disbelief, berating "You know very well hearing you coming to my city I will turn down Scott villa upside for only you"

"Why the hell did you go around booking a residence I even cleared the extra room for you with my own two hands, candy love you're been too cruel to me"

Miranda tilted narrowly staring deep into the girl's teary eyes, yes she knows very well the spoiled brat friend will go to that extent but then she was also silly not to think of the possibility of 'Those people'.

"Little Mil your cuteness always makes me love you even more but also makes me worry about you, have you forgotten escaping to you wasn't that easy"

"Also many of them already know my relationship with you, if they should come after me you will be the first suspect of my escape routine" Miranda calmly explained as she extends her palms weeping Emily's tears softly.

Surmise with Miranda's explanation she nods, "Fine I forgive you, but then you've to repay me"

"What do you want?"

Emily links her arm to Miranda acting innocent "Candy love as a thank you gift have dinner with my elder brother after all he was the one who dared to help you escape"

Miranda raises an eyebrow fixing her eye on her friend's own, she sighs Little Mil wasn't wrong at all without her elder brother's support to help out in their plans she might never have a chance to flee.

"Sure you aren't wrong I need to thank him... But then you better not cook something up your sleeves"

"Eh? I promise I won't scheme anything" Emily sticks her tongue playfully promising Miranda.

As expected no one knows her better than her family and candy love.

Emily and Miranda walked straight to the flashy sports car Miranda couldn't help but ask while she sat inside "Who the hell gave you a car?"

"Why are you asking you're looking down on me?!"

"As long I could remember uncle isn't that crazy to give you such an expensive car for fun"

Miranda responded indifferently, Emily glanced at Miranda then turned her head back, and start the engine.

"I told elder brother I was picking you up so he gave me the car."

"Candy love my brother is treating you well, so you better treat him the same in return"

Miranda didn't reply she only stare at the road caring no less.

To treat him the same way he chose to treat her is little Mil kidding to her...

Emily drove around the city with the two ladies comfortable in the car enjoying the peace of the streets.

It was already noon when Emily Scott dropped her at her residence and vroomed away, indeed Miranda found the city small in composing to hers yet it was bustle and amicable.

Miranda lay on the bed in the hotel, staring up at the ceiling, unaware tears rolled down from her pitiable eyes, wiping her tears Miranda sneered.

Her lips smoothly uttered sounding bitter "I hate you all..."

It was already evening when Miranda's phone vibrate cease her from her sleeping state.

Flashing through the screen of the phone, she scans through the message.

Miranda sighed heavily, it was nothing but the disturbing Emily message "Don't forget about the thank you gift, meet my brother at DM cafe located close to you, love you"

Miranda couldn't help but imagine the sneaky girl's grin face, she was cooking something up.

Miranda strode to the bathroom, done cleaning herself she picks up a dress soon again her phone vibrate flashed with another message "Candy love hurry up, my brother will soon arrive at the location"

Discerning whom the message was from Miranda throw her phone on the bed a bit annoyed, Emily is becoming more and more impatient she truly doesn't like it when she try to scheme mischief on her.

Miranda slowly took off her towel and put on the white knitted long sleeve turtleneck dress. She sweeps her ebony wavy medium-length hair into a messy french twist comfortable, as for her facial Miranda spent only a few minutes on a light makeup picking up a nude lipstick to fit the undertone of her skin, she gracefully walkout.

"Miss be careful on your way out, the city is becoming quite the talk of the town this days!"

Miranda slightly grin noding her head to the doorman of the lodge while putting in her coat, she thanked him "Thank you for the warning."

"N-No problem" the doorman lower his head flustered with embarrassment indicating his obvious shy personality.

The chill night breeze blew unpleasantly, suffice the cold winter weather Miranda moves further and soon approaches the location sent by Emily a while ago.

Suddenly, the undeniable coldness exudes through her entire body, with her realizing a sense of unbearable trouble feeling, the feeling...

Was no other than the feeling of being watched by someone...