The Meeting

David's POV

"Ok guys, finish your kata and then do 3 laps around the mat for a cool-down then line up in zarei". (martial arts sitting position). I clap to them to get the attention of the 11 different aged students of my mixed martial arts class that is held in the community youth centre here in Crystal Lake.

I go snatch my water bottle and guzzle some down because it's hot as balls in this room right now even with the ceiling fans on and the windows open. I start walking to the front of the room and sit facing the class in zarei and fill them all in on what will be happening in the next class which is next week, it's only a small town we can't do more than one class a week.

Ah well, it is what it is. At least I get the time that I do and I get to do classes down at Elgin twice a week as well. Dismissing class with our final bows I get up and see everyone off then head to the locker room to shower so that I can head home to some glorious air conditioning. Oh I can't wait. I can feel that coolness on my skin already.

When I get to the locker room I start to strip my off my shorts and shirt and of course my grundy undies as my friend from Downunder likes to call them. Throwing my sweaty clothes on the chair and get my clean clothes out of the locker and my soap and shampoo I head to the shower and turn that sucker on cold because damn that feels good.

Yeah it's stings a bit at first but damn it feels good when your body adjusts to it, stick your head under and all of the heat gathering points in your body like arm pits and groin feel amazeballs under that cool spray when you're scorching your ass off. I quickly wash myself and just stand there cooking myself off, the summer months here in the Midwest really are killer i sigh internally.

What I wouldn't give to move somewhere cold like Canada or Alaska or ooh I know, Tasmania. I hear it's lovely. And tiny and shaped just like a v-jay jay. What could be better than that? Mmmm yeah I think I've decided on my ideal destination for retirement. I nod my head to myself. I at least think I am funny.

Eventually I know that I can't keep putting it off and I shut off the water and towel myself dry, get dressed and head out to the front.

As I'm coming out of the lockers with the wet towel around my neck and drying my still damp hair I look up and am nearly knocked over by what I see standing in front of me at the advertisement board.

Holey smokes who let Aphrodite out of Olympus? Standing right there is a 5 foot 6 inch a burn haired temptress with an S line figure to die for and although I haven't seen all of her face yet I bet that if I do I might just die.

I quickly reach up and close my own hanging mouth scared that I will catch flies with it. My heart is banging in my chest and I feel like that crazy guy in The Mask right now.

Ooh I gotta pull myself together and go see if she needs help so I shake my head to readjust my mental capacity alignment and once that's sorted I trot over while throwing the towel in the wet towel bin, totally missed but I will deal with that later. Maybe. Sssh.

As I approach her I breathe in her scent and omg she smells like honeysuckle, don't ask me how I know this, I just do. It's a long kept secret that I'm never divulging EVERRRR.

I gently clear my throat and ask her "Hey, can I help you with anything?".

Because even though I'm internally a knucklehead, I definitely can't let her see that! I am normally not as enthusiastic about people let alone people so for me to have a reaction to her is pretty big for me.

When she turns her head I see the most stunning almond shaped eyes with long lashes I have ever seen. She's beautiful. I feel like my breathe has been knocked out of me. After about five seconds I finally shudder a breathe into my lungs as she looks into my eyes and says "Oh hi, yeah I'm new to town and am just checking through the ads to see what classes are running and what happens here".

She looks me up and down then asks me "Are you one of the instructors here?". I cross my arms and look at her then reply "Yeah I run the MMA class. This is the flyer here. It runs for an hour once a week. Your welcome to come check it out next week if you want. No charge for the first class".

As hot as she is, it's one thing I won't mess with, my business.

"Most of the classes offer a first class free trial so that you can get a feel for it first, so there is no pressure on which one you choose", I tell her as I give her a little grin.

I do hope she takes up the class not just for my financials but also because of the visuals, damn she's fine. I give her another once over and bite my lip as she glances back at the board looking at the other classes.

"Ooh what's this then? Belly dancing? What is belly dancing?" She asks as she looks over at me over her left shoulder. Her auburn hair hanging loose and falling to mid back with some of still on her shoulder and it makes my fingers itch to fix it for her. The clash of colour of her rich red hair against the forest green hoodie that she's wearing is so eye catching.

"You don't know what belly dancing is? Hmmm how do I explain this? It's a kind of dancing that shakes your hips? With lots of bells and jangly stuff? Argh I'm not doing a real good job of explaining it haha". My face kind of crumbles in embarrassment as I give up trying to tell her. But at least she has a bright smile on her face that lights up the whole room. Wow. I can't help but smile with her.